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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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Ban Puncher

I want to live in a universe where a re-released Valkyria Chronicles on Steam outsells Sonic Boom and makes Sega realise that their Sonic/Football Manager/Total War/Aliens only attitude to the west is pretty dumb.

I will totally buy Sonic Boom for a tenner when it bombs because I have a thing for really shitty games.


If we have new members that wanna join all they have to do is just post in this thread

"Hey can someone invite me to SteamGAF group on Steam? Thanks" I mean it happened before back in July. I remember getting invited by someone without even asking for it when I first joined this thread.
This probably works if this thread still continues to be active, which probably isn't a problem
Also once you're a member, even if you don't post as much or have to leave for a few days or months. Or just kinda drop off like xelios. It not like your membership will be revoked or something. Sure you can leave the group on steam and rejoin when you get back. Honestly that 200-300 numbers will only continue to grow not decline.

The number of members will keep growing, but the number of active members might decline. The NeoGAF group has over 7000 members, but the discussion board is dead.

My life isn't interesting enough to talk about. ;)

It's interesting enough that you hunt games from other regions ;)


Do you have milk with rice?

We have something better. Champorado! That's gluttonous rice boiled with hot chocolate topped with milk.

Dr Dogg

The weird thing is that new PC Racing Sims was moved to Community and then moved back to Gaming.

Overall it would make sense to move these platform threads as flagship threads into Gaming:

Nintendo Downloads
+ any others that have a large following.

we would only have less than 10 and it wouldn't detract too much from the normal conversations on GAF.

It really does feel like we have not vocal platform on the Gaming side for PC right now and honestly I won't be surprised if Gaming ends up being console-specific in conversations.

If the consensus of having gaming focusing on the immediate and the here and now then by looking at the sheer volume of stuff released on Steam you're either going to have 100's of threads pop up for each new addition to the service, have them all posted in here and get lost to casual browsers or get nothing at all. Now there are a lot of older rereleases dumped on Steam but there are also smaller releases that might appeal to some. Say...
Since I got stuck on 1000 Amps, I decided to play this instead:



Seems a fun little game. It was in a bundle, so check your bundles in a few days for Steam key.

Like the one above Mr. Luchador posted. Not something that's going to be visible in its own thread and something that would get lost in the shuffle of a large do everything thread. You could argue that the Indie Thread covers most of that (Still in Gaming by the way thankfully) but sometimes you get stealth releases, late ports unannounced and stuff crop up out of the blue mid month. This in addition to the things like games receiving Trading Cards, Patches that remove or adds significant features, Client updates as well as services like In Home Streaming (beta client get's about 2 or 3 updates a week) etc. Now I can agree that a GAF darling like Dark Souls getting GFWL ripped out is big news and deserves it's own thread, as does something like Valkyria Chronicles or Metal Gear Solid V but does minor client updates, Bad Rats getting cards, and the ilk? If it did it would get lost in seconds and in here it gets lost as is (which we all talked about 3 months ago). Having a dedicated thread with news, updates and be purely informational is a win-win all round for everyone.

If we do decide to break up the Steam thread I would love to have this format for future threads:

STEAM | Classic Thread
STEAM | Okay guys lets stay in topic this time maybe? Thread
STEAM | Anything Goes Thread

What you suggested a while back as one purely informational thread and one thread where things were community focused seems the best idea in this case. So one with updates to deals, client updates, new releases, patches and Steamworks features added, with any big news getting a dedicated thread and general help and advice about anything Steam related. Then the community themed thread would have impressions, recommendations, giveaways but not a licence for tomfoolery and to keep it on topic.

Moreover Minsc was going to chat to someone about getting a sticky thread to let everyone know about the changes and moving forward what's going on but as of yet nothing has happened. Glance back over the last 40 pages and there are countless people commenting on this thread's new home and their ability to find it. Whether they are being serious or not it is an issue and just a tiny bit of information even just for clarities sake to let people know of the change instead of assume everyone know's the score. No idea how it's effected the smaller and slower moving threads? How are the screenshot threads doing?

Which genius at EA is responsible for the Battlelog system instead of a dedicated client? Because I really enjoy having to use Internet Explorer instead of Chrome to launch a single player game.

You don't have IE set as the default browser do you? I've never had BF3 or 4 pick IE over my default setting. You can also, and this is probably the best way to run either, is keep the Battlelog tab pinned in your browser of choice and as long as Origin is open in the background and the browser plugins and patches are upto date, will launch from there.

It's a hideous system that really hasn't been implemented well. Since the BF3 Alpha there has been a constant stream of negative feedback that has fallen on deaf ears. The worst was when BF4 had a rain effect that I assume used the canvas property to draw this on the screen behind the text that would just keep eating and eating up memory causing horrible frametiming problems but you couldn't close the tab down as it would kick you out of game. It got removed pretty quickly but that was just another thing that didn't get proper testing before launch. Then again that's every Battlefield launch, ever.


Let's invade #AnimeGAF.
I am sure duckroll will be delighted.

That could be helpful to some degree, but ultimately I think people will mostly stick with GAF. IRC might diminish some of the posting though.
Yes, and we can finally see panda posts from Milamber :D
But in any case an irc channel would be a nice secondary communication platform. Especially for quick questions very nice and trying won't hurt.


How about an irc channel?

Kind of defeats the purpose of having something accessible, as IRC is transient by nature and users have to stay in the channel to view/log content. Would be perfect for users wanting to chat though.

Also the NeoGAF group on Steam could do with a logo update.


Stormy Grey
Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.

Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for, there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.
Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.

Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring, list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for, there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.

I totally agree.


Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.

Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for, there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.
Well said.
Kind of defeats the purpose of having something accessible, as IRC is transient by nature and users have to stay in the channel to view/log content. Would be perfect for users wanting to chat though.

Also the NeoGAF group on Steam could do with a logo update.
I didn't mean as a Ersatz, but as a additonal means of communication. It works for MangaGAF and AnimeGAF.


Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.

Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for, there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.



Also, guys, the splitting idea is so console-ish, with all their putting people against other people.
PC is by default more inclusive, with exclusives, multiplatforms and emulators, and if someone doesn't agree, we should have some spare Sidewinders to throw at them.


Dice is really fun to play. Takes a while to adjust to the weird momentum change of his super, but it's a welcome addition.

http://a.pomf.se/owkism.gif http://a.pomf.se/ugcmwb.gif

I just hit 1000 matches played and I swear I had the most fun ever today. The new patch is amazing, but what's even better is having friends to play with. And that new WindJammers (Lethal Jam!) mode is pretty damn fun. I can't wait to see if they tune it and add more to it.


Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.

Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for, there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.

I agree. Thanks for saying it so well :)

Ban Puncher

Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.

Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for, there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.

I just hit 1000 matches played and I swear I had the most fun ever today. The new patch is amazing, but what's even better is having friends to play with. And that new WindJammers (Lethal Jam!) mode is pretty damn fun. I can't wait to see if they tune it and add more to it.
The new mode could use further tweaks to make it more enjoyable in a 1 vs 1 environment in my opinion, but I can see it having more interesting dynamics during 2 vs 2 if you can get a full group together, like having one guy be a dedicated goalie or trying to execute offensive teamwork plays. Haven't seen what the Gravity Ball setting does yet though and maybe Big Ball would fit the Strikers mode too for shits and giggles.


The new mode could use further tweaks to make it more enjoyable in a 1 vs 1 environment in my opinion, but I can see it having more interesting dynamics during 2 vs 2 if you can get a full group together, like having one guy be a dedicated goalie or trying to execute offensive teamwork plays. Haven't seen what the Gravity Ball setting does yet though and maybe Big Ball would fit the Strikers mode too for shits and giggles.

For sure. I can already think of a million things they could play with. I hope they experiment with it.

Dr Dogg

Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.

Why not? The situation you mentioned is hardly the same. They are not rolling information threads and by design are slower paced or community focused anyway. Trading isn't news, Games Night isn't new releases, the ID List isn't client updates or patch notes and none of them are help and support of the countless features going on within Steam. A thread dedicated to news, new releases, deals, client updates, help and support and discussion about those aspect would see countless updates a day and would be a constant stream of information. Even if it get's no replies and just posted information those that don't want to wade through countless posts can just look there.

Most of us don't really come here for a boring list of news and releases.

Ok so if that's the case cutting it off from this thread and making it available to those who do want just news isn't going to be an issue for most of us then? I mean if that's not what they're coming for then they surely won't miss it now?

There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of any split.

Let's be honest now while attitudes may have been reigned in off topic discussion still goes on in abundance. This thread as it stands is in community and to be fair if it encompasses everything like it does then it doesn't really fit with the newer direction the forum staff want to go in. Everything that goes on in the main like recommendations, like impressions, like giveaways, like the community musing on subjects ,may as well stay here and next to nothing will be lost of the spirit of this thread now. But right now this thread


is apparently more relevant and newsworthy than the Steam thread. Which is nonsense as come 6pm today there will be a list of Weeklong and Daily deals, there's 4 games releasing, there might be a client update, something might get Trading Cards added to it. All in one day there is relevant news happening on Steam and sat in here it gets lost. Great if some people don't care about that but what about the ones that do? What about the people that just want news that isn't covered by the Steam News feed (and it's shocking late on most things), what about those that want to discuss the news?

Both can exist just fine though really my only thoughts on the matter before when it was brought up that splitting up the thread would doom part of it to Community but guess what that's happened now for everything. There is no PC centric news or info on the front page for me now and if Steam news is shackled to this thread there never will be.
"we've done a good job refocusing"

*half of the page is about desert and jasecs imaginary blog*

yeah okay

look all i want is a readable thread

i have a job i cant sit in here and read everything that gets spammed about peoples lives

when this moved slower i knew more about steam and what was on it, and thats something i enjoyed

i dont get that anymore because it moves so quickly there is what 2 threads a month? thats so absurd

95 percent of it is offtopic circle jerk crap im glad you guys enjoy it but not everyone cares what you had for dinner


"we've done a good job refocusing"

*half of the page is about desert and jasecs imaginary blog*

yeah okay

look all i want is a readable thread

i have a job i cant sit in here and read everything that gets spammed about peoples lives

when this moved slower i knew more about steam and what was on it, and thats something i enjoyed

i dont get that anymore because it moves so quickly there is what 2 threads a month? thats so absurd

95 percent of it is offtopic circle jerk crap im glad you guys enjoy it but not everyone cares what you had for dinner
Nobody force you to read every single post. Just scroll over post that obviously doesn't contain anything useful to you. Also please think about using punctuation marks and less paragraphs, your post is kind of hard to read.
Nobody force you to read every single post. Just scroll over post that obviously doesn't contain anything useful to you. Also please think about using punctuation marks and less paragraphs, your post is kind of hard to read.
how am i to know if its of interest to me if i dont read it?


I don't have any issues with thread as it is. If there is something important you will see many posts in a row about that topic. If there is some amazing deal you will se also many posts in a row, if you can't find them that usually means deal is over or error in pricing is fixed. I never had any issues with catching up with thread following those rules above.


Also please think about using punctuation marks and less paragraphs, your post is kind of hard to read.

Tell that to zkylon :p

Geez so much drama. If there was interest Shadownet may as well start a SteamGAF group. It's obvious the threads are full of off topic discussion, so for those wanting a leaner SteamGAF experience some 'lite' version may suit. Maybe even invisibly tagging posts in this thread with email tags to indicate price glitch/deal/review etc would make it easier for users to find posts they are interested in.

Eg (email tag made visible for display purposes):

[email=REVIEW][/email] My impressions of Valkyria Chronicles
how am i to know if its of interest to me if i dont read it?

I can understand your point, but then why don't you just read http://store.steampowered.com/news/ or any other aggregate of hard facts and news?

You can't expect us all to act like robots, the more we spend time together the closer we all become, it's unavoidable, I agree that sometimes the thread derails but we are human after all and we like to joke amongs ourselves or share feelings and stuff from time to time.

I think it just proves that we care about each other, would it be better if we didn't and we just posted facts? I don't think so, at least I'd definitely would not be here, the reason I like the thread is because I feel like part of a big disfunctional family, but a family nontheless.


Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a SteamGAF steam group being created, with the presumption that it's open to anyone who wants to join. It might be a good way to resurrect the whole idea of Games Night.

Dr Dogg

I can understand your point, but then why don't you just read http://store.steampowered.com/news/ or any other aggregate of hard facts and news?

You can't offer someone that awful news feed as an alternative. Does it tell you when GMG has a sales on? Does it tell you when someone has a pricing mistake? Does it tell you when x game gets a patch? Does it tell you first that a game is getting a port or release? Does it even offer Store related news in a timely manners? It's pretty much nonexistent or so late you have already found out about said news item.

Why are some folks so dead against splitting of stuff like news, updates and such they seem not to care about? We can still have the shits and giggles thread and for folks who want a draconian emotionless lists of goings on can have that too. Is having two tabs open really to much to ask for people who want both?


I'm completely against the idea of any split.

Well said, CR - very thoughtful post, and one I'm glad wasn't lost in a sea of alpacas or whatever. :)

I agree, for what it's worth - I suspect a forced split would be tough to pull off, as the natural order of things (good or bad, depending on your stance) would eventually see the status quo return, eventually at the expense of one thread or another. The cross-posting and inadvertent doubling-up of posts alone would be difficult to manage - not to mention the meta-banter of 'this belongs in the other thread'.

While SteamGAF certainly strays at times, for me it's a tolerable part of a 'community' that, ultimately, is many different things to its eclectic visitors. I'm happy to merely graze the thread when the topic du jour isn't one that clicks with me (anime, anyone?), and to take the eccentric with the pragmatic - for the vast majority of the time, from the bulk of posters, I think the balance and self-moderation is pretty reasonable.

We are many, and pleasing everyone all the time will be impossible.
I agree with CheesecakeRecipe.quote, any further segmentation will just make the problem worse. I'm actually okay with how it is now, I think the mods should have made a sticky thread in Gaming to let folks know what moved where though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And it's not clear what All-access gives

"Access to all the stages", but there is some fluff DLC that is only included in the Collection (which, apparently, I'm in need of).

Edit: But Arthea is right in saying that the GMG page doesn't mention anything about what it is you're paying for.
Just glance about the first sentence, few posts have surprising twists in them (aside from the /s, but that appears mostly in OT). Usually you can see of someone does a joke post, rants about his waifu or doing a serious review.

I don't wanna, I am scared of being destroyed by the empire.
even glancing at the first few sentences or skimming would take a bloody hour some days

i wouldnt be able to tell if something important happened or if people just started discussing cake if there was a particularly large page jump
I can understand your point, but then why don't you just read http://store.steampowered.com/news/ or any other aggregate of hard facts and news?

You can't expect us all to act like robots, the more we spend time together the closer we all become, it's unavoidable, I agree that sometimes the thread derails but we are human after all and we like to joke amongs ourselves or share feelings and stuff from time to time.

I think it just proves that we care about each other, would it be better if we didn't and we just posted facts? I don't think so, at least I'd definitely would not be here, the reason I like the thread is because I feel like part of a big disfunctional family, but a family nontheless.
i dont expect people to act like robots

i expect people to not fill the thread with nonsense

if you want that go friend them on steam and talk to them

Ban Puncher

I was under the impression that new/breaking/important news warranted new threads.

This thread has always seemed more day-to-day Steam related goings on and the community (previously a dirty word).

You can get all the DLC for one of those weird train simulators for two dollars because of a pricing error on the Welsh Steam store? Thread worthy. There has been a two cent rise in seasonal Sexy Beach TF2 hats on the marketplace? Not so much.
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