Jim Sterling is visiting Valve this week to "discuss some topics". Lol. TotalBiscuit is also going to Seattle. May or not be related.
Valve is going to round up all those Steam critics and have them deported.
Viva la Trump!
Jim Sterling is visiting Valve this week to "discuss some topics". Lol. TotalBiscuit is also going to Seattle. May or not be related.
It's probably about something boring like Steam Curators instead of something fun like a new game announcementJim Sterling is visiting Valve this week to "discuss some topics". Lol. TotalBiscuit is also going to Seattle. May or not be related.
It's probably about something boring like Steam Curators instead of something fun like a new game announcement
Second time, they had a similar stream a week ago and there's an archive right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yerdh3TfZds
I hope they don't mind me saying this but I loved the closed beta. Exactly what I wanted after Wargame series, a similar game but with WW2 and couple of new important features including dynamic front line: http://www.eugensystems.com/steel-division-normandy-44-gameplay-dynamic-front-line/
Such a simple idea (and probably used in some RTS game in the past) but it almost feels like a game changer. This game almost assuredly has a spot in my top 10 of the year and we don't even have a release date yet.
Gwent Combat mod fixes the major problem of the game 😏Ready for some Witcher (what are essential mods? Is there DS4 support with playstation button prompts? Or better with KB/M?)
I hope Valve ignores every single thing Jim says about curation and greenlight.Jim Sterling is visiting Valve this week to "discuss some topics". Lol. TotalBiscuit is also going to Seattle. May or not be related.
Gwent Combat mod fixes the major problem of the game 😏
I hope Valve ignores every single thing Jim says about curation and greenlight.
Jim Sterling is visiting Valve this week to "discuss some topics". Lol. TotalBiscuit is also going to Seattle. May or not be related.
Yeah, i heard that original combat in W3 is shitty 😀
Yeah, i heard that original combat in W3 is shitty 😀
Nah, not really. Jim's approach is completely and utterly terrible. I hope Steam direct results in the store being even more open, not less.Eh..
Valve could stand to get some criticism about it.
This. Tremendously this.I hope Valve ignores every single thing Jim says about curation and greenlight.
Nah, not really. Jim's approach is completely and utterly terrible. I hope Steam direct results in the store being even more open, not less.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's more of a "conversation" between Valve and Jim/Biscuit.
Something like:
"Jim, what are your major criticisms of the games we allow on our platform?"
"You're allowing broken games to be sold!"
"We have a full refund policy in place, basically no-questions asked."
"Well, there's just too much garbage being put on the store, it's impossible to wade through!"
"We only post a fraction of the games released on the 'Popular New Games' list, we have curated lists for users based on their playing habits, we have a top 10 best sellers list, what their friends are playing, and what is promoted by companies who advertise with us. Additionally, we have curator lists. We don't believe it's our job to tell customers what they should buy. That is your job."
"Some of these games are just asset flips though!"
"Asset packs are specifically made to be sold for the purpose of integrating into games. If you believe that that leads to low quality games, surely you can find a way to make pointing that out a profitable business venture for yourself."
I mean, this sounds like something that could be said without them going there lol.
It wouldn't make GOG thrive because even if Valve came back to strict curation, it would never be as batshit crazy as GOG's policy is now.I don't mind Steam potentially cutting good games off if it helps other stores like GOG, Humble (direct) and Itch to thrive. I don't view it as a beneficial decision though.
Sterling's approach, in particular, I find particularly inconsistent since we have hundreds of games licensing out game engine code - and not just things that have no direct effect on how the game plays, but also premade game rules such as for instance physics engine, often having noticeable effect on the gameplay - and not touching their insides at all which is fine but as soon as someone takes the same approach to models this is somehow a sin against art that models are. Personally I would prefer to see one hundred games that do something different with physics and such but reusing same graphical assets over one hundred games that all have original graphical assets but play pretty much the same.
I mean, this sounds like something that could be said without them going there lol.
The dude is basically Trump as a game developer.
Ready for some Witcher (what are essential mods? Is there DS4 support with playstation button prompts? Or better with KB/M?)
This reads like parody
It's so funny when your birthday comes around and you get emails from old sites and games you played ages ago. The weirdest for me is that like ten years ago a friend signed me up on some weird gay necrophilia forum as a prank and every year I get a happy birthday message from them. I tried to unsubscribe from them but I don't know the login info so I mark it as spam every year but for some reason it always gets past the filter.
Nice cover, bud, but we know your game here.
Nice cover, bud, but we know your game here.
Especially since Voli could set up a custom filter to always mark the mail as spam. ��
I wouldn't be surprised if it's more of a "conversation" between Valve and Jim/Biscuit.
Something like:
"Jim, what are your major criticisms of the games we allow on our platform?"
"You're allowing broken games to be sold!"
"We have a full refund policy in place, basically no-questions asked."
"Well, there's just too much garbage being put on the store, it's impossible to wade through!"
"We only post a fraction of the games released on the 'Popular New Games' list, we have curated lists for users based on their playing habits, we have a top 10 best sellers list, what their friends are playing, and what is promoted by companies who advertise with us. Additionally, we have curator lists. We don't believe it's our job to tell customers what they should buy. That is your job."
"Some of these games are just asset flips though!"
"Asset packs are specifically made to be sold for the purpose of integrating into games. If you believe that that leads to low quality games, surely you can find a way to make pointing that out a profitable business venture for yourself."
I mean, this sounds like something that could be said without them going there lol.
I hope Valve ignores every single thing Jim says about curation and greenlight.
The simple solution to the Jim Sterling issue - and everyone that wants to see old fashioned Steam curation, is to give them it in the form of an optional Valve curator store. If Valve actually properly fleshed out the curator system so that it was both useful for customers and importantly a valuable tool for the curators themselves - eg the ability for them to integrate their own content into the store, more control of layout etc etc - and following through with the old promise back in 2013 of supporting those curators with a portion of the profits - that would be an awesome idea so people can have more ways to sift through the "full" store catalogue.
For example, I would also like to see devs and publishers have much larger control over a specific area for their own games, updates etc that is far beyond the individual game hubs etc etc. There are lots of things that could be explored as part of a future client and store, but Valve are the sloth for all these things.
Speaking of NWN, why isn't it or it's sequel on steam?
Depends on who is delivering that punch imo. For example, JaseC might find a free punch to the face by Saoirse to be quite the bargain just because it is Saoirse, though maybe not.
I have never ever ever seen any of the garbage games that Jim throws on his videos. Not once.
I just fired up W3 for the first time last night, thanks to the GOTY edition sale.
The only mod I want at this point is one that removes the "Talk to:" icon bubble that shows up over NPC's heads. It's hella-distracting for a game that's so gorgeous otherwise.
The "Valve Curator Store" already exists. It's the front page. It's what you see on the "Popular New Releases" tab that is the default. It is what you see when you scroll below the top 10 lists. It's what you see when you load up your queue.
I have never ever ever seen any of the garbage games that Jim throws on his videos. Not once. The only inkling I get of anything even nearing that is because I have installed a 3rd party app (Enhanced Steam) that places an additional tab "all new releases" on the front page. Whenever I click on that tab is the only time I ever see what people whine about with the "too many games" argument.
Yeah, there are more games on the Popular New Releases tab than there was in the New Releases tab in 2012, but there a also a shit ton more games in general being released.
And what would be the point of a hand-picked curator store by faceless Valve employees? How is that any better than the dozens and dozens of curators already on Steam? The only difference would be that it would be a faceless, opaque set of opinions versus the fully explained curation in place by public figures.
So are people demanding that we have an official Valve curation just so that we can have an arbitrary, reason-less, unexplained set of standards for curation instead of the dozens of personalized, explained set of standards by third parties?
Oh well, that will teach me buy games.
It doesn't matter because TitS 3rd is coming before bothFTFY
Fair question - what's coming sooner on Steam. Final Fantasy XII HD or Persona 5?
Fair question - what's coming sooner on Steam. Final Fantasy XII HD or Persona 5?
FF XII HD for certain. That will come out 6-12 months after the PS4 version while Persona 5 will be lucky to come out before 2020 and that is if someone at Atlus even starts caring about Steam.FTFY
Fair question - what's coming sooner on Steam. Final Fantasy XII HD or Persona 5?
Fair question - what's coming sooner on Steam. Final Fantasy XII HD or Persona 5?