maybe sam the acheevos you would've earned pre-acheevos rollout?
never cared for acheevos that much, but if it bothers you so much then that might be an option.
free copons
75% Shadow Warrior
50% Age of Mythology
50% Adult Swim Games
Well I've been trying really hard to hit 50% in my profile achievements before I can stop caring. And I'm perfectly happy playing games that don't have achievements. But what I'm saying is that the addition of achievements fundamentally changes one's playstyle. Before I would have been content to play through it however I wanted. Now all I'll be thinking about is how I'm supposed to play in order to tick some checkboxes.
don't bother to play like that, then. It's refreshing to play a game, get a cheevo, and be like WTF did i do to get that?
don't let cheevos determine how you play, play how you'll play and when you get a cheevo then embrace that euphoric moment and move on.
We have to earn it.This thread needs to get moved to gaming discussion again. Soon all I see here is tumbleweed.
Batman: Arkham Origins is $4.99 at Newegg.
Zkylon do not click. Everyone else, you have been warned.
So this is what I do now. Wasting time and posting nonses.
Just having a personal crisis. Ignore.
Reading something about Ubisoft games not being on UK steam anymore? Saw it on /v/ though with no source, but it said the crew/ass unity/far cry 4 weren't available.
Actually I think I saw a tweet from somebody from the UK that wasn't able to by far cry 4..
Been like that with Ubi games for a while now, new games (those sold at retail) aren't shown in the Steam store.
Oh man, I was wondering where this thread went...
I finished this one up, I think it was a nice enough puzzle game but I don't think the narrative was anything special. No real interest in the sequel after playing this one but I can understand why it did well on the iPad.I finished The Room, took me 2 hours. The ending was quite WTF, I am still kinda baffled here. What the hell was that.
Here's a non-spoiler version of the ending:
Or something. Yeah the puzzles were pretty good and I liked the atmosphere and looks but what the christ. I thought the game was supposed to have an Epilogue but it turned out that the last chapter was the epilogue. I guess the iOS players must have been even more confused than I am.
Snow Light steam key was added to Build a Greenlight bundle 9
Bik and Life of Pixel were added to REMUTE'S RETRO RAMPAGE
One day for ched added to BUILD A GREENLIGHT BUNDLE 6
UK retailers still managing to dick around game buyers, huh?
Sure that's not just because Ubisoft wants to promote UPlay sales?
no ofense but you are ridiculously late with those. like, in some cases, weeks late![]()
Anyone have a spare Shadow Warrior coupon? Don't wanna miss out on this awesome deal.
As UPlay keys.. right?No. They're available (almost) everywhere else.
Yea, I only periodically go through the groupees thing. Any place that people check these things?
NoooWelp, Majora's Mask 3DS just got announced. Time to go full SalsaShark on you guys come next spring.
PMing you.
I use Probably several other resources as well.
Sure that's not just because Ubisoft wants to promote UPlay sales?
Welp, Majora's Mask 3DS just got announced. Time to go full SalsaShark on you guys come next spring.
Awesome, now I can finally play it and see what all the hoopla is about.
Oh man, I was wondering where this thread went...
It's a valid explanation, uplay gets 100% of the revenue instead of Ubisoft getting a cut from Steam, but why then just the UK?
Also, Valiant Hearts, a digital only title, never received the same block that Watch_Dogs did or Far Cry 4 and AC:Unity currently have.
Only 4 pages while I was asleep? Welp, looks like this thread is dead. It was fun while it lasted.
Splatoon was the best thing from the nintendo direct.
I can always start a random Go! Go! Nippon rageplay.Only 4 pages while I was asleep? Welp, looks like this thread is dead. It was fun while it lasted.
wait whats happening with Ubisoft? are they pulling a EA?
Interesting to see how Ubisoft moves forward with this, obviously the ramifications could potentially be significant.
Their die hard Assassin's Creed fans will likely still be there, but they will miss the massive legs that come with Steam sales. There will still be sales on GMG, Uplay, etc, but that doesn't bring the hundreds of millions of eyes that open the Steam page.
I was hoping for Uplay to be dead by the time The Division is released, could be the completely opposite outcome.
Splatoon was the best thing from the nintendo direct.
No. Nothing is changing. They just don't put their games up for pre-order on Steam in the UK like THQ didn't.
Interesting to see how Ubisoft moves forward with this, obviously the ramifications could potentially be significant.
Their die hard Assassin's Creed fans will likely still be there, but they will miss the massive legs that come with Steam sales. There will still be sales on GMG, Uplay, etc, but that doesn't bring the hundreds of millions of eyes that open the Steam page.
I was hoping for Uplay to be dead by the time The Division is released, could be the completely opposite outcome.
it sure does.Codename STEAM looks like an ugly version of Valkyria Chronicles.