not to derail the thread into console framerate bullshit, especially when im actually really enjoying the game, but what the FUCK is up with Until Dawn's framerate
Im not talking "console peasent 30 fps lol" shit here, im no expert but I would say that game goes into the 15 fps range at times, its super jarring. I assume thats a known issue with the game?
Game is super neat tho, pulls off the "teen slasher horror movie" emulation perfectly, and has a big "one more chapter, one more chapter" quality to it since it constantly jumps you from character to character. Really enjoying it so far.
oh and I actually had no problem with Bloodborne's framerate /shrug
I felt like they honestly didn't care due to the type of game. Not excusing it, but that's what I thought when playing. Still gotta beat it actually.
But now I'm stuck on division and I just picked up rainbow six. How the time goes when so many games are available.