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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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Thought this little moment with the infamous Left 4 Dead community would be funny to share:

I'm right now doing a thing, which is changing my nickname on Steam everyday for a week to differente pastries. To start, I went with Berlin's Balls (I know it isn't the correct translation, but I did it that way because I thought it was funny to translate word by word from how we say in portuguese). Then, I joined a Scavenge game which had lots of spanish players. I spawned as Charger and my first move wasn't that good, as people are always expecting instakills from the roof in No Mercy. They went to kick me just because of that and I just said:

"come on
why would you kick such a creamy and delicious thing like me?"

And they started laughing and voted No to kick me. Seems like I just found a way to get through the not very friendly Left 4 Dead community!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
An enjoyable rant it was too, keep it up. However I do have a follow up question to all that since you brought it up, how was the movie? I have a DVD of it my friend threw at me (literally), but I have yet to sit down and actually watch it.

Very good to know as otherwise I might have only done the bare minimum for that.

For a video game movie, it's not that bad. And stand-alone, it's not that bad, it's a decent horror movie.It has the aesthetic down pretty well, and there are stand-out scenes. It has flaws however, its story is most notably not as good as any entry series in the game (goes into some direction about witchcraft), though for fans its become a huge love it/hate it affair. But honestly, it could of been a lot worse. The director obviously liked the series and pays attention to some things that most other directors assigned with the task would of simply skimmed over.

Like the sequel, which is terrible. The director was changed for some reason, and this film becomes bad. Unlike the SH1 movie, it handles fanservice poorly and directly, essentially just taking the plot of SH3 and making it worse in every way. I don't want to 'spoil' it, but read this and that's only scratching the surface of it:
The 'shadow' Heather fight in Silent Hill 3 on the carousel is literally turned into a cinematic hug fight. I'm not even joking. Vincent is turned into a teen that has feelings for Heather for no other reason that just because. Douglas is super underutilized. The acting is hammy, there is a big lack of impacting scenes, the pace is all over the place. The movie attempts a lot of stupid jump scars. Pyramid Head literally comes in to save the day at the end of the movie and gets into combat with Claudia, who transforms into a monster for some reason. He then slices her head off, and essentially does the notion of a thumbs up and walks away from our heroes into the sunset, essentially, becoming the 'hero' of the film. This literally is a thing.

And yai, Lone Survivor does give cues, mostly in things your hero will say, though going for the bad ending the first time is not the worst idea.

The saw esqe moment you mention in your review towards the end of Homecoming is still one of the most hilariously nasty things I've seen in a game. Remember I was playing it with my sister when it came out and we were both screaming because I failed the qte and got the death. Wish more games would have its location based damage system for weapons.

Shame Downpour isn't coming to PC apparently, has a lot of flaws but it was a much better game and more in line with the rest of the series. Great side quests as well. If the enemy design has been more inspired it would have been up there with the first few games. But the enemies were all pretty cliched and bland which is a pretty unforgivable flaw in a Silent Hill game and reduced a lot of the fear.

It's amusing, and goes with the whole B-movie thing I feel for Homecoming, but if you had so far into the game still been able to look past all the things that go against what SH is about, this was the moment it was really shoe-horned in. XD; It's fairly enjoyable on it's own, and it's ridiculous, but comes completely out of left field and just seems so out of place to the series.

I'd be interested in Downpour on PC as well, and it might perform better too being an Unreal 3 engine game.

Silent Hill Homecoming/The Movie: The Game, ughh. Such a terrible Silent Hill game. Downpour isn't the best but at least it's better than Homecoming, so it's a shame it never got a PC release, even though it's kind of bad. Downpour also contributed to the best E3 conference ever.

I feel these two will be interlocked into people's arguments over the series at it's worst for a while, but honestly I think both Homecoming and Downpour aren't horrible, and enjoyable in their own right, just really not up to the series standard. That said, my sort of controversial opinion is that I enjoyed Downpour (And Silent Hill 4) more than Silent Hill 1, which I love as an experience but feel the pacing in that title is completely off. That's a story for another day, however.

I liked Homecoming. The story was crap, but I didn't mind the combat or some of the sections (lady in the hotel who asks you for pictures). The one place that was a notable let down, was when they tease you with this creepy dollhouse inked in black and red, but you get a shitty descending staircase into fucking nothing.

Downpour has probably the worst story/characters in a SH game- Syfy channel late night bull, at best. The enemies also looked like Disney rejects, and the lack of an actual inventory sucked. Oh and the terrible chase scenes a la Shattered Memories, those weren't fun. I did enjoy the open world aspect, but it was underdone.

I will admit I was hoping it'd go into dollhouse territory, but I will also say that Hell's Descent was enjoyable for me. Also the boss fight with Scarlett is definitely one of the highlights of the game.

I agree with most complaints on Downpour, but I didn't mind Murphy, and the briefness of Bobby Ricks or the mailman, cheesy as they might be. I also didn't mind the Chase sequences, though that may be partly because I've never been very bad at them and usually can surpass them in both SM and Downpour with relative ease.

The only combat item you really need in Homecoming is the knife. It can kill pretty much everything.

Downpour had the whole "oh look, you lost all of your items! Again, for the third time" thing going on. It made all of the sidequests pretty much pointless.

Homecoming's knife is insanely broken, and it's the first weapon you get. It can take care of most enemies because it's so speedy and stuns a lot of enemies.

That is true as well, side-quests I found to be very enjoyable, but the rewards were mostly lackluster (with maybe the only worthwhile reward being the alternate jacket for Murphy if you want it).

The vast majority of Downpour's sidequests are just additional events/stories you can find though. You do in more for the atmosphere and narrative than anything else. A lot of the game's more unique enemies and puzzles are actually exclusive to them, isn't just "kill 5 monsters" which I was pretty impressed by. Think Downpour really nailed the open world design and how you could just happen upon said "quests"

That's my stance too. Most of the side-quest actually were fun, and worked in a system I wish more games would work with. And exploring the overworld was actually a lot of fun. How you just stumble and uncover side-quest was well-handled and gave incentive to those that wanted to go deeper into the game's optional content, and a lot of he game's cooler moment, interesting puzzles, and even a few of the creepier scenes were in these side-quest, making a lot of them fun to experience.

In many ways I do think Downpour would of been a lot better received it it wasn't a SH game though. Downpour does in many ways feel more low-budget than, say, Homecoming.
GTA V really needs to come out on the PC soon. Wanted to mess around in the game
because it's brilliant
and it took three minutes to load my save.


I decided to mess around a little bit with OBS and it's surprisingly easy to use and not even very taxing on the system, at least not with a smaller game.

I ended up recording the most soulcrushing death I've ever had in Isaac. I get snagged by the stupid wall glitch right as I'm about to kill him... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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Tales From The Dragon Mountain The Strix -- MB-65F189B43F33AA5A - Taken by DocSeuss. 2 entrants total.
BlackSoul Extended Edition -- MB-B60161FD602831C1 - Taken by pupo. 1 entrants total.
7th Guest -- MB-571CEAFA6BE482E5 - Taken by Coldsun. 1 entrants total.
ThreadSpace Hyperbol -- MB-B2968B5B0139E0FD - Taken by Daedalos42. 2 entrants total.


Thanks to the kind member who sent me the invite yesterday.


This is user error; when you bump or repost a giveaway, you should link the original time you posted the giveaway. Modbot only edits one post per giveaway. Here is Tame's first post of his giveaway--as you can see, Modbot's editing is working fine.

The giveaway I noticed the error in was this one:
Some leftover bundle keys, as well as a fantastic Steam game that is currently on sale. Thanks again Dupy. :) I know it's not nearly as good, but...

Time for bed!

2 of the keys aren't marked as taken but now that I think about it, it might be a repost.



Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I probably don't need to do a review for this game, but again getting my thoughts out.


BioShock Infinite is the third entry in the BioShock series, notably taking place outside of the underwater city of Rapture and heading to the skies to a flying city known as Columbia.

Columbia is set in the early 1900s, and the sort of themes you'd expect with that time period come-up as well. The early innovative machine craze, racism, sexism, a city divided by the rich and the poor, among many other themes. While these themes are explored, unfortunately most feel like they become rather underutilized for the last third of the game as the main story sort of kicks in.

We follow a man named Booker DeWitt, who's come to Columbia to wipe away the debt. He has to capture a girl named Elizabeth, who we quickly figure out is some kind of icon for the city. She is guarded in a very Statue of Liberty-type structure, and has a giant colossal bird guardian known as the Songbird. And upon her rescue, we quickly find out why she is so precious to this town... She has the ability to open up tears in reality, which break the rules of time and space and go into other time periods and alternate dimensions.

BioShock Infinite is a weird game for me. I both loved it, and didn't at the same time. Maybe a more appropriate way to word this is that I loved parts of it, and other parts didn't quite do it for me. I feel the game was maybe plagued by having way too many ideas, that many of them end up feeling kind of underutilized. And meanwhile other elements feel like they get too much attention and focus.

The game is insanely pretty and visually impressed me time and time again to the climax. It doesn't look particularly realistic, but has an artistic and colorful charm, with some fantastic lighting effects, that really bring the world of Columbia alive. This is backed by excellent attention to detail, there is a bunch of small things in the environments that really make the whole location feel believable, if not fantasy-esque. The setting really did it for me, while it's maybe not as well realized or atmospheric as the forefather city of Rapture, it has charms that may strike high with those with a love of early 1900s aesthetics, gardens, and steampunk charm. The characters are also well-designed and expressive.

The music in the game is rather well done too. The soundtrack supports each scene, and audio is utilized well in the environment. A few songs one might recognize also creep their way into the game, with some spun into early 1900s versions of themselves. With classic-style renditions of Girls Just Want To Have Fun and Everybody Wants to Rule the World, who can complain?

Voicing is also really well handled. While a few actors can be noted on who they are on the spot (such as our everyman voice of Booker, voiced by none other than Troy Baker, though I think most gamers who play the game will know), but they do good on delivery, emotion, and sounding natural.


This game is probably too action-focused for it's own good, especially in the last third of the game. Up until that point, I did find the combat to be enjoyable, adrenaline-pumping, and well spaced out with other elements. But to the last third, combat becomes far more frequent and honestly overstayed its welcome. And this honestly is probably the single biggest sin the game commits, as it threatens to ruin the otherwise fantastic endgame the game provides, and may make many too frustrated or just bored of tedium to really enjoy the things around them.

I feel BioShock Infinite is at its best when it's not composed of action corridors and shoot-out sequences. And there thankfully is a lot of that here too. There's a lot of things off the beaten path to indulge yourself in. Areas to explore for the sake of exploration, little side distraction, secret scenes you can trigger, things to interact with... I think I enjoyed the game most in downtime to explore the vibrant world of Columbia. It's an element one could skip over the entire game, but I honestly think they'd be robbing themselves of some of the best moments and enjoyable qualities that Infinite holds.

And when BioShock Infinite is good, it's really good. If you happen to be a person who loves exploring, world-building, and just getting into the atmosphere of a game and taking everything in, Infinite has moments like this in spades, and the title may be worth experiencing alone for this purpose. It's littered with interesting sights, moments, and memorabilia. And the game isn't super short, it should take someone between 10-25 hours to complete it (the time varies so greatly because of all of this optional content one can either partake in or not, I personally was around the 22-hour mark).

But then certain elements feel so underutilized it's honestly disappointing, or certain things feel like they could of been spaced out more. The Songbird's role becomes rather lackluster unfortunately and hardly lives up to the promise such a beast holds. Certain story threads are delved into, but still feel underutilized, especially as so many are dropped so easily, leading to a lot of themes and plot threads feeling non-conclusive, or really just there to be there. The rail segments, where you can hop and ride on rails, are interesting and appropriately adrenaline-fueled, but in the end are shifted over to hardly more than a distraction or a method to one-hit kill enemies. And then even possibilities the game brings up, both in narrative and mechanics, feels like they remain underutilized as well.

And I think that's why the combat feels even more tedious towards the end. Because the game seems to want to deny itself delving into the really fantastical and instead rest on what we've seen a lot of in the last few years, a first-person shooter. It's not a bad first-person shooter, but it feels like it was too scared these other more interesting elements would bore some action-craving crowd and drags us back reluctantly to remind us that's the core game here.

But I'd still say BioShock Infinite is worth experiencing. While unfortunately the whole is not as great as it could be, the sums of its parts hold absolute brilliance and are definitely worth experiencing. And the climax and finale, while what I expect many won't see coming, are deliciously... Well, that'd be telling.

BioShock Infinite is pretty, backed with fantastic atmosphere, world-building, and more brilliant moments that most any other game could envy. But it's because of these moments the tedium of the game, especially as a first-person shooter, really stands out and starts to grate on the player. It's still worth experiencing though, even if it provides both the antidote to what's wrong with FPS in this day and age, and the poison.


BioShock Infinite is pretty, backed with fantastic atmosphere, world-building, and more brilliant moments than most other game could envy. But it's because of these moments the tedium of the game, especially as a first-person shooter, really stands out and starts to grate on the player. It's still worth experiencing though, even if it provides both the antidote to what's wrong with FPS in this day and age, and the poison.

Too bad it's an insipidly-told mess that really has no idea what point it's trying to get across, stumbles into the same basic tropes about parallel realities that everyone else does, and limp-wristedly attempts to somehow tie this in to the idiotic idea that games don't have choice and people don't have free will.

It looks nice. Riding roller coasters is awesome. The voice acting is good.

The story and shooter gameplay are terrible.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Too bad it's an insipidly-told mess that really has no idea what point it's trying to get across, stumbles into the same basic tropes about parallel realities that everyone else does, and limp-wristedly attempts to somehow tie this in to the idiotic idea that games don't have choice and people don't have free will.

It looks nice. Riding roller coasters is awesome. The voice acting is good.

The story and shooter gameplay are terrible.

The game simply has too many ideas and doesn't flesh out so many of them, I would say the story is still better than most other games in its genre and type, but it does become more sloppy because of its lack of focus, and honestly playing it too safe in many instances.


Awesome review, seems your thoughts on the game are largely the same as mine, so I was wondering if you played the Burial At Sea DLCs yet, and if so what did you think of them? Been meaning to get round to play them, don't know how far up the priority list they should be though.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Play Bastion.

I finally got around to starting New Game+ in Bastion, after having not played the game since I finished it in July. I can't believe I forgot how much fun this game is.

Transistor can't come soon enough.
The game simply has too many ideas and doesn't flesh out so many of them, I would say the story is still better than most other games in its genre and type, but it does become more sloppy because of its lack of focus, and honestly playing it too safe in many instances.

Yeah. To me it feels like it was supposed to be a three "act" game, but Act 1 took way, way too long to make so they rushed and crammed Acts 2 and 3 into the back 2/5 of the game.

It's still worth playing, and the setting ranges from good to holy-cow *amazing*, but the core gameplay and plot don't do themselves any favors.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Awesome review, seems your thoughts on the game are largely the same as mine, so I was wondering if you played the Burial At Sea DLCs yet, and if so what did you think of them? Been meaning to get round to play them, don't know how far up the priority list they should be though.

Actually still need to play episode 2, Episode 1 has flaws though and very much sort of akin to the main game, interesting moments, maybe too many combat scenarios crammed in the later parts, but still interesting in its own right. I hear Episode 2 is much better but need to get to it myself.


For you guys that didn't win before:

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Instructions for participants:
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Star Wars Jedi Knight Collection -- MB-413B8A849CF200E4 - Taken by drakaenae. 46 entrants total.



Okay, tough decision time.

There's just too much on sale this weekend, and my finances are currently in the toilet
(as usual >.> )
, so my discretionary spending is pretty much limited to what I've got in my Steam wallet. Even idling like mad (is it even possible to 'idle like mad'?), there's no way I'm going to raise much more between now and the end of these sales. So I need to try and decide on something to pick up now - otherwise I'll just dither until the sales are over and end up getting nothing. :p

So here are the options I'm considering.

1. Republic Commando + either Jedi Knight II or Jedi Academy, whichever's better

2. Jedi Knight II + Jedi Academy

3. Prototype

4. Shadowrun

Any kind of input's welcome.


Okay, tough decision time.

There's just too much on sale this weekend, and my finances are currently in the toilet
(as usual >.> )
, so my discretionary spending is pretty much limited to what I've got in my Steam wallet. Even idling like mad (is it even possible to 'idle like mad'?), there's no way I'm going to raise much more between now and the end of these sales. So I need to try and decide on something to pick up now - otherwise I'll just dither until the sales are over and end up getting nothing. :p

So here are the options I'm considering.

1. Republic Commando + either Jedi Knight II or Jedi Academy, whichever's better

2. Jedi Knight II + Jedi Academy

3. Prototype

4. Shadowrun

Any kind of input's welcome.
Uno, keep in mind trader can get those games cheaper, you might be able to afford 1 and 2


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
*shrugs* *buys uplay blacklist*

I was already on uplay from forgotten sands which was gifted to me.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I experience that every damn week as Windows doesn't catch all the system updates on the first reboot. Sequential patching can't hurt me anymore.
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