I post in whatever thread I want because I don't have the desire to be a dick about every disagreement like some
not you
I don't necessarily try to be a dick... I just speak my mind. Sometimes, apparently, people have problems with my opinions.
Does this count as -1 to my backlog or do I have to complete NG+ too?
Technically it's -1. NG+ is only if you want to see the other ending without YouTube, enjoy the game, or want to get all the achievements.
It also benefits immensely from UPlay.
Said no one ever.
Completely agreed on all fronts. I played the 360 demo, which only has one level, and it lasted what felt like an hour. Enormous, endless, mostly repetitive and samey level segments. Ugh. I think their target audience was the kind of person that plays Bubsy 3D's first level ten thousand times or something.
This sounds remarkably like my summary of Rogue Legacy. I liked the game and recommend it, but every time I post about it it's to point out that I think the game is mostly a shallow low-skill grind masquerading as a skillful, deep game.
(1) Truth. Even if I accept that Ubi games currently require Uplay through Steam, that doesn't mean that Uplay is actually beneficial.
(2) Yeah, I think I had pretty much the same opinion about Blade Kitten via the 360 demo. That said, I'd probably grab it for cheap before it had the ability to disappear again. :lol
(3) I don't agree that Rogue Legacy is a low-skill grind. I'm a decent gamer and being potentially overleveled I had some serious problems with the final boss. Once I got to NG+, everything was so ridiculously difficult that I just dropped the game and gave up the idea of finishing the rest of the achievements (at least for now).
Very apropos.
Thanks corrosivefrost for Sweezy Gunner! Looks like a lot of fun!
It's actually not a bad little game. I played a good chunk for the playfire rewards and plan to finish it someday (whenever I get around to going back). I didn't like that it used a mouse/keyboard with no gamepad support, so I made a PGP profile so I could use a gamepad.... however, this didn't fix everything as the game doesn't have full screen options and you can't really use PGP to turn the game into a twin stick shooter entirely. If I could, I'd be even more positive about it... but when I occasionally lost track of the aiming cursor and it goes out of bounds and I fire and the game loses focus, that's aggravating. :\