some people are arguing it'd be better to have two threadsI'm LTTP....but what?
basically one that's steam for reals
the other is a jokey steam thread or whatever
not the greatest of ideas i think
some people are arguing it'd be better to have two threadsI'm LTTP....but what?
some people are arguing it'd be better to have two threads
basically one that's steam for reals
the other is a jokey steam thread or whatever
not the greatest of ideas i think
some people are arguing it'd be better to have two threads
basically one that's steam for reals
the other is a jokey steam thread or whatever
not the greatest of ideas i think
No it's not.Hi guys, a bit off-topic but is Lego Marvel Heroes region locked ?
some people are arguing it'd be better to have two threads
basically one that's steam for reals
the other is a jokey steam thread or whatever
not the greatest of ideas i think
Thanks! ... gotta edit nothing. Absolutely nothing.No it's not.
Hi guys, a bit off-topic but is Lego Marvel Heroes region locked ?
Actually I checked steamdb and cam to the conclusion as well. It was just weird not seeing it "there". And my steamdb-fu is not than good.
Sorry master frost! I will try to change to the better!C'mon now.
I like you.
But did you really need to say this, considering all the aspects of what you're talking about?
well, the combat in alan wake is pretty sickeningI'm kind of getting sick of the group combat in Alan Wake.
this is the best shit ever
I don't get the overwatch hype... I don't know what the setting is, the characters look generic in a generic Blizzard games sense...
guess you have to be a Blizzard fan?
Guys let's stop making things personal. I know games are serious business but at the end of the day it's a thread on a gaming forum about games and stuff. We talk plenty about the games, there should at least be a little room to talk about the stuff. Let's be friends!
Blizzard knows how to make great Kool aid.
I'm kind of getting sick of the group combat in Alan Wake.
well, the combat in alan wake is pretty sickening
i mean it's ok once or twice but on repetition it's not too good
I'm on the last episode and I've had enough of getting ambushed by groups. Send that fuckingafter me if you want me to shit my pants, that would be a welcome change.tornado
I'm on the last episode and I've had enough of getting ambushed by groups. Send that fuckingafter me if you want me to shit my pants, that would be a welcome change.tornado
I'm kind of getting sick of the group combat in Alan Wake.
Well strap in, because you've seen 90% of what it has to offer.
It becomes a game within a game, seeing how much you can break its poorly-designed areas. Enemies' AI will fall apart if you can run past them to the next checkpoint (light), skipping the encounter entirely.
Dash to the light, Alan. Dash for your sanity.
...running past them is what the devs intended, not a game breaking concept....
never ever return over an invisible trigger line though, or they'll just spawn again.Dash to the light, Alan. Dash for your sanity.
no, they should've just made the encounters more varied and interesting
the core lighting concept is cool and the dodging mechanic is great, it's just that it gets tiring to fight against "mob of dudes with hatchets" a million times.
the mechanics are actually really good
Looks like someone reviewed the VC PC port already! Short answer: It's solid but you need to force AA from drivers.
Alan Wake really felt as though it should have had Deadly Premonition-esque scope (aka an open world / character schedules) to make its atmosphere and storytelling shine. Conversely, DP needed Alan Wake's combat.
AW started out as an open world game.
Then Microsoft and the 360 happened.
It's good to hear that the Valkyria port isn't a disaster... I admit, I was worried.
The concept is good but I don't think the game took advantage of it at all. Then again, I could say the same thing about every aspect of Alan Wake. Fortunately, American Nightmare did a much better job, so at least Remedy was trying.
Alan Wake really felt as though it should have had Deadly Premonition-esque scope (aka an open world / character schedules) to make its atmosphere and storytelling shine. Conversely, DP needed Alan Wake's combat.
does that mean lack of pc button prompts?It's not all sunshine and rainbows though.
it was supposed to be an open world game, that's why the game is so bizarrely large and why there are those weird ass driving sections that make absolute sense
so yea a much more focused alan wake 2 would be awesome since the core is pretty solid. the execution just came kind of choppy cos development hurdles and shit
does that mean lack of pc button prompts?
i'll prolly be playing it on a controller so no biggie for me
still pretty lame
Yeah.. you can totally see how the ideas, levels, and stuff in the game would fall into place much more neatly and naturally as an open world was supposed to be an open world game, that's why the game is so bizarrely large and why there are those weird ass driving sections that make absolute sense
so yea a much more focused alan wake 2 would be awesome since the core is pretty solid. the execution just came kind of choppy cos development hurdles and shit
Isn't that just a COD joke?
Lol zkylon fell for that so harddoes that mean lack of pc button prompts?
i'll prolly be playing it on a controller so no biggie for me
still pretty lame
does that mean lack of pc button prompts?
i'll prolly be playing it on a controller so no biggie for me
still pretty lame
Alan Wake 2 has a good chance of being superior.
Looks like someone reviewed the VC PC port already! Short answer: It's solid but you need to force more AA and AF from drivers. (AA seems to be applied by default.)
What I am able to confirm is that everything, cut-scene movies and gameplay, stuck to a smooth 60 on my machine (i3-2100/8GB/2GB HD 7870) with the refresh rate option selected.
Still drunk, zkylon?no, they should've just made the encounters more varied and interesting
the core flashlight concept is cool and the dodging mechanic is great, it's just that it gets tiring to fight against "mob of dudes with hatchets" a million times.
the mechanics are actually really good
Seems that the port is well optimized, he was getting a solid 60 at all times on a very modest machine.
Looks like someone reviewed the VC PC port already! Short answer: It's solid but you need to force more AA and AF from drivers. (AA seems to be applied by default.)
Nice to hear confirmation on it being a well-done port. The 11th is so far away!Looks like someone reviewed the VC PC port already! Short answer: It's solid but you need to force more AA and AF from drivers. (AA seems to be applied by default.)
Yeah.. you can totally see how the ideas, levels, and stuff in the game would fall into place much more neatly and naturally as an open world game.
Alan Wake 2 has a good chance of being superior.
So when can us Americans unlock VC with VPN tomorrow?
It's a Nov 11th release in the EU right?