It is known. Only chumps preorder.
Your mom is a chump!
EDIT: But seriously, my track record for preorders is pretty bad. First was Dead Island and second was The Bureau. Hope that doesn't continue with Watch_Dogs.
It is known. Only chumps preorder.
Your mom is a chump!
#amd #neveragain
Steam Achievements for SSF4 Arcade Edition (transitioning from GFWL to SteamWorks)
I'll be able to activate my GFWL copy on steam then?
So I purchased the current IndieGala weekly (first purchase there) and I just can't find a way to access the keys or add the game to my Steam account.
I created a profile, verified it and purchased the bundle while logged in. Now I see the bundle on my profile page but everytime I click on the image basically nothing happens except for the page to jump to "Your Indiegala points".
I also see the popup that informs me about linking Indiegala to Steam but I can't find the option to do so on my profile either.
Do I need new glasses?
Yeah same, apart from the Fable 3 part. I even got some enjoyment out of that. I was arguing this the other day. I just can generally tell before hand whether I'll like it.If preordering makes you a chump then consider me Lord Mayor Chump of Chumpinton capital of Chumpsville. Someone has to take one for the team and I can't really ever recall being disappointed with a game I've preordered outside of Fable 3. Maybe I've got low standards or something.
Did you do what Stump did and accidentally buy the bundle as a gift?
Yeah same, apart from the Fable 3 part. I even got some enjoyment out of that. I was arguing this the other day. I just can generally tell before hand whether I'll like it.
Mind you, I think it helps that in the UK at least, you often get cheaper prices by pre-ordering. Either that or you wait a month for it to hit bomba price permitting it isn't a series which never drops.
Steam Achievements for SSF4 Arcade Edition (transitioning from GFWL to SteamWorks)
That sounds like the reply of someone that got burned by WB with their Batman: Arkham Asylum vanilla edition key![]()
Humm to buy One Minute hero or not..
So, what's the current best power/price ratio for a #TeamGreen GPU?
I really need to upgrade my ghetto PC to something that will let me play new-ish games in something approaching 60 fps and not go broke while doing it.
(Really weird that my Pentium G2020 and pre-GCN Radeon 6770 can't hit more than 30 fps in max detail in 768p)
If you can wait a bit till the 800 series comes out, you could probably get a better price on a 770 or something.So, what's the current best power/price ratio for a #TeamGreen GPU?
I really need to upgrade my ghetto PC to something that will let me play new-ish games in something approaching 60 fps and not go broke while doing it.
(Really weird that my Pentium G2020 and pre-GCN Radeon 6770 can't hit more than 30 fps in max detail in 768p)
Is this news?
But of course it won't be... I bet Grief posted it like 2 weeks ago.
Are pre-loads installed to the C drive? I usually install my steam games onto my F-drive.
Are pre-loads installed to the C drive? I usually install my steam games onto my F-drive.
.Yeah, that's because pre-load data is encrypted and stored in the depotcache folder rather than a library folder. You can get around this by using symbolic links, but since Steam thinks it's downloading to Steam\depotcache rather than Some-other-drive\depotcache, you still need to ensure you have enough space on the drive Steam is installed on for the data to unpack come unlock time, so the solution isn't exactly ideal if free space is in short supply.
Hah, I'm also trying to tackle my backlog and I also caved in and bought Legos marvel this weekend. Just keep at it and the backlog will disappear...eventually.Screw it, I just bought LEGO Marvel Super Heroes on the Humble Store (with Far Cry 3 DE, but that's uPlay).
I just got down to 35 games in my backlog, now 37
My goal is 30 games or less before the end of the year.
Preloads going in the depotcache directory of your install location.
Edit: Actually do us a favour and list out the directory tree of your Steam install location and I'll write your our a mklink command you can pop in a command prompt to move it. Eg something like C:\program files (x86)\steam\
Here's mine
Pretty much. It's always AMD graphics cards that have problems with games at launch.
one minute hero...
it is not Half Minute Hero
one minute or half minute?
Half! lol!
Where be dem Transistor reviews? Its May 20!
9am PST, an hour before the game goes live.
There was a review by everyone's favorite miser Tom Chick who gave it a 2/5 and claimed that he loved Bastion but didn't like Transistor. The review was yanked because of the last-minute embargo.
Bandai Namco Blog: Dark Souls, Games for Windows Live, and the Future
Is this news?
But of course it won't be... I bet Grief posted it like 2 weeks ago.
Bandai Namco Blog: Dark Souls, Games for Windows Live, and the Future
Is this news?
But of course it won't be... I bet Grief posted it like 2 weeks ago.
This whole "Embargo until game release is stupid"
Assuming you mean review embargoes, we had complete influence over Transistor's review embargo. It's our game.
Some reasons we felt a review embargo was appropriate:
- While it is unavoidable to some extent, we wanted to give at least some media outlets an equivalent and sufficiently reasonable amount of time with the game. (We still have hundreds of requests for review code that we're evaluating.)
- We want to protect our game so that it's not spoiled for people before they can play it for themselves. We've purposely withheld a lot of information about Transistor. If someone live-streamed the whole thing yesterday, we would have been sad.
- We think it's good when reviews coincide with the availability of the thing being reviewed. I hate reading reviews of things I don't have the option to buy or play (regardless of whether the review is positive).
So, my opinion is that a review embargo such as this is primarily a request for courtesy between publications getting early access to a game, but it is also somewhat self-serving (as is the act of sending out review code). We have no real leverage to enforce this embargo, being a small studio that's only released one other game. However, we respect the editorial process and have faith that publications will honor the embargo for the sake of their peers in the field, if for no other reason.
Back in my game-reviewing days we would sometimes get reviewers' guides with lists of topics we were asked not to cover or spoil, or whatever. I think that stuff is nonsense and that we have no say in those types of decisions. Publications best know what level of detail their audiences want. It's right there in the word "Editor".
Anyway some reviews should start hitting before the game comes out for those interested. I will find out what reviews this game gets no sooner than any of you.
I somewhat agree. Kasavin posted SuperGiant's reasons for the tight embargo but I'm not entirely sold on it. Specifically the spoilers bit (I can't think of many games I had to spoil in reviews in order to fully explain why I loved it/hated it/was lukewarm on it) and the "it should be available to buy along with the review". The game is up for preorder on the respective platforms (still no GMG damnit) so it isn't like they can't just plop down their money and wait a few days. Hell, isn't that what Europe has to do anyhow?
Register on World of Trucks at to get this DLC for FREE!
Guys, don't worry too hard. Wolfenstein runs just fine on my R9 270X.
if it is Half Minute Hero,you can trade a Be Mine 12 BTA gift with him for $2.
games list
I don't have that bundle....and HMH is 1.99 on steam atm..
Well duh, thats why he is saying to buy the bundle from that guy. 2$ for HMH + a few decent games instead of 1.99 for just HMHI don't have that bundle....and HMH is 1.99 on steam atm..
Wow, didn't even know about The Stomping Land until now.
From the looks of it, that will depend on how much you enjoy it. It looks like it has somewhat Goldeneye-ish level design, where you can go different ways and try different styles and look for hidden shit and really familiarize yourself by playing over and over. Though obviously you'll have to enjoy the gameplay to do that.But does it run okay on your wallet?
From the looks of it, that will depend on how much you enjoy it. It looks like it has somewhat Goldeneye-ish level design, where you can go different ways and try different styles and look for hidden shit and really familiarize yourself by playing over and over. Though obviously you'll have to enjoy the gameplay to do that.
I'd also say their engine concept is very unique in a similar manner. If you just jump in and go around blasting guys, not being very mindful, you might say "a lot of other games look this good and run better" but that isn't really true. If you stop to smell the roses, you'll see really cohesive areas with "natural" details all over instead of meticulously tiled sets with clever arrangement made to trick you into thinking there is more detail than there is.
As for the gunplay, it's hard to say. To me it seems like you'll get out of it what you choose to get out of it. Like, I noisily ran into this area with a ton of soldiers. I played sloppy once, trying to hide and pop out, spraying my machine gun at them, etc. It was a kind of tough battle that took away a good chunk of health. Then I tried again using iron sights and single rounds with the same machine gun and I easily headshotted them all and was barely even scratched.
On the one hand, I do think it should be that if you have the patience and skill to conserve ammo and fire good shots that you'll be rewarded. It's dumb when in some games enemies take a bullet to the face and keep fighting. However, the way you can so easily "remove difficulty" in this way is something I'm ambivalent about. As "true" as it feels, I also feel like there may be a way to keep things more interesting without introducing bullshit mechanics like other games do.
For me, I am just worried it will be too "plain" for me in regards to gameplay. I enjoyed Bastion but felt the gameplay was a bit boring and I am hoping Transistor has deeper RPG elements. Either way I will anxiously await opinions by Reviewers or fellow Gaffers.
Its like Apocalypto + Jurassic Park xD