Why are you guys all linking these things?
I don't see any discount on them =/

Why are you guys all linking these things?
I don't see any discount on them =/
Why are you guys all linking these things?
I don't see any discount on them =/
I'm hoping for Littlewitch Romanesque and Cho Dengeki Stryker
Well, the Summer Sale is region locked to Brasil, Germany, Argentinia and Sri Lanka this year.Why are you guys all linking these things?
I don't see any discount on them =/
You need to craft the mystery badge to be able to see the discounts.Why are you guys all linking these things?
I don't see any discount on them =/
Any particular ones you had in mind?
Question, want to get Half-Life 2: Episode 2 for a friend, it's on sale on the UPlay shop... Would it be a Steam key, or some weird UPlay version of Half-Life 2: Episode 2?
Took nuuvem 28 hours to give me the key for the new eu4 expansion.
If you buy Littlewitch on JAST USA you'll get the uncensored version and I think you get a free Steam key. As for Stryker I'm not sure if you'll get a Steam key if you buy it on MangaGamer.
Fruits of Grisaia, little witch Romanesque, and Princess Evangelie would be the bigger titles. The rest on my wish list are smaller fare I want to take a gander at as well. Quite enjoy the shorter stories in a way to the 50+ hour epics.
Took nuuvem 28 hours to give me the key for the new eu4 expansion.
I recommend buying the non-steam versions so you get the uncensored content. I know Romanesque at least comes with a Steam key. Not sure about Princess Evangile. Obviously the 18+ version of Grisaia isn't out yet, so you'd have to wait for that.
Really hope Ys VI gets a nice discount then my collection will be complete.
I'd do that if they weren't so much more expensive
*sigh* you and me both Grief. Prince of Persia better go on sale.Older UbiSoft titles better go on sale this time
Rainbow Six
Prince of Persia
just realized I will miss the first hour of the sale probably![]()
just realized I will miss the first hour of the sale probably![]()
What could possible be more important?just realized I will miss the first hour of the sale probably![]()
It had one on GoG, so I'm hoping for a similar drop(or more) on Steam.
fantomena posts are only related to fantomena
Nothing will work for the first hour anyway
But you won't even miss anything but maybe a price mistake
But you won't even miss anything but maybe Lego Worlds and Dark Souls 2 at 90%off
Really hope Ys VI gets a nice discount then my collection will be complete.
I dunno though, I usually fee I don't need the 18+ stuff. Both Nekopara and Eden* were good examples of not really needing it. Being implied works well enough.
Valves servers in the beginning of the first hour
Question, want to get Half-Life 2: Episode 2 for a friend, it's on sale on the UPlay shop... Would it be a Steam key, or some weird UPlay version of Half-Life 2: Episode 2?
Don't rush to pick it up unless you're dying to play it, or the sale price is really good. It's solid enough, but it doesn't really compare to Oath or Origin. I wasn't really feeling any of the bosses, and I personally had to do a decent bit of grinding.
thank goodness for mobile app during sales
JaseC is making the thread and he swore on his mother's life to update it every single day at the exact minute
so, all 3 of you who are reading the OP daily, you did it, you chose a bad but on time thread opposed to cool banners and terminator gifs
The PoP games are 75% off on GOG right this moment, DRM-free and everything.*sigh* you and me both Grief. Prince of Persia better go on sale.
Even more bitterness now. Even though I can't even redeem it yet if I had the key anyway. Can you post the link to its store page?
HIGH FIVE!!brofist.jpeg
This guy, he knows what's up!
subscription games are one of the oddest things in gaming imo. I simply cannot grasp my mind around people paying $40+ on a game and then paying more money monthly to keep playing. its like any day that I don't play the game I just wasted some money. Now you can argue ps+ and gold charge to play online, but while I'm against locking online behind a paywall(especially sony since it used to be free and now they charge but the online isn't any better than the ps3 imo) at least both offer you access to new games monthly and the online is for all your games, not just one. Also, you gotta pay for the expansions too in those subscription mmos? like son, wtf? seriously don't understand why anyone would agree to those terms. Buy to play or fuck off as far as I'm concerned.Screw that. I want a Final Fantasy XI/XIV sale so I can buy themand never play them because of sub fees. DOHOHOHOHO
thank goodness for mobile app during sales
I might buy Black Flag if it's a 75% off. But I don't know how well would run on my config. Truth is, now we have refunds.
I switched to WF and use a gimped version of ES but just so you know, for the sale period I'll be booting up Canary fairly often just for that ES-goodness. Better read some prayers on your servers, I can't be the only oneAlso, Enhanced Steam's servers during that same time frame. Please try to exercise patience.
What have you planned for the sale thread bud? Give sneak-peak pleaseThere are no Uplay versions of third-party games. There are Origin versions of DMC and Pillars of Eternity for some reason, though.