Isn't BoI Rebirth going to be free on PS+?
Yep, right on launch and everything!
Isn't BoI Rebirth going to be free on PS+?
Well that would indeed be nice, but I hope that if Valve is going to hire me, they'd hurry up and do it already.
As it is, I've confirmed that I'm losing my house, and have started shopping my resume around to different companies all over the country. What this means is that there's a possibility that I'll no longer be close to the Seattle area in a few month's time.
And since my youngest kid is going into high school, I plan on staying wherever I land for at least the next 4 years, if possible.
Unexpectedly enough, I would be willing to play Al Emmo, it's funny and all, but GB resolution killed it for me, I can't see a bloody thing and barely read the text. This is so annoying, seriously.
So again, if Valve has no issues of keys bought elsewhere being activated on Steam for no cut, why would they have issues of redeeming same key to the inventory for no cut, aside from logistical concerns?
Shit I forgot about that. Hope everything works out for you and your family. Not a lot you can do if your landlord wants to sell up. You still got that application in for Nintendo? If so good luck chap!
Unexpectedly enough, I would be willing to play Al Emmo, it's funny and all, but GB resolution killed it for me, I can't see a bloody thing and barely read the text. This is so annoying, seriously.
a pity really, also it reminds me Larry somewhat.
behold the full screen mode
Run the setup, enable advanced options, and disable borders there.
Helps a bit, not 100% perfect, but way better than what you posted.
That's what I was trying to get, but couldn't.That's odd. Mine looks like this:
But stretched to fill the screen.
When there are no/few hot deals it just redirects to the coming soon page.
The "Hot Deals" section on GMG never works for me. Whenever I click on the link to see the deals, it always goes to the "Coming Soon" section. I just want to buy games, GMG, is that too much to ask?
GMG may be stocking Transistor
GMG may be stocking Transistor
I think I want this: Action Henk Early Access Trailer
I think I want this: Action Henk Early Access Trailer
I think I want this: Action Henk Early Access Trailer
Holy crap! I actually won Volgarr! And, to think, I almost didn't enter at all. Thank you SO much, BruteUA!Less than an hour and a half remain. Are you a Viking, or......something else? Something much, much worse.......
He has chosen......poorly.I am a rat
I had avoided it for so long too.
Holy crap! I actually won Volgarr! And, to think, I almost didn't enter at all. Thank you SO much, BruteUA!
Gah, having troubles getting Sacred 2 to run properly. Too bad, wanted to try it out.
You tried the community patches? I got it working ages ago.
Thank you again. Just played a little bit now to configure settings, etc. I can already tell that it's TREMENDOUS. I am in love.You chose.......wisely.
GMG may be stocking Transistor
wanna get volgarr but I don't think I'd have enough for transistor..
help me decide bros
So where are those drivers for the xbox one controller? I want to ditch my wired controller for wireless but waiting on drivers for this controller. What is the hold up? Is it coming this year or not?
wanna get volgarr but I don't think I'd have enough for transistor..
help me decide bros
So where are those drivers for the xbox one controller? I want to ditch my wired controller for wireless but waiting on drivers for this controller. What is the hold up? Is it coming this year or not?
For people getting their hopes up. This is MS's various statements on their promise to PC gaming.
Sorry, but all MS is doing is blowing smoke up the ass of gullible people. So yea go ahead and get your hopes up and get excited. In a year or two when none of what they say comes to fruition...I'll pretend to act shocked.
- 2005 - We care about PC gaming, Longhorn (Vista) to usher in modern PC gaming with "Tray and Play"
Vista launches with none of the stuff MS promised, Vista itself sucks the ass of a thousand camels.
- 2006 - MS: Don't Count PC Games Out
MS announces GFWL and how utterly amazing it will be, suckers everywhere rejoice in the eventual ass reaming they don't know is coming yet.
- 2007 - MS continues PC push
MS launches GFWL...and it has a $50 a year fee, and they announce a whole slew of games to include Shadowrun with cross platform play and Gears of War 1! What are you paying for you ask? Jank ass software that crashes and has the most unintuitive updating system known to man. Load a game, game says you need update. Signs you out, downloads update, you jump back in...oh GFWL client has a update too! signs you out, downloads up date and you log back in...
MS will shortly thereafter disband Ensemble because MS feels that they're (MS) moving in a different direction! But don't worry we tots <3 you PC gamers.
- 2008 - MS: PC gaming is A-okay
Yea we've looked at some money pie charts and can see that PC gaming brings in billions in revenue. Here is our open letter to how awesome PC gaming is and our promise to support it! We finally put some new titles up on GFWL! Oh and we got rid of the $50 a year fee for GFWL, see we're serious about PC gaming! If that's not a sign of commitment, I don't know what is!
- 2008 - MS: PC gaming is not dead!
Look at this event we're throwing for PC gaming, you think we'd throw this if we didn't truly care about it?! Look at these games that will be on GFWL. We <3 PC gaming. You want fixes for GFWL issues? We'll look into that.
- 2008 - MS bolsters PC gaming with all new Games for Windows Live!
Hey gaiz remember those GFWL client issues you were having...well we didn't fix those per say is the same shit in a slightly newer skin! PROGRESS
- 2009 - MS: PC gaming still a priority for us!
Okay gaiz look, this time we're serious about our upcoming push in PC gaming. It's so vital to us at MS that we give the PC our love and support!
- 2010 - MS: "We're doubling down on PC gaming
By doubling down we mean we're keeping this shittastic GFWL client around because! We might even throw an update at it to fix the problem of game saves being randomly deleted or rendered worthless...maybe.
- 2010 - MS Launches Games for Windows Marketplace
Hey gaiz, we're making GFWL even better because it's now called Games for Windows Marketplace. Everything is brand new and easy to use, anonymous journalists have even said it's better than Steam. We had 3 interns and a janitor work on this, so you know we're committed!
- 2010 - MS: Windows 8 is going to relaunch gaming!
Hey gaiz, MS again. With Windows 8 we're totally going to put our full weight behind PC gaming just like we promised back in 2006! Pls be excite.
- 2012 - MS: We won't ditch GFWL!
We're committed to PC gaming and we absolutely think GFWL is the best play to get PC games and play with others. Our client is bloated and deletes shit randomly, but that's really one of the charms of PC gaming that we captured! It's a balanced experience! Hope you rike!
- 2013 - MS to discontinue GFWL
Hey gaiz new manager here, so like a bunch of your games might stop working come 2014...but that's okay! We expect there to be transitions as we build out new investments, but we remain committed to bringing first party gaming services and games to Windows for years to come. We will share more details in the future!
- 2013 - MS promises core first party games coming to PC
We're so committed we swear!
There are some unofficial drivers that recently became available.
Haven't heard any impressions in here as the majority of us that have upgraded are on the DS4.
wanna get volgarr but I don't think I'd have enough for transistor..
help me decide bros
Another Bad Rats, LOL
I'll of course add itThanks a lot Brute!
Edit. Hey, it has cards, NICE!![]()
wanna get volgarr but I don't think I'd have enough for transistor..
help me decide bros
Was browsing through Steamdb and it looks like this weekend, a whole bunch of Capcom stuff will be going on sale.
I'll be taking the plunge on Transistor regardless so if you're waiting out to see I'll try and have my thoughts up as soon as I can after launch.
A small warning that I found Bastion's combat fairly unappealing and loose even with a few Tikis activated and found that in my playthrough Rucks' commentary was barely there save for plot specific points. So I will have a bit more of a tempered set of expectations than those who enjoyed Bastion far more than I did.
Is there something up with the steam forums? <- I can't read the Paranautical Activity steam forums anymore.
Does the link work for anyone else?
I would too but for some reason it never works on my system. Bought a Bluetooth adapter for that and can't get it to work no matter how many times I try.