Hey look on the bright side, if they keep porting stuff this gen, at least next gen they will have to come up with something original as there won't be much to port! Unless they port the ports >_>
Well you could buy Bloodborne now on PS4 or wait until the Restored Edition on PS5 at 1920x1080, shooting for 60fps and not have so much bloody shader aliasing that it feels like your eyes are being gouged out. Same goes for any new title release this gen and if Playstation Now takes off you can forget about backwards compatibility. That along with the trend of remasters, a wealth of end users have shown that they're quite happy to pay for the same titles again and again and again and again why on earth would you bother spend money on functionality when you could divert that to recoup even more.
Says me who's the first muppet to buy any late port that turns up on Steam. I even bought Sleepy Dawgs Deffo Edition knowing full well what the score was and that the gains over the initial, perfectly serviceable PC version were marginal at best. Still waiting for the day Lighting Returns goes up to purchase despite owning it on PS3