oh that's kinda coolThe new version has double-speed toggle.
oh that's kinda coolThe new version has double-speed toggle.
Yeah, very likely.Xseed doesn't port games to PC. They simply have someone that can insert the localization and the edited graphics in it on top of adding QOL and achievements. They would need to pay up someone else to do it. I would guess it's one of the reason they didn't get Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII. Both Aksys and NISA are funding PC ports of these two.
No one is expecting them to port them in house, they can just hire an external porting studio like they did with Little King's Story, which was their initiative to port and not the original devs porting and them publishing (like Akiba's Trip) or an existing PC port they touched up with Sara(their Falcom games)Xseed doesn't port games to PC. They simply have someone that can insert the localization and the edited graphics in it on top of adding QOL and achievements. They would need to pay up someone else to do it. I would guess it's one of the reason they didn't get Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII. Both Aksys and NISA are funding PC ports of these two.
Xseed doesn't port games to PC. They simply have someone that can insert the localization and the edited graphics in it on top of adding QOL and achievements. They would need to pay up someone else to do it. I would guess it's one of the reason they didn't get Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII. Both Aksys and NISA are funding PC ports of these two.
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Would need Senran Kagura to bomb tooTits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of SC, 3rd currently has a maximum target audience of around 14k on Steam.Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of SC, 3rd currently has a maximum target audience of around 14k on Steam.
Though the PSP side needs to be added to this, of which I don't know any numbers, but it would be interesting to know.
First page of NieR: Automata Steam Community:
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Tits chapter 3 will bomb and xseed will drop the pc platform for the foreseeable future
Thanks, guys. I'll try and give them a shot.
Aaaand i have it:
Everything is Denuvo!!! :D XD[/QUOTE]
Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of FC, SC has a maximum target audience of around 30k on Steam. At the moment SteamSpy shows around 40k owners for SC.Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of SC, 3rd currently has a maximum target audience of around 14k on Steam.
Though the PSP side needs to be added to this, of which I don't know any numbers, but it would be interesting to know.
Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of SC, 3rd currently has a maximum target audience of around 14k on Steam.
Though the PSP side needs to be added to this, of which I don't know any numbers, but it would be interesting to know.
Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of FC, SC has a maximum target audience of around 30k on Steam. At the moment SteamSpy shows around 40k owners for SC.
It might be more fair to say that most people who bought SC can be counted to by 3rd, regardless of completion rate.
It's ok you can buy 3rd without finishing SC tooworking on it!~
I think Chapter 2 is finishing soonish
Nice. Take your time and enjoy the ride. If battles ever feel too sluggish, I recommend Cheat Engine.working on it!~
I think Chapter 2 is finishing soonish
For future usage.
lmaoFor future usage.
You own speedrunners.For some reason I have a game called No Time To Explain Remastered in my library, said to have been purchased in 2014. Yet there is no way I bought this game. Anyone have an idea how I could check the way it landed here?
For some reason I have a game called No Time To Explain Remastered in my library, said to have been purchased in 2014. Yet there is no way I bought this game. Anyone have an idea how I could check the way it landed here?
Based on SteamSpy owner numbers and completion rate of FC, SC has a maximum target audience of around 30k on Steam. At the moment SteamSpy shows around 40k owners for SC.
It might be more fair to say that most people who bought SC can be counted to by 3rd, regardless of completion rate.
If you got SpeedRunners before a certain date, you got No Time to Explain Remastered added to your library for free.
I totally get the complaints towards Legend of Korra, but as someone who is a huge fan of the show/world/characters, I still quite enjoy it. I would LOVE a higher-budget sequel though, the edges of a great game are there, it clearly just was way too under fulfilled.
yeah some of the cutscenes in cs2 near the end were really rough on VitaI would like to have Cold Steel 1&2 on PC - not just to have all Trails games on one platform but also to be able to replay the Erebonian story with good performance some day (I swear casting higher Arts or just the cut scenes at the end of CS 2 ran single digit FPS on the Vita).
But at this point we all better hope that Xseed will work on the Ao/Zero duology after Tits 3rd. We really need those games translated, the Crossbell characters seem like great guys after (Cold Steel 2 Spoiler). Also the Crossbell Arc seems to be very important the overall story.meeting them in the epilogue of CS2
Just finished Blaster Master Zero on Switch. There's something about lower res sprite games that makes them much more enjoyable on handhelds. I think it's the condensed resolutions/pixels and the sharper image. So a game like Hollow Knight is something I'd much rather play on my PC, but something like Axiom Verge on a handheld.
But I'm a weird handheld fanboy so it's probably just me.
EDIT: Axiom Verge is a poor example, but it's the first thing that came to mind. I think people will get my point though.
AFAIK it's not, but still a Nintendo exclusive. I may be wrong though. I wouldn't mind having it on Steam either. It's a good game.Speaking of BM Zero, is it published by Nintendo? If not, I'd love to get it on Steam too.
Which reminds me I should go finish downloading it :V
Speaking of BM Zero, is it published by Nintendo? If not, I'd love to get it on Steam too.
Which reminds me I should go finish downloading it :V