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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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All there ever was on Transistor being on GMG was a single tweet of GMG saying that they'll let us know "When they have confirmation ;)". I brought this up in the Transistor thread and the guy from Supergiant posting there didn't seem to have much to say on it.

Hoping they get that together. I have so much goddamn credit sitting there.

I'm not expecting it to pop up, at least not on day 1. Time to farm some cards and buy some keys.


Final Fantasy Tactics would be a viable PC release for Square.

I don't really understand what is up with Square Enix. I don't follow that company and its history all that much. But anyone with an android device..heck even windows phone can buy a mobile version of the first final fantasy game for like $5. But gamers can't do so on steam? That makes no sense..are they just incompetent or do they not care? I don't know maybe they have some contractual obligations to keep some of the games on console only but I am a bit suprised they haven't taken such a popular franchise and released all the final fantasy games in one bundle on steam. It would make them a lot of money that is for certain.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Can someone explain to me the concept of play for Bad Company 2?

Like, COD is infinite enemy respawns so you always have to be pushing forward. However, Bad Company 2 does this weird thing where you need to progressively clear areas, but it's really annoying for two reasons. First, there is always some kind of mounted gun, which isn't too bad, but then there is like 5000 grenades flying everywhere.

I have never seen so many grenades tossed by the enemy in a game before. You can seriously go up to the second level of a house and just listen to them exploding over and over and over, even when there is only one or two guys left that your AI buddies need you to kill for them. It's strange, because they don't run out and I don't see any crates full of grenades sitting around for them.

So is this really fundamental to the gameplay? Stuck between an explosive rock and a hard place? Trying to kill enemies while running from constant grenades and hopefully not getting wiped by the mounted gun? I'm trying to enjoy the gunplay here but it's just like a crucible of annoying things. I think I might just move on to Red Orchestra 2.


Hmm, new bundle day today?
Hopefully we will get one of the newly released RPGMaker games - given previous track record, they ought to be bundled fast.


So is this really fundamental to the gameplay? Stuck between an explosive rock and a hard place? Trying to kill enemies while running from constant grenades and hopefully not getting wiped by the mounted gun? I'm trying to enjoy the gunplay here but it's just like a crucible of annoying things. I think I might just move on to Red Orchestra 2.

Welp, it was the last BF where destruction was fundamental to gameplay, so everything constantly exploding felt right. The part where they shifted away from your default gun not always having a grenade launcher was their downfall.


They want to avoid people complaining about rereleasing their old games.

Just looking at a chart of all the FF games and the platforms they were released on..I see just a crazy random unorganized mess over the past 25 years lol. I've never played any of the games outside of briefly few of them on first playstation. But I really don't understand the mentality of that company..so wtvr.


...and it looks like I've managed to clock another year. Woot!

Thanks for keeping this old man company, Steambros. You lot are a good bunch. : )

Happy Birthday, Tellaerin - hope you have a great day, mate.

May the kind lasses at the nursing home wheel you out into the sun, and feed you cake on this special day. :)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.



Is a receipt from IndieRoyale a proof of purchase?
I would have if the game hadn't suddenly gone out of stock and their phone did anything other than go straight to answer machine.

Way I see it I want the game active asap and I don't want to deal with simply again.

Thought I'd update on this in case it happens to anyone else.

First Steam support confirmed to me that key was remove at the request of the publisher.

Second SCDKs refunded me in full once I opened a PayPal claim and lastly I bought the retail version, entered the key and my game is fully payable again saves and all!

Thanks to everyone who gave advice etc.


...and it looks like I've managed to clock another year. Woot!

Thanks for keeping this old man company, Steambros. You lot are a good bunch. : )

Happy birthday!
mature steamgaf is the best, and no, I'm not talking about kids that think passing 25 is being old. (><)


Thought I'd update on this in case it happens to anyone else.

First Steam support confirmed to me that key was remove at the request of the publisher.

Second SCDKs refunded me in full once I opened a PayPal claim and lastly I bought the retail version, entered the key and my game is fully payable again saves and all!

Thanks to everyone who gave advice etc.

Why would the publisher want it removed though? :/

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Given the very first post on the Starbound website from a whopping three days ago says...

"We&#8217;ve finally got Kyren, Armagon, George and myself moved over to the London office. :D Omnipotent Entity is visiting, too! We keep trying to convince him to stay.

I know there&#8217;s been lots of concern over progress lately, but now that most of us are in the same space and settling into a steady 9-5 work week, we&#8217;re really excited and motivated to focus on more frequent and substantial updates. Kind of amazing how much more can be accomplished by shouting at each other across a room than just pinging someone in IRC. :p More on that next week, though!"

... i'd say the answer is no.
Nah. People don't see a update for a while and start to freak out and assume development has been completely abandoned for some reason.
I think we are seeing a similar effect with a few early access games. Basically:

"We have a shit load of money, shouldn't we like, hire more people and get a better office and umm... probably some project management and is our website good looking enough? Maybe we need to redesign it and should our programmers get free soda or should we have an honour system?...."

They'll sort it all out, it'll just take a bit of time for them to set up a game company to gloriously lose all the money they have received.

I hope they can sort it out soon then. I'm still holding payment until it stops being EA.
One of the things I like about Brave New World is all of the new unit upgrades paths, there's fewer dead ends, a few new upgrade paths and the Xcom unit upgrade for paratrooper. The drop plane for the paratrooper gets replaced with a Skyranger and the Xcom unit rocket jumps in instead of parachuting in. It's badass. I actually wish there were a few more advanced/fictional units in Civ V. You don't seem to get to spend much time with modern day military units (jets, stealth bombers, advanced armor mobile infantry), only 50 turns or less, and even less time with what few advanced ones there are. Pretty much just the giant nuclear death tank and Xcom unit. Plus, I'm always a little sad when you run out of upgrades to research and build. It would be kind of neat if they added a few more advanced upgrades, the jet could be replaced by the Xcom interceptor, mobile infantry could be replaced with mechanised troops...I think I just really want to play Beyond Earth at this point. I want to make a cyborg empire.

Edit: It would be fucking neat if you could use a Civ V science victory save file to start off Beyond Earth. Pretty sure most of the Paradox Grand Strategy games are kind of integrated like that.

Dr Dogg

1,000 hours of Civ V!? jaundicejuice you need your own special badge for that accomplishment. That and a pair of sunglasses for how bright the light will be when you come up for air :p

Final Fantasy Tactics would be a viable PC release for Square.

What could be great would be a Tactics Collection bringing War of the Lions, Advance and A2 to PC, Steamworks preferably as well (like I'd ever get any work done though). Tactics Ogre also would make a great fit. As nice as the touch controls are on the iOS version on certain high terrain maps they can become a bit finicky.

So I guess we all have to buy FF3 now then huh?

...and it looks like I've managed to clock another year. Woot!

Thanks for keeping this old man company, Steambros. You lot are a good bunch. : )

Happy B'day!


Does anybody know, if the UK version of Wolfenstein TNO is uncut on PC? There were rumors the console versions are censored just like the German version (but this rumor is debunked now I think?). I'm unsure though if the UK PC version is censored.

I live in Austria and I want to import an uncut retail copy of Wolfenstein TNO, but I'm unsure if I should import from the US or from the UK. The UK import is 10 EUR cheaper but I don't know if it's really uncensored. On the other hand the US import is more expensive but it's most certainly uncut.


Drag and drop queue downloading order on the client would be nice, Valve.

...and it looks like I've managed to clock another year. Woot!

Thanks for keeping this old man company, Steambros. You lot are a good bunch. : )

Happy birthday! I want to add you on steam but I don't know your ID :(


Does anybody know, if the UK version of Wolfenstein TNO is uncut on PC? There were rumors the console versions are censored just like the German version (but this rumor is debunked now I think?). I'm unsure though if the UK PC version is censored.

I live in Austria and I want to import an uncut retail copy of Wolfenstein TNO, but I'm unsure if I should import from the US or from the UK. The UK import is 10 EUR cheaper but I don't know if it's really uncensored. On the other hand the US import is more expensive but it's most certainly uncut.

UK doesn't censor Nazi stuff.


Rolling Girl
I think if you have had it a while and nothing has happened you're fine. I only had mine for 10 days when they yanked it.

That's not true I had Bioshock Infinite for months then they yanked it. That reminds me I should probably report it in the buy/sell/trade thread and out the guy that sold it to me saying it came with his video card.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Does anybody know, if the UK version of Wolfenstein TNO is uncut on PC? There were rumors the console versions are censored just like the German version (but this rumor is debunked now I think?). I'm unsure though if the UK PC version is censored.

I live in Austria and I want to import an uncut retail copy of Wolfenstein TNO, but I'm unsure if I should import from the US or from the UK. The UK import is 10 EUR cheaper but I don't know if it's really uncensored. On the other hand the US import is more expensive but it's most certainly uncut.

It's uncensored. UK keys activate the ROW sub.

Dr Dogg

Does anybody know, if the UK version of Wolfenstein TNO is uncut on PC? There were rumors the console versions are censored just like the German version (but this rumor is debunked now I think?). I'm unsure though if the UK PC version is censored.

I live in Austria and I want to import an uncut retail copy of Wolfenstein TNO, but I'm unsure if I should import from the US or from the UK. The UK import is 10 EUR cheaper but I don't know if it's really uncensored. On the other hand the US import is more expensive but it's most certainly uncut.

What? No JaseC reply? He must be sorting out his Romulan gifs. Edit:God Damn it! Spoke too soon!

There's only 2 apps on Steam, the German version and another for everyone else.


The UK version is in the non censored camp but not idea about unlocking it if you're in Austria (I'm sure someone with the details will chip in). Anyway we're usually only down on censoring headbuts and kicking someone whilst there on the ground, Can't have our rascally kids doing that to each other although Trainspotting did had Begbie full out butting a couple of blokes out but what's a film set in Scotland without a Glasgow Kiss? (despite the film being set in Edinburgh)

On the subject of violent video games and censoring, is there any nation that hasn't taken up gaming yet? We need another Bhutan to test how bad this really is (granted TV did ruin that place).


Happy Birthday, Tellaerin - hope you have a great day, mate.

May the kind lasses at the nursing home wheel you out into the sun, and feed you cake on this special day. :)

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday !

Happy birthday!
mature steamgaf is the best, and no, I'm not talking about kids that think passing 25 is being old. (><)

I usually don't think much about my age, but sometimes it hits me that my perspective's probably a little different than some of the younger posters here. Like when I was reading the thread about not hyping a game too soon because waiting more than a year made the hype train lose inertia. And I'm like, "Pff, what's another year or two? Games will drop whenever they drop, and I'll worry about it then." Then I thought about the fact that I waited three years between Star Wars sequels, and nowadays people act like waiting a year for a sequel is forever.

Happy B'day!

Happy birthday! I want to add you on steam but I don't know your ID :(

Sent you an PM, man. : ) If anyone else out there feels like adding me, just shoot me a PM and I'll give you my ID. I just didn't want to put it out there publicly, especially after reading peoples' horror stories about some of the more, er, colorful characters who've randomly contacted them. >.>

Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys! :D


...and it looks like I've managed to clock another year. Woot!

Thanks for keeping this old man company, Steambros. You lot are a good bunch. : )



Just remember that you'll need to use a VPN to activate the key. Spotflux is free and US-based.
Nice, thanks for the Spotflux advice!

The UK version is in the non censored camp but not idea about unlocking it if you're in Austria (I'm sure someone with the details will chip in).
As JaseC has already pointed out, I need a VPN connection for the activation, but after that I should be able to run the game in Austria without VPN since Bethesda has removed Austria from the "prohibitrunincountries" list in the ROW (and US) sub two weeks ago. The ROW sub was also updated two days ago and still Austria is not included again in that list. So I'm confident this will stay like that. At least for a while, should be enough to beat the game though.


...and it looks like I've managed to clock another year. Woot!

Thanks for keeping this old man company, Steambros. You lot are a good bunch. : )

Happy birthday. It's fun getting old, when you make fun of the young kids today by talking like a weird 90's teenager to them and embarrassing them, yet they don't know that you know. Like telling them how to play their nintendos or how radical this "One Direction" band is and asking them which one plays which instruments.

EDIT: Just like our parents did to us.



Heh! Hopefully there's still a decent number of beads left on that abacus for me. >.> (Cross your fingers!)

Also Happy Mothers Day Tellaerin!

Thanks, I9! :D

Happy birthday. It's fun getting old, when you make fun of the young kids today by talking like a weird 90's teenager to them and embarrassing them, yet they don't know that you know. Like telling them how to play their nintendos or how radical this "One Direction" band is and asking them which one plays which instruments.

EDIT: Just like our parents did to us.

It's funny, isn't it? When you're a kid, you may understand intellectually that your folks were kids themselves once, but the reality of it never quite sinks in until you've reached that age yourself. And so the cycle continues.

Happy birthday!

Thank you, Daenerys! :D


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I e-mailed Press Play yesterday regarding Max: Curse of the Brotherhood's disappearance from Steam. If all goes well it should be back later in the week:

Hi Jase

We have had a number of issues with the build, so release date got pushed around.

Should be coming very soon, hope for this week!


Also, I decided to pre-order Apotheon on Alien Trap's site, so here's Capsized:

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Capsized -- MB-97D15D1ACA90EE4C - Taken by Dice
That's not true I had Bioshock Infinite for months then they yanked it. That reminds me I should probably report it in the buy/sell/trade thread and out the guy that sold it to me saying it came with his video card.

Shit that doesn't sound good! I had no idea this could happen at all before last week.

Suggest everyone with a Simply cd key crosses their fingers and toes then.
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