Ah sweet! Now if they can only add local coop...Terraria got a patch with controller support today.
Now you guys can't bully my peecee anymore
New Overwatch movie
What was your issue? Because I have AC3 on Uplay, activated all DLCs but I need to manually download a .rar with DLCs from Nuveem if I want to play them, did they finally update that?
Why is Blizzard spending money on these DreamWorks trailers when they could be upgrading the servers from 20 ticksNew Overwatch movie
They updated system and all DLCs should be on UPlay now. My issue was that i had one Digital Deluxe key and their system registered that key as standard edition. So guy from support told me that he sent request to some other department to change my key to Digital Deluxe. They removed AC3 from my account and now i am waiting for them to assign proper version (Digital Deluxe) to my account. That can take up to 48 hours. If you want wait a bit to see how things will go for me and then contact them. And for ACR DLC they fixed key redemption and my old DLC key activated without issues today (i tried month ago and it didn't work).
Also new Overwatch short
Here's my new setup, ready for Overwatch (I think)
Now you guys can't bully my peecee anymoreor maybe you can :I
Going strong with that video card
Why is Blizzard spending money on these DreamWorks trailers when they could be upgrading the servers from 20 ticks
Are you being an snarky ass? Are you not?
Give it to me straight jaw
Yeah, please post a message here. I have the Gold version I think, the one with all DLCs, took when it was dirty cheap on Nuveem.
Game 42: Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] -Fate- - started on 11.04.2016, finished on 20.04.2016 (30:31) - ★★★★☆
Game 47: Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] -Unlimited Blade Works- - started on 04.05.2016, finished on 13.05.2016 (21:25) - ★★★★☆
Game 48: Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] -Heaven's Feel- - started on 14.05.2016, finished on 22.05.2016 (30:22) - ★★★★☆
I'm not sure if I can tackle another VN after digging through that...
It's Sunday, woo!
What we all playing?
I dunno what I'm playing but I work 12 to 8 so probably not much.
gotta get a new PSU. PC is in a constant bootloop zzz
powers on, powers off, powers on, powers off - I don't even see the BIOS
yeah the few levels I played did nothing for me :/
Unfortunately, nothing because I had to work on my day off and now it is Monday in my timezone.
Although, I did play some Lifeline on my phone while at work.
whats a "steam game"?
I suppose any game on Steam, I didn't say one in particular as I haven't decided what to play yet.
I think as long as you have a payment method from your original country it shouldn't matter?
You don't belong on GAF with that attitude
Here's my new setup, ready for Overwatch (I think)
Now you guys can't bully my peecee anymoreor maybe you can :I
it was just too good opportunity to pass
my joints stopped hurting by doing nothing about it and keep running
makes no sense but whatever
I've seen people banned for less.
Why is Blizzard spending money on these DreamWorks trailers when they could be upgrading the servers from 20 ticks
Wow I seem to have misplaced my reaction gif folder so I can't deliver a truly nuanced response to Asgaro's post.
So, who else here is looking forward to the summer sale's assuredly mediocre discounts, i know i am
In all seriousness, I've been idling for card money on and off for a while. I've noticed that 1) the steam mobile authenticator works for the most part, even if it's entirely unnecessary and annoying, and 2) cards only drop at the 30/60 minute mark for me now. I can't get cards to drop at the 15 minute mark like they used to, which makes idling even more annoying and time-consuming than ever on top of the 2 hour restriction placed on accounts that have refunded games.
I'm only 4 levels in, but the enemy to level size ratio seems fairly consistent between Doom 1/2 and Doom 2016 so far. Does it drastically change later on?
If anyone is interested, there's an all-star QuakeWorld TDM showmatch. Maybe someone here would be actually interested:
so who else on SteamGAF is jumping on the Overwatch train
I just watched an animated short film from it. seems pretty nice
so who else on SteamGAF is jumping on the Overwatch train
I just watched an animated short film from it. seems pretty nice
so who else on SteamGAF is jumping on the Overwatch train
I just watched an animated short film from it. seems pretty nice
T-3 days for Overwatch? Its out tomorrow dude
T-3 days for Overwatch? Its out tomorrow dude
Maybe Hektor includes the time to receive the box. Amazon is shipping mine on the 24 and I gotta account at least 1 day to receive it, making it the 25. Today is the 22, so -3 applies to me perfectly.
so who else on SteamGAF is jumping on the Overwatch train
I just watched an animated short film from it. seems pretty nice
I plan not to buy anything, but we all know that won't work.
Ya, I posted it a while back about card drooping rates being really bad now, even without 2 hours waiting, it's like 1/5th of what we used to get if even that. At the rate we buy games, you basically have to idle non stop and even then not possible to keep up.
What what? Its out tomorrow. Midnight UK and whatever that means in america. 4pm and 7pm in the different coasts or whatever.
Official or unofficial wink wink nudge
Youtubers Life on the top sellers list. Asgaro's post just won't stop punishing us.
Reporting in.
What what? Its out tomorrow. Midnight UK and whatever that means in america. 4pm and 7pm in the different coasts or whatever.