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STEAM | March 2016 - This thread is badass

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Playing RE5 with the Steam Controller was rough, i'm going back to the 360 pad.
Too many hours I have put into that game for me to play it on a new controller lay out. My biggest issue is I play quickly with the dpad and second analog. Which the steam controller doesn't really allow for.
Everything just felt too spaced out for how quick that game can be.


47's gonnna murder that chandelier with an axe, Hitman style.

Though really... is it actually above him or in front of him? I honestly can't tell.

I feel like it has to be above him and just on a really long chain, but there's a weird drop shadow at the bottom of the stairs that makes it look like it's just hovering in the stairwell.
I am going to be incredibly bummed if Far Cry vanishes from my library. I bought the nvidia code in the BST thread not ever thinking that this is possible :( The game is an absolute blast too, first Far Cry game I've ever played
Mew-genics on hold indefnitely? Mind blown. All this time I've thought Catlateral Damage was its new name or something.
I feel like it has to be above him and just on a really long chain, but there's a weird drop shadow at the bottom of the stairs that makes it look like it's just hovering in the stairwell.

Yeah. I guess DoF is what normally decides perspective for me in screenshots, and Hitman is having none of that.
Another small one. I imagine this is more of a problem with the camera and perspective, but still. Can you control the camera independently in Hitman? If not then this seems a bit odd even if I'd probably never notice it while player.

Haha, had to look twice. The angle makes it look weird. Guess it's not irritating in motion but truth be told, the chandelier does look pretty low or the camera is very far behind the player for such an angle to occur.
Fun stuff. Followed him on Twitter. Thanks for posting about this Anno!
Skyrim for £2 is very tempting from GMG
You don't buy Bethesda RPGs that are not in a GotY edition. That's the first rule of the Steam Club!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Fatal Futanari is the name of my indie 2d fighting game kickstarter


Tangentially related to Steam (it's mainly a GOG related update), latest Grim Dawn update on Kickstarter mentions that even if someone has activated his/her steam key, they can get that one deactivated if they want a GOG key instead:

GOG game keys and DLC codes - The saga continues...
Ugh… so key distribution for the DRM-Free release and DLC has proven to be an epic fail. I’m still not even quite sure what happened. I’ve been slow to release updates on this because I myself have been waiting for answers. Waiting and hoping to hear when and how things were going to come together with our partners who were handling this. Before I try to explain things, for those who want an explanation, let me first apologize profusely for the delay and provide the relevant information.

DRM-Free release:
DRM-Free build will be available through GOG.
You can get a GOG key from Humble using your backer email.
Anyone who backed through KS or on our website has the choice of either a Steam or GOG key.
Even if you already activated a Steam key, you can still trade it in for a GOG key but your steam key will be deactivated.
If your reward tier only entitles you to 1 copy of the game, then you only get 1 key / copy and have to choose whether you want Steam or GOG.
To request a GOG key, simply contact Humble and provide your backer email.

You can contact Humble with the following form


Select “product” and fill in the subject as “Grim Dawn GOG key.” Simply say that you’re a backer and would like a GOG key. Note that the form will say “5 day response time” but Humble has agreed to expedite GOG key requests for Grim Dawn, so you should hear back much sooner. You can also email: contact@humblebundle.com instead of using the form

We’ve chosen to use GOG for the DRM-Free copy because many backers have requested the game on GOG and GOG contacted us saying they wanted Grim Dawn on their store. So, it seemed like a win / win. It allows anyone who just wants a stand-alone copy of the game to download it from their website and never go back. It also allows those who do want it, to get automatic updates and connect to multiplayer match-making via GOG Galaxy.

In-Game Items:

Humble is still trying to figure out how to get the DLC codes out for in-game items to the right backer tiers. I’m supposed to have a Skype call with them tomorrow. If I can’t get it sorted out then, I’m going to explore more drastic solutions. Somehow I want to get this done before the end of the week. I think there is a good chance that can happen but I can’t guarantee it.

WTF Happened?! Why has this taken so long?

Stay a while and listen; to the long, convoluted tale of woe…

In the months leading up to release, we’d planned to use GOG for the DRM-Free release and Humble to distribute all the keys. Up until the week of release, I was still going back and forth with GOG to iron out the terms of the contract – its more complicated but the details aren’t really relevant at this point. Suffice to say, it took way longer than expected.

We had fortunately already been working on creating the GOG build and integrating their features. Once the deal was signed, we sent them the build for testing but a few things came up that we needed to fix / they still wanted us to integrate. A lot of it revolved around them figuring out how to set up the DLC codes the way we needed them, so that it mirrored the setup on Steam.

We had set a date for release but minor issues kept arising, we’d fix them, then they would need to retest. The release got moved to Friday the 18th but more little issues kept coming up and it basically went to the last minute. I didn’t think it was actually going to release on Friday until I woke up to an email from GOG saying they had managed to push it out. I actually have 78 emails in my inbox from the last three weeks, just on resolving feature implementation, DLC code and release issues with GOG.

Meanwhile, the same day Grim Dawn released on GOG, I found out the key distribution on Humble had been delayed, yet again. Weeks before release, I’d talked to Humble about distributing the GOG keys and DLC codes for in-game rewards to backers and was told it should be no problem. They just needed some info on which tiers should get which rewards. After getting it all set up with Steam and eventually GOG, I provided a spreadsheet showing which tiers got what codes.

There was a lot of confusion initially and attempts to simplify things – spread sheets went back and forth, finally a plan started to come together. I was initially told it should be ready to go about a week before the original GOG launch date. Everything was coming together for a delayed but otherwise smooth launch.

Then it hit a snag, there were more questions, it was going to take a little longer but would still be ready well ahead of the GOG launch date, which got pushed back. I scheduled for the keys to be distributed by Humble on Thursday afternoon, the day before the GOG launch. Things were back on track.

Oh wait… Wednesday night I see a post on the forum by someone saying they’d gotten their DLC code but it didn’t work. I was confused because they weren’t supposed to have gone out until the next day, I hadn’t written an update about it or anything and so I went to check it out. The DLC codes were indeed live but it was all sorts of messed up. For one thing, it gave people the option to select “German or German” instead of Steam or GOG DLC codes. So, I did the only logical thing, I had a heart attack, shit my pants and then sent a crazed email to my contact at Humble. They had a heart attack, shit their pants and scrambled to take it all down, since it was set live by accident. Along with the mixed up option text, some tiers weren’t getting the right keys, it turned out some of the data was possibly organized the wrong way, etc.

The guy working on it felt like he knew what needed to be done though and assured me it would all be sorted out the next day. The following day I find out the guy I’d been working with the whole time to set this up had taken ill and needed to be brought to the ER (probably driven nearly insane by this whole process). Someone new was taking over and would try to get up to speed as quickly as possible. I was till told the following though:

“Sending GoG base game keys out first should be feasible, but the earliest I think we could probably get that coordinated while getting our heads wrapped around the Pre-KS situation would be tomorrow afternoon (3/18)”

Unfortunately, things didn’t really get sorted out. I’d spent a couple weeks emailing back and forth with the previous contact to reach an understanding on what needed to be done and sort out all the logistical details. Now someone new was trying to play catch up and running into the same sort of confusion.

I asked if we could at least get the GOG keys out, since all tiers get the same game-key. For some reason, they decided they couldn’t update people’s pages with the option, so it has to be done via email / form request, as per the instructions above. At this point I don’t know if the previous person’s plan wasn’t working out or if the new person still isn’t up to speed on what needs to be done but, either way, keys weren’t sent out.

We’re going to skype tomorrow to try to figure it all out. I’m so sorry things went down like this, I thought we had a reasonable plan in place and with each set back, it kept looking like it was going to be resolved in just another day or two but it continues to drag on. I have to say though, while things haven't gone smoothly, Humble has gone above and beyond, in terms of the amount of time and effort they've put into this for not much gain on their part. I feel like I need to buy them all a tri-beer or something once this is over. At least, while non-optimal, people can get their GOG keys.

I’m desperately hoping to the DLC codes will go out this week as well, the nightmare can end and I can get back to making games again, since distributing them is apparently not my strong suit. Although, I do think we can do a much better job in the future, now that we’ve experienced all the logistics involved and are more aware of the options and considerations.

Also, since it keeps coming up: What is the long original key I got emailed?

I’m talking about the long 32 digit keys like this: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

The short answer is that they’re obsolete now. Way back in the day, long before our Kickstarter campaign, we didn’t really know how we were going to deliver the game but for some people, people wanted game-keys. Some people even emailed us / ranted on the forum saying we’d stolen their money because they didn’t get a key or anything after backing the game on our website… We hadn’t heard of GOG, we hadn’t thought about Steam but we figured we’d probably need a key of some sort and people wanted them as a proof they’d bought something, so we generated some. As time went on, plans changed, we found out more about GOG and decided it was the best option and you know the rest of the that story. So, disregard these keys, they are neither Steam nor GOG keys.

A lot of you have been very patient through this trying process and I really appreciate that. Those that haven't been patient, I totally understand why you're angry and I apologize. Hopefully we can get the rest of this sorted out soon and move on to more positive developments - like modding tools, survival mode and the expansions!



Having just finished Metro: Last Light, it's pretty cool to see a very familiar location in a game. That Alexander Garden level in particular felt like the actual place in Moscow (sans the monsters).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ive started something wonderful.

Im actually quite proud of myself
any good local coop recommendations? trine, broforce, lara croft guardian of light and resident evil have been played through.
im guessing you played castle crashers already?
Guacamelee and BattleBlock Theater are some fun co-op sidescrollers.
i actually think battleblock is pretty boring. is there a demo for that game? if so I recommend trying the demo before purchasing, its def their weakest game by far yet.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
any good local coop recommendations? trine, broforce, lara croft guardian of light and resident evil have been played through.

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. Work together to pilot or fire the guns of a space ship.

Jackbox Party Pack is good silly fun.

Rocket League for car sports fun.

Any of the Metal Slugs. Even with the ports not being perfect, still fun games to play with someone. Unless you already own the collection on Wii, in which case just go with that.

Crypt of the NecroDancer Dungeon exploration to a good beat. You can add your own songs to make it more interesting.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. Work together to pilot or fire the guns of a space ship.

Jackbox Party Pack is good silly fun.

Rocket League for car sports fun.

Any of the Metal Slugs. Even with the ports not being perfect, still fun games to play with someone. Unless you already own the collection on Wii, in which case just go with that.

Crypt of the NecroDancer Dungeon exploration to a good beat. You can add your own songs to make it more interesting.

Damn I didn't know crypt of the necrodancer had a local coop! and thanks for the rest also!


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