yup, a new badge page update broke the idle master. We all are doomed
How did it break?
I tried launching it (v0.5, in case there's a newer version around) and got the number of eligible games right and started idling right away.
yup, a new badge page update broke the idle master. We all are doomed
Y'all should go and downvote my review on Steam and, like, start flaming those 5 peeps (luv ya) who found it useful.
(just saying, tho, I loved MP2 and MP3 too to an extent, but I just viscerally hate MP1. I'm sorry if this makes you all mad with me, but you should think I'm a cat wearing sunglasses, and just pet me, thx)
How did it break?
I tried launching it (v0.5, in case there's a newer version around) and got the number of eligible games right and started idling right away.
Just finished Spec Ops The Line... my mind is thoroughly fucked.
Good news is that jshackles is working on it
How did it break?
I tried launching it (v0.5, in case there's a newer version around) and got the number of eligible games right and started idling right away.
The Idle Master idles in alphabetic order.So unless you set in another order and haven't idled all games in the first page then you are safe until jshackles has fixed itnvm
let's hope he succeeds in this endeavour of utmost importance! I no longer can imagine my steamlife without idlemaster, it's too scary even to imagine, or remember.
I remember seeing the PC version on retail shelves here in Germany back in the day. Didn't even know it used to be an Xbox exclusive. According to Wiki the port never released outside of EU.They did, OG XBox exclusive Yager.
(Wikipedia says it was ported to Windows, which I don't think is true?)
you beat it in one sitting? wow
I mean i know the game is short but damn. that gameplay was too boring for me to play it in more than 30 minute chunks
Also not sure if it's something wrong with Jazzpunk (a game has evil aura or something (><) but I got really sick while playing it yesterday, maybe just coincidence, I hope... the game can't be evil, can it?
It's literally the poopiest game ever.
+Native controller support
+Nice graphic
+Huge amount of new items to find
+I shed so many tears
Oh god no. I was on Chapter 3 before. I started the game like a month ago. So yeah o played chapter 3-15 in one sitting Lol
Anyway, I just read an article on IGN about the truth behind Spec Ops and goddamn my mind is blown away even more now. This game is so trippy!
MP1 is Max Payne 1?
Because, yes, Max Payne 1 is better than Spec Ops. It's better than most games![]()
You are not alone, the game causes motion sickness to many. The solution to this is to reduce mouse smoothness or whatever smoothness there is in the settings.
I reduced it, but I also haven't played longer sessions than first time I played it.
Posted a review of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Have you watched Apocalypse Now? Has less cover shooting, but overall I think it's better than Spec Ops was (not that I think Spec Ops was bad).
Me neither, but Jazzpunk gave me motion sickness.
I never have motion sickness in games, expect slight discomfort in descent games when I lose direction, so I'm not sure it's that. (><)
Posted a review of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
It's literally the poopiest game ever.
+Native controller support
+Nice graphic
+Huge amount of new items to find
+I shed so many tears
This thread, this poor thread
I guess it should have been expected, but it hurts nevertheless.
This thread, this poor thread
I guess it should have been expected, but it hurts nevertheless.
this will help cheer you:
now I imagine everyone stares to this gif in stupor (><)
[quote="Knurek, post: 137587738"]What's worrying is that Stump hasn't posted since the move.
MRORANGE as well IIRC? Guess there will be no December thread. :\[/QUOTE]
I think we established that stump can't find it!
What's worrying is that Stump hasn't posted since the move.
MRORANGE as well IIRC? Guess there will be no December thread. :\
It's quite amazing what just a couple of days can do to some folks after the move. We've still got 24 days and about 140 pages to go before the wall come tumbling down! And now I'm happy as I have The Style Council stuck in my head.
Edit: Fuck me, if ever a songs lyrics were more appropriate.
weren't you supposed to take over Mrorange's job of creating a new threads for a while, or was it in an alternative universe?
fuck, took a bunch of screenshots but afterburner wasn't working the entire session for whatever reason despite it's running in the background.
w-what I am playing for!?
Even assuming Orange isn't around, a mod could just copy the OP for the new thread (what is commonly referred to as a "copy bump") and PM Orange so that he knows to update it. It kindasorta happened before a few months ago in that Orange wasn't around when the thread of the time hit its limit part way through the month.
What the shit?
If you've got the overlay on there should be a circular indicator to show the picture is saving under the stats read out. Bloody hard to see in the default fuchsia and not something you'd really be looking at when playing but it's good to test things out before getting to far in and it's too late. Some games these days hate Afterburner's OSD and the screenshot and record functions.
Another "EA style" thing. Only Uplay is even crappier then Origin. Basically, Ubi wants to charge as much as they can, and they don't want a piece of the cake to Valve.
Finally finished TitS. What an intriguing ending. I hope the next installment is being released soon. (anyone know?)
Murf. Well, I won't buy anymore AssCreed anyways.Another "EA style" thing. Only Uplay is even crappier then Origin. Basically, Ubi wants to charge as much as they can, and they don't want a piece of the cake to Valve.
Are we a Media Outlet yet?
!!it all makes sense now...with this move steam is facing irrelevancy....
uplay thread stickied in gaming forum come february 2015 just u wait
I think those are general 25% vouchers.Dishonored - play for an hour - 25% off voucher
Lords of the Fallen - play for an hour - 25% off voucher
Skyrim - play for an hour - 25% off voucher
Why if I already own those games, I would need a 25% off voucher?
And...maybe GMG will answer my ticket before X-Mas.
it all makes sense now...with this move steam is facing irrelevancy....
uplay thread stickied in gaming forum come february 2015 just u wait
I don't think it's that, otherwise the issue would be more widespread instead of isolated to a single country. Ubi is just the one and only publisher that's still scared stiff because of the relatively ancient threat from UK retailers to not stock games that are available on Steam.
Dishonored - play for an hour - 25% off voucher
Lords of the Fallen - play for an hour - 25% off voucher
Skyrim - play for an hour - 25% off voucher
Why if I already own those games, I would need a 25% off voucher?
And...maybe GMG will answer my ticket before X-Mas.
But why would this affect selling the digital games on Steam in the UK? The physical versions of Ubisoft games don't activate on Steam (I wish...), they're all Uplay games.
I would vote for gog, though. In 2015 everybody uses galaxy, nobody remembers what steam, uplay or origin is, not to mention wb client or whatever that was supposed to be. Also Witcher is everybody's GOAT from now on till Cyberpunk releases. Who's with me?
Although, I hope Ubi isn't that delusional as EA is (><)
Because Steam is, by all estimations, the most popular DD service by a significant margin.
That'd mean me moving to the GOG thread, though. Which right now would probably be something like moving from Siberia to Antarctica. >.>
I wish we had numbers of how the same game sells on steam and uplay, steam and origin, because both Ubi and EA are still in it for money, so unless digital on steam is still smaller than other sales, this all thing makes no sense. Now, if it is really smaller part of sales, I still would like to know they reasoning what sacrificing those sales does. Increase other sales? By the same amount? I doubt that.
It's like whole gaming industry is some incarnation of chaos, it's really hard to comprehend why things are being handled as they are, nothing makes sense most of the time. (><)
to move there, you have to find it first!