Wait for Polaris or PS4K Neo
Naw son, the 1080 is like 4 PS4K Neos duct taped together.
Wait for Polaris or PS4K Neo
-___-But i always imagine you as cute.
I came very close to uninstalling Overwatch tonight. A mix of me hating the sentry support lady and having a streak of brain dead games almost killed the whole thing for me.
And no Zkylon this wasnt a "the game is new stop complaining" thing. I dont care if people are shit. Im shit. But I care that people dont even try or just dont understand basic videogame fundamentals. Between people going afk and me standing alone at the start of a payload match with another dude literally looking at each other thinking "yo why is it just the 2 of us here?" While the opposing team calmly takes the cart to the objective, it was heroes of the storm all over again. And that game, I ran into those things from the beta all the way to months after release so no, its not just "the game is new".
But after a break I played a few more games with Lucio and I had a ton of fun. Hes an awesome character and the games were great, e straight wins with him and people were actually, you know, playing the game. Then I tried the engineer guy because it was a defense map and I loved him and it was also a great game even if I lost (so yeah I dont just like the game when I win). So im literally having a love-hate relationship with the game right now, which means ill still probably not buy it.
Its basically where I was with HotS when I quit, except I got there in 2 days instead of 6 months lol. My friend did point out that, unlike HotS which is f2p and anyone can play without a care in the world, this one requiring a purchase might mean when its out for realsies the afkers and general brain dead players will at the very least not be so abundant, one hopes. I just dont have the capacity to just not care about thise shit games where half the team isnt playing and shrug it off quickly and hope for a decent hame next time, Heroes killed that in me.
Edit: So right now its Mercy, Lucio, Bastion and Engineer guy for me. I still havent played most of the cast tho.
Naw son, the 1080 is like 4 PS4K Neos duct taped together.
The cringe is real.
I feel bad for Tom.I wouldn't be surprised if a few of the segments ended up in a cringe compilation.
I feel bad for Tom.
I feel bad for Tom.
Is Tom the new poster boy for SteamGAF?
We're all getting cards this summer 😌
x70 Nvidia cards seem to remain very good value.
The 1070 price is pretty tempting, but at this point I think I'll just go for the latter.
How much does a used 770 sell for? Would like to get dat 1070.
Will read up on independent reviews on the 1070 once they hit, to see how much difference it makes in the real world. Still, not very keen on reselling. Maybe next card series or even after that depending how long 970 can carry me.Yea, it looks like it's going to be pretty nice. Truthfully the x70 cards were probably the bad binned 1080s. Not that that is an issue as you are paying significantly less for 70% of the perf.
But the fact that there is a "founders edition" speaks volumes about yields.
To anyone interested on buying, better get in early as they'll most likely sell out.
Some of the heroes seem OP tho.
Like $100, if that.
How the hell am I gonna sell my 970 now. It'll be worth about $50.![]()
How the hell am I gonna sell my 970 now. It'll be worth about $50.![]()
Give ya a steam key for bad rats and shipping costs, best I can do.
scratch off the 9...put 10
At this rate i'll just give it to ModBot as a raffle.
The 970 is 4 tflops right? Is 6.5 tflops with 8(or 7.5gb) a huge improvement over that?
What the heck is a "founders edition"?
What the heck is a "founders edition"?
You know how some games, if you pre-order you get a 10% discount? That's basically what a founders edition is, I think.
How the hell am I gonna sell my 970 now. It'll be worth about $50.![]()
Something about more easily overclocked, I have no clue.
Thanks for the info. Considering that I have not a single clue what's overclocking is about (well, I kinda do, but not the specifics of it, and don't think I'd try it myself), think I'll go with the cheapest choice.Except this one costs more, I think it's just the best yield cards that are ideal for overclocking.
How the hell am I gonna sell my 970 now. It'll be worth about $50.![]()