Is there a fix for whatever Steam did to the client that is now causing weird scrolling/tearing issues?
so its not just me then
Is there a fix for whatever Steam did to the client that is now causing weird scrolling/tearing issues?
Is there a fix for whatever Steam did to the client that is now causing weird scrolling/tearing issues?
Wait for the next Chromium update in 2017.
Also apart from the strange scrolling the client seems to hang from time time.
Well I like all the sorts of platformers I have played so anything is fine, Im asking for exclusives ones because Im sort of new to the steam library but if it helps I also own a Wii U, 3DS, PS3 and PS4Do you have a preference in your platformers? Metroidvania, side-scrolling, puzzle-platformer, with rogue like elements? What have you played so far in the blanket genre (even across platforms)?
Why the push for exclusive ones? A significant amount of the platformer library is available on mobile or other consoles, I feel. Off the dome, I can only think of two that are wholly PC exclusive: Outland, and Dreaming Sarah.
Is Steam down?
Is this the point we've reached? Forcing vsync on the client?
By resist, you mean listen to the Bloodlines soundtrack again and again, mixing in The Deb of Night, right?
Still trying to overclock my client
It is on my end
why do so many people own Planet R-12, was it in some bundle I missed?
I bet running full 3d mode fixes tearing lol.Is there a fix for whatever Steam did to the client that is now causing weird scrolling/tearing issues?
I'm not having any issues with scrolling. Very direct. Up-to-date non-beta client here.Y'all can add me to the pile of people will scolling/tearing issues. What an annoying thing.
So thinking about it Family Sharing is basically the closest thing to renting games on steam isn't it.
Am I misremembering or was that someting Steam was trying to do as well.
I lost all my family sharing buddies =(
Battlefield Reveal thread is currently saying it might be a Alternate WW1
I have no one to family share off of
I hope my high school friend+my brother enjoy everything I buy though ;_;
(same for psn, they probably have thousands off me....)
So y'all playing Overwatch together or with randoms?
FromSoftware can't consistently write their studio's name apparently
For DS1 it's listed under "FromSoftware"
DS2 "FromSoftware, Inc."
DS3 "FromSoftware, Inc"
So weird.
FromSoftware can't consistently write their studio's name apparently
For DS1 it's listed under "FromSoftware"
DS2 "FromSoftware, Inc."
DS3 "FromSoftware, Inc"
So weird.
Team A
Team B
Team C
Y'all can add me to the pile of people will scolling/tearing issues. What an annoying thing.
I bet running full 3d mode fixes tearing lol.
Team A
Team B
Team C
Tracer's design is garbage
So Hotline Miami 2 is on sale, but the soundtrack isn't? Come on!
After playing the beta, I won't be getting Overwatch, at least for now, but the character is on fucking point.
is the HM2 soundtrack included with the digital special edition?
The Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Special Edition includes the Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number Remix EP featuring six remixed tracks from M|O|O|N, Scattle, and Carpenter Brut.
***Please note that the Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Special Edition does not include the full soundtrack. The full soundtrack is a separate purchase and includes all 49 tracks with the proceeds going to the artists themselves.***
is the HM2 soundtrack included with the digital special edition?