Why does clicking on play sometimes ask me if I want to stream to another device and then sometimes it won't even bother asking me?
I know this is random but out of all the elderly celebrities that I forgot about over the years. I'm quite happy to find out that Dick Van Dyke is still alive. Diagnosis:Murders was the bomb.
I know this is random but out of all the elderly celebrities that I forgot about over the years. I'm quite happy to find out that Dick Van Dyke is still alive. Diagnosis:Murders was the bomb.
Applies to both seasons I think. Yeah only the last episode.
Just finished the last episode of season 2, there isn't a post-credit cutscene.
oo nice, i had to leave cos i had to go to my cousin's wedding (miss the second half of josh mandel's talk :<)I was there too! The Mar del Plata Eva is this year, December 6th. Also there's going to be another one in Córdoba next year.
i have unlimited internet -basically in argieland the deal you get is no one cares if you pirate half of the internet but uploads are really shitty (so no twitch streaming unless you pay lots of money)- and not that but of an audio setup (tho nothing cray) but i just really don't care that muchAgreed! Not everyone has super-duper audio setup and/or unlimited internet.I do
one of my toes is bleeding
why is there dancing at wedding receptions
at least i got like 17 free mjoitos
one of my toes is bleeding
why is there dancing at wedding receptions
Wut.one of my toes is bleeding
why is there dancing at wedding receptions
at least i got like 17 free mjoitos
Yeah I'm messing around with a bunch of different ones, and I found a pretty ENB to make it all pop. I can't wait for M&B Bannerlords to come out.
fixed that for youAbsolutely since the cheapest you can get them is around $5.
2.5 keys is only around $6.
fixed that for you
its cheaper to get the 4 pack of the game
lolWatched Interstellar yesterday, this picture perfectly summed it up
Watched Interstellar yesterday, this picture perfectly summed it up
I can fault Nolan for the exposition, most people would be confused as hell if not for it.The more that movie sits in my head, the less I like it; Nolan really let me down this time![]()
You really should experience it on big screen, gonna watch it again on IMAX.I decided to skip Interstellar and took my brother to see Big Hero 6 instead (amazing movie btw, everyone should see it). I feel like Interstellar might be one of those movie better off watching at home where you can rewind and pause to think about the mindfuck stuff Nolan put you through.
You really should experience it on big screen, gonna watch it again on IMAX.
ed: like my favorite movie is prolly lars von triers melancholia and thats about as obvious as it gets with like a literal planet named melancholia and everything. i dont believe in ofuscation for ofuscations sake is what i'm saying
oh god, I thought that was the worst movie I've ever seen, only one of 2 movies I've ever walked out of a cinema =/
I still like it though.
Bastion soundtrack is in FLAC but Transistor's is only MP3, what a shame, but I'd still pick it up on iTunes.
I've seen a lot of streams display that.I'm playing shadow warrior redux at the moment.
Is this game supposed to look and feel like a 30fps game even though the framerate is way higher? Is that just the way the game works or is it supposed to run super smooth like a true 60fps game. How does it run for you?
Zkylon is a Lars von trier fan?
I don't think I can deal with that.
Last act is best act IMO, even Kip Thorne was impressed with the2/3 of the movie were really good, last one... not so much.
First time in a while I visited imdb top 250, and I think it will be my last time.
Wow nice, is it steam only?I got a FLAC version of the Transistor soundtrack. If you send a message to the Supergiant guys, with proof of purchase of the Transistor soundtrack on Steam, you'll get a link for the FLAC version.
I knew it.wouldn t say that, haven't watched most of his anyways.
but i like that movie a lot and i like him
he's fun
i like opinionated people
I'm playing shadow warrior redux at the moment.
Is this game supposed to look and feel like a 30fps game even though the framerate is way higher? Is that just the way the game works or is it supposed to run super smooth like a true 60fps game. How does it run for you?
DSOGaming: Shadow Warrior seemed unable to max out our quad-core and take advantage of all four CPU cores, which resulted in low-performance in various scenes. A simulated tri-core CPU was performing the same with a quad-core CPU. Is that due to a limitation of the API (DirectX)?
KN: We have recently moved to job based engine architecture. Additionally we have optimized serial code paths and replaced DX9 with DX11, which has lower CPU overhead. Currently it scales much better and most of the time uses all available cores.
MS: In fact we are planning to release a new PC version of Shadow Warrior intended for 64bit processors (Windows 7 and up) that uses new version of our engine you will be able to test it by yourselves. Our internal tests show a significant performance increase compared to the current PC 32bit version.
Wow nice, is it steam only?
FWH said that they're working on a pc update for the game, with much better optimization (dx11, x64).
yea you dumbo u think you can pull one past me pffttttI am being facetious btw.
That's for Shadow Warrior, not Shadow Warrior Redux (the Duke3D engine game).
Watched Interstellar yesterday, this picture perfectly summed it up
Anyone know if Witcher 3 is still 10k or can I get it for ~7k now?
Is going to watch it soon, is that ... bad? no spoilers tho![]()
I haven't finished it yet, so I can't give you an exact answer.
I'm currently in chapter 6 and about 4 hours in. As for side content, there are a couple of side quests, you can find new characters, craft Oculi, find Stardust and collect papers with confessions on them, that are floating around.
I haven't done all of the sidequests I've encountered so far (you can warp back to places you've already been to, so I'm doing them later), but I can't imagine the game taking 27 hours, unless the last 4 chapters are incredibly long.
I just wanted to continue playing, but Uplay was first stuck on "Looking for updates" and now it won't let me log in because "There seems to be a problem with your internet connection". Great. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Edit: Might be a problem on ubisoft's end, as http://uplay.ubi.com/ is down. Guess I'll just wait and see.
Edit2: Yes, that was the problem, now it works.