I just completed A Military Shooter Game. I don't play a lot of military shooter games, but I have to say I thought this one was decent, if a little short (a hair under 4 hours beginning to end). You play as several different characters over the course of the game, they all had sort of silly names. You basically go through several missions where your objective is to kill terrorists and protect freedom.
You basically work with NPCs to get through linear levels. There's lots of shooting. There was an on-rails helicopter sequence, and a turret bit. There was a door breaching part where time slows down and you have to shoot people inside the room. Most doors, though, you had to wait for your teammates to catch up and open them for you. There were parts where you had to get a boost up a high ledge from your team mate. There was one level where you kinda needed to do stealth sort of. You have machine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles and grenades. You have to take cover but it's first person and not sticky cover so it's more like you need to stay out of sight. Some cover is destructible but some isn't. Some parts the NPC AI could basically clear out the level for you if you just sort of hung back but other parts they ran into your line of sight while you were shooting.
Overall I liked some of the plot points, like parts of the plot where we were surrounded by bad guys and almost died but then got through it. There was also a part where some guys on the team got taken captive and we had to rescue them.Also the part where my character is injured and his vision is like blurred and his ears were bringing.
Also the parts where there were quotes about the nature of sacrifice and war and stuff really made me consider the moral weight of it all but mostly I just shot like probably 1,000 guys over the course of the campaign. The dialogue was really crisp although I didn't really understand any of it because it was all nonsense marine talk. There was a lot of swearing.
One of the really epic moments was in a late-game stage when a song from a Top 40 artist came on, the game's theme song. Really made it feel like this big, important sequence.
Anyway it was a good game so I'd definitely consider playing the sequel.
Don't ruin the effect by checking my profile to see which game I actually played.