Eh Ninty GAF are feeling more sensitive and insecure than ever IMO.
I never understand those kind of folks that are so platform-centric. The game is going to be on the platform anyway, which should be a great thing rather than some sort of threat. If anything I would absolutely love to see Metroid games come out taking influence from Hollow Knight and going further in their own way. I would have thought that's what everyone wants..
Which reminds me; I've been pesemestic about the Switch for some time now, but should Ninty release a model that accepts 3DS carts and NDS carts, I'd change my tune, as that would be the one way for me to ever get a switch if it allowed me to play my 3DS game collection.
As always with Nintnedo, the problem is Nintendo and their policies. If digital pricing was better, and there was some form of confidence in respecting perpetuity and support, with good pricing and feature sets along with policy - I would be all in. Sadly it seems Nintendo won't head in such a direction. Carts are all well and good as far as physical goes. People always talk about the benefit of second-hand market, and that's definitely true. However, I would be happier to get a cart that could be identified digitally as mine and gave me a digital copy. Thinking about it, since Steam and iTunes, I've become much much more digitally minded over physical only. I'm only keen on physical when digital is part of the package when concerning gaming / movies / music etc.
Super Metroid is still the only metroid game I've finished, I have Prime on GC but still haven't started it...
Prime 1 is a delight. It's a great 3D take on Metroid. I do wonder if it has aged as well. Been quite a long time since I played it last