do you have Sleepy Doggs definite edition also?
I don't have that and Life is Strange.
no one reads my posts ; _ ;
do you have Sleepy Doggs definite edition also?
I don't have that and Life is Strange.
no one reads my posts ; _ ;
This will only lead to disappointment. Lara: Osiris could be in there though.
This might not be a beaten horse question now but why is there suddenly a 10 pages worth of post in less than 24hrs. Another Price mistake?
This might not be a beaten horse question now but why is there suddenly a 10 pages worth of post in less than 24hrs. Another Price mistake?
So when digital sales are taken in consideration this is how UK Chart looks like
I swear I'm done this time. Thank you all for staying awake!
i woke up really disappointed today. you see, i was dreaming about playing this game and was really having a blast with it, then i woke up just to realize that it was merely a dream and that LEGO RED DWARF isnt a real thing..........
Isn't there some sort of gizmo lying around someplace that can make it happen? And if not (punches hand) why not?!
I am ready
I just bought Cities, still waiting for my PoE key.Good month for Paradox, huh?
don't go there, just trust me on this, I have headache because I tried and don't ask what that was about, you don't wanna know, seriously you don't
PoE giveaways, lots of them
it can be steam related, Xseed hints on Yster announcement.
it can be steam related, Xseed hints on Yster announcement.
it can be steam related, Xseed hints on Yster announcement.
I liked this thread better when I could got to sleep without missing everything. Can we go back to complaining about being in community and nobody liking us? I mean Ozium playing Godus, that ain't healthy.
no one reads my posts ; _ ;
I really want Xseed to finish Trails SC before starting anything else, also I still await for Trails TC announcement, still waiting and waiting and waiting and
well, you got the gist
it can be steam related, Xseed hints on Yster announcement.
Ys 6 is really overdue.
Pity Konami won't probably let them release the PC version. :\
Just got an invite from a private profile
Konami published the PS2 and PSP versions only IIRC, they have nothing to do with the PC ver. =)
There's your mistake.I decided to watch the final Hobbit movie
There's your mistake.
Akiba's Trip is pretty much a can be steam related, Xseed hints on Yster announcement.
I was thinking of borrowing Rogue from a friend (like I did w/ Black Flag which I need to finish) but when even JaseC shits on it, I worry.
I liked AC3 tho so who knows
I can't be dealin' with these mind games. PoE be all
AC Rogue is worse than AC3 and Black Flag which is impressive because Black Flag was definitely one of the more tedious AC games with the sailing. I would definitely recommend borrowing from a friend or waiting till it hits 7.50$ on Steam.
That still sounds high tho.Who in their right mind would pay $7.50 for an AC game?
Wait for $3.75/$2.5/discount mistake...
Don't they own the translation rights though?
Also I'm almost buying Pillars of Eternity and I'm sure it won't run on my laptop, but the price on Nuuvem is good.
Who in their right mind would pay $7.50 for an AC game?
Wait for $3.75/$2.5/discount mistake...
Akiba's Trip is pretty much a lock.
Has Black Flag or 3 hit 3.75$ yet on normal sales?
Has Black Flag or 3 hit 3.75$ yet on normal sales?
I bought the deluxe version of Black Flag for €2.99 last Ubi sale.
Don't they own the translation rights though?
oh wow
seriously? when was that?
XSEED would simply have to license that translation or a fantranslation (if it exists) or just re-translate it themselves.
Never. He's confusing this for 2 or 3. The price for Black Flag was around 7 bucks during the sale.oh wow
seriously? when was that?
Someone remember where 1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum was included?
I have it on Desura, no clue about where I got it.