Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Well, the second one is only 33% off, but noted.
Makes me sad, really. You'd think they'd improve on the first one...
Of course, the turnaround time was really short, wasn't it?
Yeah, the turnaround time was surprisingly fast and the first game ended somewhat abruptly.
I was hoping for another Diablo-like dungeon crawler (like the first one) but what I got was this weird sort of Diablo-like real time strategy game. I did the first mission during Extra Life, and I really hated it. You have a "base" and the first hour and a half is just you running back and forth trying to keep the monsters away from your base while doing these really weird missions that don't make much sense.
It's like they took the tower defense mini-game from the first one, made it worse, then made that the game. Maybe it gets better after two hours, but I'll probably not be finding out.
I may regret stirring the pot by saying this, but I am considering getting a next-gen controller for PC gaming. Is there a general consensus on which is better? I don't have (or plan to get currently) either the PS4 or XB1 so I have no real bias towards either. I'm currently using a DS3 which is fine with the little clip on triggers, but I imagine either the DS4 or XB1 contoller would be a lot better. What are Steam-GAF's experiences with either? Worth getting either over sticking with my DS3 or getting a cheap wired 360 controller?
Personally I have both a XB1 and PS4 controller, but prefer the XB1 controller for PC. There are only two down-sides: a) it's wired (no wireless option at this time) and b) the shoulder buttons are shit. The triggers are fine, but the shoulder buttons are stiff and weird.