Well, I just caved and bought a 970. Seemed the most extreme way I could get my hands on Assassins Creed, but hey, least I can go back to setting everything on max and running it without worrying again.
Edit: Also, its funny, I feel like we're creeping closer back to the UT/Quake era of shooters. Both Titanfall and CoD:AW feel closer to those two than anything in a long while other than Halo, which makes it all the weirder its going in the opposite direction.
I'm on the brink of doing like you.
But then I remember that the code is uPlay only and I'd have to bother with selling it and I'd get a net of like $20 off the card for my troubles and I think "not fucking worth it."
what bundle(s) was Pitiri on? Looks cool
That one fusion bundle.