Moving SteamGAF members off to a secret clubhouse secondary forum or chat room is pretty much going to doom the topic. Everyone will rather hang out there than the forum, others will get burned out by the more lawless approach, the threads will drop in activity and eventually the well dries up. I speak from experience as having caused a massive rapture of members from one forum to another, taking the lead in a similar fashion to create a new place to stay when some rules changed.
Honestly, I do not think a split of any kind would benefit us at all in the long run. Who we are on GAF is who we are, so moving that offsite makes us, as people of the overall community, less visible. Cutting the SteamGAF thread into two threads won't work either. Case in point: MRORANGE has made a few side-threads to be companion pieces to the SteamGAF thread proper to cover specific aspects of Steam. These threads have all sort of died out because they were so very laser-focused.
Most of us don't really come here for a boring, list of news and releases. If that's all you want the thread for,
there's already a place you can go for that. I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really
There's a reason why SteamGAF is the thread I spend most of my GAF Posting time in. I love the people, I love the madness, and I love what it is capable of. Can it get out of hand sometimes? Yes. Could we do a better job of reeling it in? Yes, and as MRORANGE pointed out in his PM, we have done a good job of refocusing and making the thread more about the games. The moment you take away any one of the many aspects of what makes this thread tick, it isn't special anymore. I'm completely against the idea of
any split.