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STEAM | May 2016 - VAC to life, VAC to reality

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is the HM2 soundtrack included with the digital special edition?


The Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Special Edition includes the Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number Remix EP featuring six remixed tracks from M|O|O|N, Scattle, and Carpenter Brut.

***Please note that the Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Special Edition does not include the full soundtrack. The full soundtrack is a separate purchase and includes all 49 tracks with the proceeds going to the artists themselves.***

edit: way too slow
haha thanks guys. guess im too tired to pay attention today

edit: heres a game

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Towerfall Ascension -- MB-F65E8D5903AAF00B - Taken by thesaucetastic
Since we're talking Overwatch, can someone explain D.Va's role to me. Is she supposed to kamikaze charge enemies? Because her normal damage is kind of shit.
You also need to use shield appropriately to buy time for teammates to deal with turrets and Bastion, also very good against Pharah, Roadhog, Soldier 76's ult. And her attack is not shit, I can consistently be the top damage dealer as her (and Roadhog).
all I want to play is the support class (classes?), that sounds like bad news for me then
Lucio is a very decent self-sustaining support.
Tracer's design is garbage


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The one person I made the Tracer comment for didn't reply ;_;


Damn Kamui is cool as shit. Give it a try if you like shmups, chances are 90% of this thread already owns it from some bundle.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Tracer's fine, but Mercy is my waifu and now im serious. I also love the ice lady look and the robot lady. I like my freaks what can I say


Well I like all the sorts of platformers I have played so anything is fine, Im asking for exclusives ones because Im sort of new to the steam library but if it helps I also own a Wii U, 3DS, PS3 and PS4

Okay. Everything below is a PC exclusive or on a console/handheld you haven't listed, couple may also be available on mobile but all things considered:

A Story About My Uncle
Dreaming Sarah
Mark of the Ninja
Momodora (there's 4 of 'em)
Ori and the Blind Forest
Rayman Legends/Rayman Origins
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Vogarr the Viking

One's that aren't exclusive that I suggest anyway:

Axiom Verge
The Bridge
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Lovely Planet
Risk of Rain
The Swapper
Valiant Hearts

Should be a good start. It's a mix. Puzzle, FPS, exploration 2d, retro, metroidvania, rogue like, difficult. Have a field day with that, and welcome to the beginning of the end, friend. Link your Steam account to be added to the NeoGAF group if you'd like, feel free to add myself - it's my homepage if you click my username here. Hope you like anime. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

E: I'd have hyperlinked for you, but I'm mobile atm.

I want to get Battleborn since it seems like something I'd like in spite of its flaws, but it seems to be an Evolve situation where its multiplayer is going to be dead in a month. It hasn't even cracked the top 25 in terms of top played on Steam. I think even Evolve did better than that its launch week.

I wouldn't do it. Evolve only did better because of a price error, I'd put my money on that, but yeah. The numbers are ridiculous and unless it ends up being one early CoD loyal crowd sort, you're probably right on it dying within a month.
Man, I spent more than I was thinking I was going to with the Devolver sale, but at least I can finally own Broforce after playing and beating it with my best friend at his house a few months ago


Whos that?


Defence class hero~ She slows you with her blaster, freezes you into place. All that good stuff.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Oh the ice lady, love her. I still dont know most of the names.
I'd love a GTX 1080...but there's that pesky thing called paying for it and I hear stores actually want money for products...plus I expect the price to be in the "never in a million years range"


mei is alright, i'm just really bad at playing her so i find her kind of boring

tracer is more in line with my personality, lots of kamikaze jumping around like an insane person


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I have only played Mercy (8 games or so) and then one match as Bastion :/

Need to diversify tomorow


listen to the mad man
Anyone else having trouble posting reviews? I wrote a fairly lengthy one of an indie, and when I say "post review" the button disappears with no feedback and the review does not post. Is there an error I'm missing? Tried disabling adblock and Enhanced Steam in case they're the culprits, but no dice.

In other news:
Curse of the Crescent Isle DX

This game is honestly not ready for primetime. I wanted to like it: a classic platformer built around picking up and throwing objects (like Super Mario Bros 2!), with visuals that look like 16-bit+, and a transplant from the defunct XBLIG store which holds a special place in my heart? Awesome.

Unfortunately it's not there yet. The first thing you're greeting by when you get past the start screen is an ugly menu with an enormous font, and about 15 menu options laid out in a two column grid. Even though the menu is a two column grid, you can't push left or right to navigate it, just up and down. The default key bindings are very poor, so I highly recommend you play on a controller. The game features a password system, which sounds like a fun bit of retro nostalgia, but the password system has the letters of the alphabet laid out in a grid... that you can only navigate by pushing up and down. The main menu says "Press Start", perhaps a holdover from XBLIG. If you go to exit you get this hideous developer mode prompt asking you if you're sure you want to exit in huge poorly aligned text strings going across the screen.

Why do I fixate on the menu? Because it's emblematic of how the game feels unfinished. Enter a level and you'll see that the "coin" count (actually is are only one coin per level, a "hidden" collectible--this could probably be done differently in the UI) is poorly aligned with the heart counter, which is vertical like SMB2 to its detriment.

When you move between levels, the map seems to load with the camera facing very far away and then whip across the level with blinding speed to get back to you--this is hard on the eyes and again feels unfinished. This wouldn't be a problem, except in a few levels the camera whips by enemies and plays their sounds, and many of the enemy sounds are very shrill and hard on the ears.

When you die, the sound simply stops and the game pauses for a second before fading the foreground to black. The effect looks very strange, the lack of feedback is bad, and it's slow. Consider what happens when you die in classic Super Mario Bros--the little ditty plays, the screen cuts to a lives counter (not applicable here), but I'm saying it shows how visual and audio feedback is part of how you design a game. That's not present in CotCI DX

Text boxes, which appear when you talk to characters in the game, has insufficient spacing between words so when you try to read the text it's difficult to follow.

There's visible tile seams, as you can see in the screenshot. Some bricks look fine but often the tile textures seem unfinished. The backgrounds are wildly inconsistent: some backgrounds, like the one you can see in the screenshot above with the pig king, have a cool parallax effect. Others are static images but animated. Several levels just have pure black backgrounds.

The entire game the camera feels a little too zoomed in. An important part of designing a platformer is ensuring the right balance between your character being large enough to see and provide details, but small enough so that jumping and moving feels good. Several levels feature points where it's difficult to see far enough around your character to see what you're doing.

Much of the level design is oddly boxy. Many of the levels are enormous, particularly those that use the gravity-inverting powerup to send you flying through a vast expanse. Big maps are generally a bad idea when designing a game, but they're a temptation for every first-time game designer. Then, platforming or puzzles levels typically are very small and cramped and much of the platforming involves putting low ceilings so that you can't jump near your full height. Because the main mechanic of the game is carrying objects and the developers want to force you to drop the objects to get past certain sections, I understand why they did this kind of cramped design, but it makes the levels feel kinda janky.

At least two levels that I noticed make it possible to get stuck mid level. One is the puzzle level around mid-way through where you need to pick up an orange guy at the beggining, boost on top of a column, and then throw a icicle guy right. The other is the final boss level, where if you accidentally drop your weapon in the (?) second last phase, you can't kill him. You can restart the current level through the menu, but again it's just a frustrating experience.

The final boss is pretty annoying in general. If you die, which is somewhat likely as you're learning his patterns, you restart at the beginning of the boss stage. This is fine, except you need to walk a few seconds to get to the boss and then talk to him, and then sit through a cutscene. This is a mistake that many professional games make, but it's annoying regardless.

The ending is weird, there's a smash cut from the final boss (no effect to see him dying or fade out or anything) into the ending, which is a static image with some text. The text looked like it didn't end properly, but no buttons I tried moved on to the next part of the text, except Enter/Start which just booted me back to the menu.

My playtime above includes idling the cards, but the game actually takes about 60-90 minutes. For replay you're encouraged to play as a second character, play a boss rush, and play a speedrun mode. I think this is fine value for money, but you should know what you're getting into.

In general this is a fun game and if you bought it I don't think you'd regret it. My issue is that this is not ready for release on Steam. Playtesting should have called attention to these issues and more, especially the menu/UI stuff which is immediately apparent. If this were an early access title, I'd recommend it and trust the developers would fix these issues, but this has been out for a while and has had some updates. It's beyond me why many of the issues I've raised in this review would have escaped the notice of the developer, and so the result is a game that feels sloppy and unpolished even though the core is a good looking, good sounding, interesting idea for a retro platformer.


So you can only send and receive Battle.net friend requests when both are logged in in the same region? What nonsense is this? If anyone wants to add me, might play some Overwatch during the beta: derExperte#2628

Red Hood

So you can only send and receive Battle.net friend requests when both are logged in in the same region? What nonsense is this? If anyone wants to add me, might play some Overwatch during the beta: derExperte#2628

I've sent you a request, mine is redhood#21636. I've been playing a little of the beta as well, pretty fun.

Also, other people from SteamGAF feel free to add me of course.


I just realised something about a DS3 boss, spoilers are as follows:
Boss name - What I pieced together

If you've beaten the first boss after the first Lord of Cinder you're safe.

High Lord Wolnir
What you're fighting is his ego
The fact that the bracelets keep him from being consumed by the dark was obvious if you notice he gets dragged to the depths afterwards (you can really only miss it if you're looking away) but I had never put together why touching the goblet "teleported" you to that dimension and how he could be so big when his skull in the goblet is average


Unconfirmed Member
Well I like all the sorts of platformers I have played so anything is fine, Im asking for exclusives ones because Im sort of new to the steam library but if it helps I also own a Wii U, 3DS, PS3 and PS4
This is also on 3DS, but make sure you play Cave Story. La-Mulana is a great metrovania that's been called a 2D Dark Souls. Aquaria is also a really nice platformer, not sure if it's on any consoles.

If you don't mind trying out an entirely new genre of RPG, Pillars of Eternity is a great place to start. That's my first cRPG and I loved it. If you've played Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars KotOR II, or South Park: The Stick of Truth, it's by the same people.

If you haven't played any Ys games (I think they were only on PSP and Vita), they're really great action RPGs by Falcom. Also by Falcom are Trails in the Sky I&II, which remind a lot of people of ps1 rpgs. Gurumin is also a nice game by them, which is a 3D platformer.

Undertale is an actually exclusive RPG that's cute if you want to hop on that bandwagon. Also if you haven't picked up Valkyria Chronicles for PS3/PS4, make sure to get it.
So you can only send and receive Battle.net friend requests when both are logged in in the same region? What nonsense is this? If anyone wants to add me, might play some Overwatch during the beta: derExperte#2628

Yeah, I have an American account (for some reason Blizzard merges South/South East Asia and Australia with 'the Americas'). So I can't play with you even if I wanted to. This was a decision made for WoW back in the day but they really have no excuse to still be doing it after launching about 4 more online focused games.

Also, people are going to run the "Cheers, Love" phrase into the ground before they're done with it aren't they?

Just looking at reddit and it seems that the developers of Kerbal Space Program have been doing some shifty stuff with underpaying their employees and not reinvesting into the game properly. That's a shame.


I just realised something about a DS3 boss, spoilers are as follows:
Boss name - What I pieced together

If you've beaten the first boss after the first Lord of Cinder you're safe.

High Lord Wolnir
What you're fighting is his ego
The fact that the bracelets keep him from being consumed by the dark was obvious if you notice he gets dragged to the depths afterwards (you can really only miss it if you're looking away) but I had never put together why touching the goblet "teleported" you to that dimension and how he could be so big when his skull in the goblet is average

pretty interesting

i wish there was more information in the game about the different bosses


Junkrat is my favorite hero in Overwatch so far, but I've always liked throwing granades and mines. He also has a mine jump and that kind of stuff is always cool.


Yeah, I have an American account (for some reason Blizzard merges South/South East Asia and Australia with 'the Americas'). So I can't play with you even if I wanted to. This was a decision made for WoW back in the day but they really have no excuse to still be doing it after launching about 4 more online focused games.

Shouldn't it work if I choose 'Americas' before starting the game (and the client?).

Oh. Ohhhhhh. Logged in choosing Americas and got a friend request from zkylon. But Red Hood has disappeared who I added in EU. So different lists per region? And when I start Overwatch via EU I see Red Hood in game again but zkylon is gone. The fuck. That's why Steam is best.
I'm not used to being without a sprint button after all these years. It feels so weird that some character's specials are sprinting or dashing. As far as movement, the ninja and samurai's wall run feels really satisfying. It's going to take a while to find something I like, I feel. Not buying it this early anyway. And thanks Bz for putting melee on my mouse thumb as default. I appreciate that.


Well I like all the sorts of platformers I have played so anything is fine, Im asking for exclusives ones because Im sort of new to the steam library but if it helps I also own a Wii U, 3DS, PS3 and PS4
This might be an huge stretch, but I'll say you definitely should check out Downwell, in addition to the others already mentioned. It shares a lot of elements with the rogue likes, but I'd say that it is more of an spin on the platforming genre than an RL itself. It focus on a horizontal progression, in contrast with most 2D platformers out there that usually on the vertical safe spot, and the weapons serve not only as a mean of dispatching the enemies, but also as a tool for controlling your descent. You could argue that it isn't an "legit" platformer, due to jumping, one of the main traits of the genre, not playing a big role in it, but there's more than enough characteristics to fit it into the genre. Either way, for the price it's sold out you should definitely go for it.

EDIT: and I'm just reminded that Downwell was released on the PS4 as well. Today definitely isn't my day.


I like Pharah, but with only 200 health she dies to everything.

Anyone plays on Asian server?
you gotta plan where you're gonna land ahead of your jump and just glide and shoot from above, wait for jump cooldown and repeat

she's not very good at 'dueling' in comparison to like tracer or genji, but you can stay alive a long while if you use the map to your advantagae

All this Overwatch talk on SteamGAF has me excited! I'll just go over to the sto...

yeah i kinda don't wanna be too annoying about it but at the same time it's so much fun and it's free for these few days so i really want to encourage ppl to play it


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yeah i kinda don't wanna be too annoying about it but at the same time it's so much fun and it's free for these few days so i really want to encourage ppl to play it

Yeah we should talk about actual steam related stuff in here... like anime and nintendo shit.


pretty interesting

i wish there was more information in the game about the different bosses

That would also explain why
braking the chains deals so much damage as opposed to hitting him regularly/in a arm where the chains have been broken, his physical self is long gone but when you break the bracelets you're literally breaking the objects that prolong his self's existence
Shouldn't it work if I choose 'Americas' before starting the game (and the client?).

Oh. Ohhhhhh. Logged in choosing Americas and got a friend request from zkylon. But Red Hood has disappeared who I added in EU. So different lists per region? And when I start Overwatch via EU I see Red Hood in game again but zkylon is gone. The fuck. That's why Steam is best.

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Yes, you can pick the region you want to play in at the start and join those servers. But as you discovered, your friends list will not carry over. Nor will any of your unlocks. Which doesn't matter a whole lot in this game, but not having your cards in Hearthstone or your gear in Diablo basically makes this process a non starter.

Plus of course if you choose the NA region then you'll have to play on those servers with a significantly higher ping than you'd get on EU.
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