You're warned during checkout that refunds will not be provided.
I had a conversation with a Windows store developer on reddit where he stated that refunds are in fact allowed despite the fact that the checkout page has a warning that states the exact opposite. He said that refunds were painless and he personally sees a 2% refund rate on his software. He also mentioned that Microsoft has been informed to clarify this particular issue on their store pages.
Meanwhile, Gears Ultimate costs $10 in my country and I still can't get myself to buy it. Mostly because I bought Gears PC on the GFWL store and that purchase is now lost to the ether. It really feels like a fool me twice situation if I were to buy Ultimate now. Besides, I've played the three main Gears games already and they only shine in co-op as far as I'm concerned... and I don't think I'll find anyone to co-op this one with me. Does it even have co-op functionality?