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STEAM | May 2017 - Praeying for Dino Crisis

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Aaron D.

I might be sold on this, but I need to know but one thing. Is magic use in any way mandatory?


You'll certainly want to take advantage of magic buffs on your armor & weapons via scrolls & potions.

Yet you can comfortably sword & board your way through the dungeons regardless.


bish gets all the credit :)
I'm trying to buy two steam links due to the sale ($20), yet I see no option to change quantity. Is this another of Valve's great decisions where I have to spend $8 shipping for each?
So I'm pretty sure I'm near the end of The Last Remnant. I gave up on trying to do all the sidequests, which is how you get access to the true final boss, because my characters are poorly optimized so I'm sure I would just get destroyed anyway. I'll save that for NG+, if I decide to play through this game again.

I need to clear my backlog before I even think of buying any more Steam games.

You get the


I'm trying to buy two steam links due to the sale ($20), yet I see no option to change quantity. Is this another of Valve's great decisions where I have to spend $8 shipping for each?

It's also 20 on Amazon and Gamestop. You could get free shipping, unless you're trying to burn Steam credit.

You'll certainly want to take advantage of magic buffs on your armor & weapons via scrolls & potions.
Welp, I guess I'll give it a shot! I don't mind item enchanting and utility items that have magic properties, but I really don't like having spellcasting being a character property.


I played DS2 when it came and I'm actually deep into a SotFS playthrough now (final boss left but I'm doing the DLCs).

I'm liking it quite a bit more, I feel like SotFS is the way to go. You also get the DLC along with it so that's great too.

Oh right, the DLC too, that hadn't crossed my mind. It goes down to $8.74 (CDN) for the upgrade during sales, so I'll just wait a few more weeks! Thanks!


Seems like they fixed almost everything that professional reviewers were pointing out.
IGN: "Late Patch support 4/10"
I stopped caring about reviews in general a long time ago for certain genres, where I know more reliable sources, but it's still funny to see how out of touch with my tastes they can be. You'd think a great immersive sim would at least get into the average 7 zone, but nope, reviews can't wait a single day! This is kinda funny since they purely digital, there is no deadline for when the review has to go to print.
Honestly, I'd like for commercial games writing to stay around , but I probably won't miss it much if it goes away.
It literally warns you about this before you start. You have to get past a certain point to be able to learn how to save. Thought it was rather stupid, but then actually played the game and reached that point and thought it wasn't so bad of an idea after all

I didnt think the first level would be that long or that i'd die. I've beaten both bayos and mgr so thought i'd be alright. Im not lookin forward to replaying it

Aaron D.

Welp, I guess I'll give it a shot! I don't mind item enchanting and utility items that have magic properties, but I really don't like having spellcasting being a character property.

There's like 6 character classes that you can unlock. All with a variety of strength / stealth / magic focuses. So the game supports the full spectrum of gameplay styles.

You can play whichever style you like, with the bonus of adopting perks from other classes as desired.


Prey is selling pretty good on Steam.

And then there is this gem. Jeong may have some sort of medical issue happening there.




I always want to support games like this, but don't know if I can bring myself to play them. That fucking promo picture alone is just ... sigh

Going in I knew that the game had a high chance of making me sad. I think allowing yourself to feel sad every once in awhile through media is a good thing. The game has enough happy and uplifting moments to help get through it.

If you are okay with letting yourself be sad for awhile, I would say just go for it. I mean the worst thing that happens is you cry, nothing wrong with that. Well actually worse thing is that you dislike it and feel like you wasted money but I would hope that doesn't happen.


Prey is selling pretty good on Steam.

Owners: 176,385 ± 12,254

That's about similar to Disho 2 on steam when it launched I recall. Depends on the legs. Disho 2 kinda stagnated
612,002 ± 22,813 (Good numbers to us, but apparently it's been selling way behind Disho1 in the same time frame)

The immersive sim style games don't seem to sell bad per se. It seems it's just a case where the budget and expectations aren't meeting what companies want.
Din't WB say they were "taking a break" from PC ports after their whole Arkham Knight/Mortal Kombat X nonsense? Or am I crazy. Really wanted Injustice 2 on PC but oh well...


Din't WB say they were "taking a break" from PC ports after their whole Arkham Knight/Mortal Kombat X nonsense? Or am I crazy. Really wanted Injustice 2 on PC but oh well...

Shadow of Mordor is coming to PC. I think it's they're taking a break of trying to be quick with them. If the studio themselves can do it (Which Monolith can) we'll get them at launch. If not we'll see them later. Neatherrealm studios apparently can't handle doing their own PC ports. So we probably won't see the game until the GOTY or Complete collection comes out. Which is better than a shoddy port.


That Forza + Hot Wheels DLC being Windows Store only :/ Just the kind of fun-looking racer that interests me (Forza vanilla less so).

Aaron D.

That Forza + Hot Wheels DLC being Windows Store only :/ Just the kind of fun-looking racer that interests me (Forza vanilla less so).

Yeah, that s**t looks bomb-ass.

Good on them for firing on all cylinders.

After hearing about the recent performance patch I'll likely be diving in on a sale price.
So what's the oldest game on your Steam wishlist this isn't out yet?

It's about to be 3 years since I added this one, back in August of 2014. They had it dated for 2015 but kept pushing it back since. Sounds like they're making some progress now though, hope it turns out well!


Unconfirmed Member
Looking at my wishlist by date added made me realize some of the games I had on there were removed already. RIP Alice the Madness Returns and Grimm.

But yeah, oldest thing I have on there that hasn't been released is A Hat in Time, and I added that in March 2016, so not that far back.

For fun, the oldest thing on my wishlist is Trails in the Sky - added that in July 2014.
So what's the oldest game on your Steam wishlist this isn't out yet?

It's about to be 3 years since I added this one, back in August of 2014. They had it dated for 2015 but kept pushing it back since. Sounds like they're making some progress now though, hope it turns out well!

Oh right, that's not out yet. I backed it on Kickstarter almost 3 years ago. It had an estimated release of May 2015 at the time.

Looking at my wishlist by date added made me realize some of the games I had on there were removed already. RIP Alice the Madness Returns and Grimm.

RIP World in Conflict which I added in 2012.


So what's the oldest game on your Steam wishlist this isn't out yet?

It's about to be 3 years since I added this one, back in August of 2014. They had it dated for 2015 but kept pushing it back since. Sounds like they're making some progress now though, hope it turns out well!

I'm still waiting for that one. I remember it being an early talked about PS4 game that I was interested in.

My oldest is Ghost Song. I added it in February 2015.


I heard of this fun F2P multiplayer game called League of Legends. You might want to check that out!

If you are looking for something pick up and play maybe one of the Shantae games if you haven't already played them? Or Stardew Valley if you want something super chilled and perfect time killer between those league queues.
i don't think shantae is my kind of thing

i should probably play more league that's true


Edit: I get 100% of my money back at ~500k sold
that sounds like a reasonable bet

i probably wouldn't want to taint my enjoyment of a game with like a $1000 investment but it sounds like you're def gonna make some money


So what's the oldest game on your Steam wishlist this isn't out yet?

It's about to be 3 years since I added this one, back in August of 2014. They had it dated for 2015 but kept pushing it back since. Sounds like they're making some progress now though, hope it turns out well!

I think, I've had that since the start of 2013?



Beat Prey. Despite the Steam Clock saying it took 12.3 hours, the in-game clock said it was 11ish hours. That was with doing some side missions (Not all of them, just the one's I felt were needed). Overall I was pleasantly surprised. Ended up enjoying the game more than I though, and I would say it's easily Arkane's best when compared to Disho 1 (Haven't played DisHo 2 yet). I'll start off with the negatives though just to lay a foundation, since it's far from perfect however.
First I found the difficulty could be a bit random. The beginning two hours are by far the hardest (Especially if you don't find the shotgun ASAP). Then things start to even out pretty well with a few hiccups here and there. This might have been due to going all human and using no typhoid skills however (Since I think some of the enemies are weaker to that). However by the end of the game I was basically doom guy. Had put points in having a maxed out shotgun, full speed movement, and slowmo with damage boost. Enemies became a non-issue especially in the final moments. Since I was able to run past them or demolish them easy. Which is actually something I reall liked. The game did a good job of offering the "Play your way" for the most part.
The second negative I had was that some of the searching around could get rather tiresome. While this might be more a personal preference, it's very easy to accidentally miss things you need even when you are taking your time (Which I did). There were more than a few moments I was running back and forth on mission pointers not realizing I had missed a random keycard on a dead body and such. Thankfully this seemed to be more an issue with the side missions than the main quest.
Lastly the Zero Grav stuff was just kinda there. To me it ended up being nothing more than busy work (Since you move slow in space and they give you large stretched to cover) and weaker than usual combat (Zero Grav is filled with the sacks that throw exploding enemies at you while you move slow. It's as fun as it sounds). Though when it was in smaller settings the zero grav controls themselves and exploring was cool at least. When you didn't have to worry about enemies.
I would say those three things are really the only big negatives I had which impacted my enjoyment. Since there were times where both would take me out of the experience of searching around the space station for the truth.
The only other gripe I really had was that the Thyphoids themselves I found rather uninteresting throughout. The entire time playing the game, I was wishing for a more monster Alien Presence like the Xenomorphs. I feel like that would've worked so much better, especially when it comes to monster designs. The whole mimic thing isn't even utilized all that well I feel. I also wouldn't call any of the monster designs here all that interesting even though there are more than a few. That's more of a nitpick though, since it doesn't really impact the game itself too much.

The positives on the other hand were making me feel like I really could play my own way for the most part (More than a few times I completed objectives with pure force or by being creative with making a way of entry). I really liked the aesthetic of the space station itself, and the gameplay actually worked quite well when everything clicked. I played the entire game on M&KB (Which I rarely do) and it all felt natural and worked well. The story i'm a bit at odds with. I don't hate it, but i'm not exactly over the moon for it either. I recommend watching after the credits however or you basically miss the real ending of the game. It was the ending along that made me turn around on the story aspect rather than just write it off.
Overall I'd recommend it. If you like Deus Ex or Bioshock, I think you'd like this. Just in the case of those who prefer bioshock more. This game will require a bit more patience from the player at least until you start to make good neuromod investments.

Still shouldn't have been called Prey though, and I still want Prey 2.

**Note: The port is really good. Ran everything at Max at 60FPS on a i7-3770, 1060 6GB, and 16GB ram. Only one area dropped frames and I think that was an issue on my end and not the game itself. In case anyone was still on the fence about that.


As someone that have never played the original DayZ mod, but bought DayZ standalone and thought that was extremely boring (nothing happened, liteally, when I played)... are these others survivals based on DayZ actually much better to justfy another try?

I'm talking about H1Z1, Battlegrounds or whatever similar there is.


As someone that have never played the original DayZ mod, but bought DayZ standalone and thought that was extremely boring (nothing happened, liteally, when I played)... are these others survivals based on DayZ actually much better to justfy another try?

I'm talking about H1Z1, Battlegrounds or whatever similar there is.

DayZ is very different from H1Z1 KOTK/Battlegrounds, it's structurally much closer to Minecraft. The battle royale genre is explicitly competitive and round based with a focus on combat. Games like DayZ and Minecraft have no specific objective, worlds are persistent, and there's a focus on survival/crafting.

I'd suggest just watching longer form footage of it, rounds have a pretty hard cutoff of 30-35 minutes at the very most if you win.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Something happened to my Steam Library, and I think it has to do with me starting to download games in a different HD. Could someone enlight me with a possible solution?

Since yesterday I started to install games in different and clean HD, to save memory from the main one (which Steam is installed at, and where the games have been dowloading). But now, I was going to play Darksiders 2 and Steam prompeted a message saying "Failed to start game (missing executable)". This happen to everygame in the previous install folder, but not with the ones I installed in the new drive.

I checked at the settings if both libraries are set, and seems both of them are:

Is there a solution for this? When I try to check file integrity it fails and asks to "update", but the game actually starts downloading all over again.

I wonder if it's downloading twice, and if not, how the hell were these games deleted if I didn't mess with them.

Are the manifest (.acf) files in the correct library folder? E.g. If you have CS:GO installed under D:\SecondSteamLibrary\SteamApps but appmanifest_730.acf (730 being the game's app ID, which you can find by either looking it up on SteamDB or enabling the URL bar in Steam and clicking the store page link in your library) is actually in C:\Steam\SteamApps\, then Steam won't be able to find the game data.


2 questions:

1) How's the Dark Souls 3 PC port? I have it on PS4, but if I can get a superior version on PC with all DLC included for sub-$40 I'll grab it.

2) How do I get into the Steam group?


2 questions:

1) How's the Dark Souls 3 PC port? I have it on PS4, but if I can get a superior version on PC with all DLC included for sub-$40 I'll grab it.

2) How do I get into the Steam group?

DS3 PC is amazing. I still rate DS1 higher, but just because it was a whole new game-world for me, and I loved it.

Leave your steam url here and someone will send you an invite - it's pretty much inactive anyways.


2 questions:

1) How's the Dark Souls 3 PC port? I have it on PS4, but if I can get a superior version on PC with all DLC included for sub-$40 I'll grab it.

dark souls 3 on pc is an all around great port

play it with a controller tho cos u know, it's dark souls
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