Base game also got updated to remove Denuvo.
Wait what?
I watched Naruto a long time ago, and then I dropped it. I don't think that qualifies me as a fan.
I herd Durante has a nine tail fox plushie and a Sakura bust on his desk. Someone told me that when he was working on DSfix for Dark Souls, the DS stood for Dark Sasuke and it was a Naruto mod, but it didnt work out he just left the 60fps fix in and went to watch more Naruto instead.
I heard it on the internet.
could it be that Durante secretly helped on the naruto games that's why they have good resolution support and now the new game is running at 60fps?
could be some mistake or fuckup like with Conan Exiles and might be back with DLCs releaseBase game also got updated to remove Denuvo.
No, I just use double compile.You mean to tell me Durante doesnt really have a Stand called Orange Tree which grants his cognitive abilities super speed allowing him to complete coding tasks at god like speed far surpassing that of the average hired pc coder?
we dont need your Australian leftovers JaseC, if that is your real name.
I'm on to you!
change your avvy already!
Ive heard but never watched that show
Glad this is oming to pc! I was this close to getting it on ps4 or vita
Ive heard but never watched that show
But now i want to watch red cliff, or at least the battles in it
Man it's been 9 years since it released woah.
Ive heard but never watched that show
But now i want to watch red cliff, or at least the battles in it
Man it's been 9 years since it released woah.
Ive heard but never watched that show
But now i want to watch red cliff, or at least the battles in it
Man it's been 9 years since it released woah.
I own the 2 disc asia release which has each part on a single bluray so im finePretty much everytime someone links something from the past 10 years it just makes me realize how quickly time goes by. Something like The Dark Knight also released in 2008. This wasn't any different, made me feel old. I mean I just watched Red Cliff on Blu-ray.. some 7 years ago apparently.
Also for anyone interested in Red Cliff, watch the original 146+142min version, not the "international" 148min version. The long version is a great movie but I haven't heard much good about the shortened version.
Ive heard but never watched that show
But now i want to watch red cliff, or at least the battles in it
Man it's been 9 years since it released woah.
Automata getting good 9's and 10's across the board. Fucking finally Yoko ;_;7
Nier Automata story structure, I'll try to keep the story details out but do not read if you want to go in fresh:
There are essentially three "routes" in one playthrough of Nier Automata. You play through route A as one character, and it gets to an ending. This first playthrough took me roughly 16 hours, but I only did about half the sidequests. Then you play route B, which is the same main story beats as route A, but you play through as a different character from his point of view. A lot of it is admittedly repeated content, but the play style of the second character is very different than the first, and this route really adds a lot to the background of what's been going on in the first route. The game also remembers and keeps your quest log, so you don't have to redo any side quests you've already done before, so this route tends to be much shorter than the first one. I finished this route in roughly 7 hours.
The third route is basically a continuation of the story. It picks up at the point routes A and B ended, and you alternate between playable characters this route depending on where in the story you are. And this is where the game goes balls to the wall crazy on the plot, and is essentially why people who love the game say they love it so much. This third route took me about 10 hours, but I also did not do many side quests as I was kind of hoping to get through the plot by this point, because I really really wanted to see what happens next.
Basically you're playing 50% of the main story twice, through different perspectives, and then playing the second 50% of the story on the third route. That's how Nier Automata works.
so Ive been reading that your 40 hour gametime is across multiple playthroughs for all the endings Hektor, whats that about? >_>
That doesnt count as the game being 40 hours dude :/
As i wrote in my post above ypurs that is the version i have ;DWatch the original two part chinese version instead of the abominable international cut.
i'm ready to vpn that shit on gmg
i hope gmg isn't reading this
Outlast II comes out April 25th
Hmm, what do you mean? That seems like a nice price.
Hmm, what do you mean? That seems like a nice price.
Does this even work with foreign cards?
Hmm, what do you mean? That seems like a nice price.
Maybe he was expecting something closer to Play-Asia's price.
I was expecting it to be around 35.
The other apps are likely dlc
Anyone knows what this means? Does it mean there are 6 more games that are being developed or published from the same group?
Anyone knows what this means? Does it mean there are 6 more games that are being developed or published from the same group?
The other apps are likely dlc
They must be the 6 items you receive when you preorder the Nier Day One Edition.
It doesn't, at least if you don't have:A VPN should work.
1) UK account/address.
2) UK payment method.
It rejects you if you use a CC or paypal from another country.
Um... that's not what i was expecting.
Edit: Around 42 with -5% voucher.
How legit is cdkeys? Will they accept foreign cards?
Is this the day one edition?
That's the ROW version. Play-Asia's was around that price, but it was European exclusive. CDkeys or Play-Asia might get more cheap European keys.