humble wont load at work is the daily deal sale over?
Th sad thing is, I own that game (got it in a bargain bin years ago) and really want to play it, but I heard about the uninstaller wiping peoples' HD's and decided against it. (Didn't want to be that person who does something incredibly stupid in a moment of forgetfulness you know?) So the box is literally sitting on my desk next to the PC collecting dust.
Yeah, people getting rattled by reviews, Grief being called a Steam shill, people arguing for no reason etc
Can someone help me out. Does Windows 8.1 have a history of compatible issues with modern games? Bastion all of a sudden won't detect my controller. It was working before now it doesn't. All I did was add bastion as a tile to the start screen just to test out the feature and see how it looks, now this is the only game that doesn't detect a controller. I deleted the bastion tile and also deleted steam as a tile but it still won't work.![]()
I also learned that the talking DS4 makes PS4 the definitive version and everyone that writes about video games is friends with Greg Kasavin.
Yeah, people getting rattled by reviews, Grief being called a Steam shill, people arguing for no reason etc
Yeah, people getting rattled by reviews, Grief being called a Steam shill, people arguing for no reason etc
niy Grief IS a steam shill... we all are![]()
Th sad thing is, I own that game (got it in a bargain bin years ago) and really want to play it, but I heard about the uninstaller wiping peoples' HD's and decided against it. (Didn't want to be that person who does something incredibly stupid in a moment of forgetfulness you know?) So the box is literally sitting on my desk next to the PC collecting dust.
Despite not yet reaching my goals on Patreon, I'm getting ready to order a dedicated server for Enhanced Steam.
There are now over 215,000 daily users that hit the API server. Between 10am and 11am (when new deals are posted on Steam) I'm getting up to 65,000 concurrent connections, and it's just killing what I have.
So, I'm not someone that likes asking for money, but with the exception of the $34 a month that has been pledged already (thank you again to those that have already donated!), and a few one-time donations, I'm paying for the server out of my own pocket. So if you find Enhanced Steam useful and can throw anything my way (even $1 a month helps), it would be really appreciated. If you can donate $5 a month or more, you'll get a cool supporter badge for your Steam profile.
With any luck, this new dedicated server should alleviate the issues that cause the almost daily downtime of some of Enhanced Steam's best features.
Man, I feel bad for people just discovering Humble Bundle now.
They're probably asking themselves what the big deal was.
Yep, got called out for mentioning the Steam version's existence and that the DS4's speaker seems like a gimmick more than a reason to call it the definitive version.
Some guy was actually going to run out and buy a PS4, people don't even realize this game is on PC.
The situation reminded me of Titanfall where people aren't even aware the game isn't exclusive.
5 min unti BTA bad rats bundle! (probably)
5 min unti BTA bad rats bundle! (probably)
I really want that to be the last daily bundle. $1 tier is a new Bad Rats exclusive art book consisting of three images along with the soundtrack, BTA is Bad Rats, and a $15 tier revealing Bad Rats 2: The Rattening and giving early access keys.
lol mean its 83 metacritic right now so I am not sure what the drama is about from PRO people. Also it looks to be a game that you either love or hate, so who cares about reviews.
You gotta be kidding me... I just spent over an hour installing Wolfenstein from disk, and there's a 10GB patch as well? I knew there was a release day patch but, not that large. :I
Guess I'll download Transistor first and play that while it downloads the rest of Wolfenstein.
Meh... Rattening?
Dont buy unless its Advance Rattening or Modern Rattening.
Yet ANOTHER Humble Bundle that fails to beat the deal on its own store
19.99How much is the Crusader Kings Complete Complete Edition in the Humble Store?
Have you looked into stuff like Linode, or other pay-per-CPU-hour options rather than a dedicated server? They scale up and down a little better with usage than the expense of buying a dedicated server.
I've looked into it, but I'm scared of committing to a plan like that where the cost becomes the unknown variable. I fear that Enhanced Steam would be featured on Lifehacker or Kotaku again (or even something bigger) and I'd have a hell of a bill to pay at the end of the month.
Yeah, I just noticed they switched it over. It was just CK2 Collection with the DLC, but no ebook or CK1 up until 2pm.Well, it is labeled as Crusader Kings Daily Bundle, so its not really a different deal at all, just a alternative way of buying the same thing
edit: welp, I see that it is 1 cent cheaper. That is hilarious.
Well, you managed to make me feel bad about my moaning. It says it'll 'only' take me an hour and ten.Yep I got hit with that. Only 7 hours to go... I really hope fibre hurries up and comes to the cabinet here. Still that the price to pay for fresh air and nice views I guess.
Sick, you can preload Killer is Dead.
There are some people that get REALLY worked up about outlier reviews for whatever reason. You should've seen the stink people made when Eurogamer gave Uncharted 3 an 8/10 (which imo is the score it deserved anyway) admist a sea of 9s and 10s.
are you new to PC gaming? Don't mind meanness of guys here, they are good people when you get to the bottom of things.
Here is a list of steam games selling sites to remember, bookmark them for future use:!/pc