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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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Dr Dogg

What's weird about the thread split discussion is that the anti-split folks are vehemently against the other side getting a thread, where the pro-split folks are perfectly content to let this thread exist exactly as it is.

I say let the market decide what they prefer. The only reason we are even having this discussion is deference to the moderation.

So Splitists and Unionists?

I was trying to wrap my head around this conundrum earlier and asked what the reasons others were opposed to a spin off of topics they don't seem to bothered to discuss but didn't see any answer forthcoming. I don't know is it the fact if you took out the news and info if takes away the legitimacy of a Community focused thread? Are people scared it would get more stricker moderation if a big chunk of on topic discussion left?


Aw, my second rejection letter from GOG.


Maybe next time I guess. Ah well, I got Steam, I literally need nothing else. :D


Considering some of the stuff on GOG, that's pretty lame.
Especially since it's not like trying to broaden tastes on GOG would be a bad thing.


I really need to go back to CSD, especially with the new content. If anything it was too hardcore for me, I could barely handle the stress.

You're not alone. I need those new achievements é_é

Yesterday I tried loading my NG+ save, but I was totally lost. I couldn't even finish a salad + beer + coffee menu :(
edit: but apparently it's a casual game to some people. lol


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
You're not alone. I need those new achievements é_é

Yesterday I tried loading my NG+ save, but I was totally lost. I couldn't even finish a salad + beer + coffee menu :(
edit: but apparently it's a casual game to some people. lol

yeah ... and Dark Souls is a casual walking simulator ;)


Ok, Huniepop just shared this video . I honestly have no idea if it's any good, since #GG just confuses me at this point, but it starts by condemning people who do death threats and bringing in people's sex life that has nothing to do with anything. That's a good thing right? Please tell me, that's a good thing and I can buy my smut with pure conscience.
Speaking of racing games, Grid Autosport has some weird design decisions.

1. If you don't do a qualifier (3 laps) your pole position is automatically last. It's stupid because qualifiers are boring and it's just feels like padding punishment.

2. Two of the three racing types I have tried so far have the races doubled which gets really tedious. Basically a "season" will have 3 tracks in this format:
-Track 1, 3 laps
-Track 1, 3 laps
-Track 2, 3 laps
-Track 2, 3 laps
-Track 3...etc.

I just don't get the point in a game that errs on the side of arcade more than sim. Grid 2 doesn't do this either.
As it should be.

It's a huge part of racing. If you don't like racing, don't play racing games?


Unconfirmed Member
greenlight update

Rune Factory made in RPG maker? will it work?

I'm down for Rune Factory-esque games on steam.
also count me for the #steamgafunited group

Yeah, it would honestly be boring as fuck if we divided the thread. I know I'd only post in the one thread and ignore the other one, since the information would either be carried over to the other thread or I'd be forced to actually look up info for myself.

I have certainly felt burned here and there working on a nice post giving my thoughts on a game (as well as opinion posts by others whom I respect/enjoy), only to have it get pushed out by things I personally didn't find too important. I think a way to increase visibility for those who spend the time to do such things would be nice, but what is there to really do?

It happens sometimes, to everyone, myself included. But as long as one person reads impressions, the post hasn't really gone to waste. Even if they don't mention that they read it, someone still probably read it.

I definitely agree that any split is going to be far worse than leaving this thread in community.

Stop recommending the bloody newsfeed! It's not the same as the abundance of news posted in here. Just go read it and see how it compares to what's posted in the Steam thread now. Most of it for a good reason. Where did we all hear Valkyria Chronicles was releasing? How did we all find out the Dark Souls patch was in the works? Think about it folks, please

You will surely get the newsfeed.

The ironic part? The OT posts almost entirely went away when we hit community.

I was going to post that I haven't noticed a difference, but honestly, yeah. Well, the off topic posts are related to games, but I haven't really noticed any "look I'm dating this girl who I like" or "look at the pizza I had for dinner" posts. It's mostly one off joke posts like Milamber's post here.

You knew this was coming...

I can't say I'm surprised that it was posted :p

God dammit, you beat me to it...
I was going to put Coupon's avatar in there though.

It would need lashman as the guy in the first panel though :p

I can only really see one solution to saving the steam thread, somebody needs to go back in time and stop modbot from ever being created.

I think we all knew it would come to this in the end.

How can we stop the unstoppable? ModBot from the future would stop us from stopping its creation.

You're using the move to Community and the lower visibility as a smokescreen to justify that some shadow 'faction' of users have given up on the Steam thread.

I've been here for just over a year - I have never seen the individuals you speak of claim that they left SteamGAF due to off-topic banter or otherwise, and two days ago was the first I heard of such a thing (largely due to you running into the topic and starting an argument for little reason).

If anything, people have left due to work related reasons more than anything. X05, for example, made a post upthread about how he hadn't posted at all in the October threads due to work.

Quality Game.

I involuntarily shuddered just seeing the boxart.

Aw, my second rejection letter from GOG.


Maybe next time I guess. Ah well, I got Steam, I literally need nothing else. :D

"Too niche"

They must not have seen how much revenue the game's brought in :p


I guess bluray is not common on PCs? my laptop has a bluray reader, I thought most PCs nowadays had bluray.

Yeah, it's not really all that common. Never seen a PC game ship on blu-ray.

I was surprised my DVD drive still worked, last time I used it was in 2011... lol

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
As it should be.

It's a huge part of racing. If you don't like racing, don't play racing games?

I love racing, but I need visual variety. The game is already light on the number of unique tracks and repeating them over and over is boring from a visual standpoint. I need stimulation.

Aaron D.

Hope you don't take this wrong but... are you German? :p

No, I'm just old.

Been gaming since pre-2600 days and am bored to tears of narcissistic plot threads of being The One. Who Saves The Universe (tm.). Yet. Again. It's become a mind-numbing blur of manufactured self-importance and urgency.

I've come to realize that the true Undiscovered Country in gaming is found in the entirely mundane. Everyday activities. Everyday lives. No urgency or bombast. Just good old fashioned slices of authentic life.

Fiction or non-fiction...Gone Home or Euro Truck Sim...I'm finding the real world FAR more engaging than the Power Fantasy schlock the major-release industry is pushing.

#FarmSim4LifeYo ( :p )


Also, not 100% cut & dry. I own Valkeria Chronicles PS3 & have my Steam copy already pre-loaded. There are exceptions to every rule.


I'm sorry, but Wacky Wheels is anything but casual.
Friendships were lost over this game, and it came to actual blows one time.
I never owned anything but the Shareware version of Wacky Wheels, but many glorious races in split screen were fought with my neighbour.
Ok, Huniepop just shared this video . I honestly have no idea if it's any good, since #GG just confuses me at this point, but it starts by condemning people who do death threats and bringing in people's sex life that has nothing to do with anything. That's a good thing right? Please tell me, that's a good thing and I can buy my smut with pure conscience.

Does the game interest you? Yes? Then just buy it and don't worry about the so-called politics, or however they're framing gamergate.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
So Splitists and Unionists?

I was trying to wrap my head around this conundrum earlier and asked what the reasons others were opposed to a spin off of topics they don't seem to bothered to discuss but didn't see any answer forthcoming. I don't know is it the fact if you took out the news and info if takes away the legitimacy of a Community focused thread? Are people scared it would get more stricker moderation if a big chunk of on topic discussion left?

I think it's pretty clear from the lack of Mod presence since the move, that community is even less moderated than what we had before. The move to community is great for the people who like off-topic discussion in the thread as things are even looser than before (and as they should be! There should be a benefit to being moved here).

I'm not trying to be cruel about it, but I think the anti-split people are worried that if given the choice people won't want to come in here. At the moment, if you want Steam-related discussion you have to come here.

The focus of the split talks should be on making the thread reflect what it actually represents. The community thread is a general PC discussion thread, where you can talk about Battlefield 4 with as much relevance as the next Half-Life game. This thread should be expanded to allow people from across the spectrum of PC, opening up to discussion that's already in here: awesome GOG deals and Origin exploits, etc.

A Steam thread should be about Steam and the community should take the responsibility of keeping it on track and focused. We did this before and it worked.

Dr Dogg

You should see the juggling act I have to pull off if I get a retail game on disc. Install game on crappy laptop with the loudest DVD drive known to man. Because it's on it's last legs the battery is dead and relies on mains power only, except the charger has a broken core in the cable which cases it to cut out if not balanced correctly. So Wolfenstein with it's 5 discs and Dead Rising 3 with it's 4 were an exercise in frustration just installing them. Then when that's done there's usually some patches to download as well. After that faffing about I have to either Back Up the install or copy it away to another PC and Recover or move it to the right Library Directory. Still faster than my awful internet :(

I think it's pretty clear from the lack of Mod presence since the move, that community is even less moderated than what we had before. The move to community is great for the people who like off-topic discussion in the thread as things are even looser than before (and as they should be! There should be a benefit to being moved here).

I'm not trying to be cruel about it, but I think the anti-split people are worried that if given the choice people won't want to come in here. At the moment, if you want Steam-related discussion you have to come here.

The focus of the split talks should be on making the thread reflect what it actually represents. The community thread is a general PC discussion thread, where you can talk about Battlefield 4 with as much relevance as the next Half-Life game. This thread should be expanded to allow people from across the spectrum of PC, opening up to discussion that's already in here: awesome GOG deals and Origin exploits, etc.

A Steam thread should be about Steam and the community should take the responsibility of keeping it on track and focused. We did this before and it worked.

Yeah I know what you mean and over the course of time the Steam thread, due in part to frequency of posts and news, ended up being seen as the defacto PC thread. The Origin, GOG and Uplay threads are threadbare and most of the deals get either crossed posted in here or here alone. That shouldn't be the case.

How things were many moons ago worked brilliantly but the sheer volume of poster here makes that a bit hard even if stuff was on topic 100% of the time. When I hear folks saying 'Things will only get cross posted here anyway' it sounds like some people are reluctant to want to break things into manageable chunks. I might see this differently than others but I want something I can glance over briefly to see what the deals are, what the updates are, somewhere I can ask questions or answer them myself without other topics getting in the way. Then when I want to drop my thoughts on a game I've been playing I can use another thread, likewise with giveaways to keep what's important to those two aspects visible.

I don't know maybe it's because I deal with layout and planning all day long that I always break things down into small chunks. All I know is if I dropped something like a Letters to the Editor section amongst front line news I'd be getting the sack but that shit happens in New Media daily with Bellow The Line Comments.


I built my Gaming PC nearly two years ago and asked myself then: how long has it been since I last used an optical drive. I could not answer that question back then so my new rig did get neither DVD nor BR drives. I did not need one in those two years so it was money well saved.


Does anyone know if Steam has like a Black friday sale? I'm hoping they do.

I built my Gaming PC nearly two years ago and asked myself then: how long has it been since I last used an optical drive. I could not answer that question back then so my new rig did get neither DVD nor BR drives. I did not need one in those two years so it was money well saved.

Indeed. They're no longer needed. Even when installing the OS, I can make a bootable USB device. Download OS from MS store, create bootable device. Insert device, run and voila!


Ok, Huniepop just shared this video . I honestly have no idea if it's any good, since #GG just confuses me at this point, but it starts by condemning people who do death threats and bringing in people's sex life that has nothing to do with anything. That's a good thing right? Please tell me, that's a good thing and I can buy my smut with pure conscience.

Hmmm... the intro to that video is the same intro that an entire series of pro-GamerGate videos uses, and I always turn off the video after the first two lines because I know nothing but bullshit is following (Seriously, the first line is "Sex for favors" when it has long ago been established that was entirely bullshit).

I just looked up their twitter, and the tweet immediately before they posted the video is:
.@TomGrochowiak @jodoran @HanakoGames IGF is linked to IndieFund, which is controlled by SJWs. HP would even be considered by these freaks.


Yeeeeaaaaahhh... you might have something to be concerned about.

Edit: I should mention that twitter account is NSFW


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Anyone knows if the previous three Arkham games are 30 or 60 fps on consoles? (Legitimate question, not trying to stir shit.)


Well, that probably depends on when you played it. I played it when it was released on PC and loved almost everything. Replaying it now it's a bit dated, but it's still fun.

Too bad Planet Moon Studios was forced to make cheap licensed games and then murdered.

I did play it at release. The characters were wonderful and the writing witty.

The game play was boring and repetitive an I found the level design uninspired. It was pretty short too, from what I remember.
This split-or-not thingy is too complicated. We need team hashtags and polls, how are we supposed to know what does the majority want otherwise? /s

I prefer the community side of the thread (specially game impressions, although I enjoy non-Steam banter from some posters too), even if I mostly lurk I like catching up with whatever you guys have been discussing, which I'd miss if all the banter moved to a Steam group chat or IRC.

With that being said, I wouldn't be opposed to a split. I would only check the news thread from time to time, as I expect that the community one would cover the most interesting new releases/bundles/price mistakes, but it's totally worth trying to see if both threads can thrive.

What's the worst case scenario, really? If the pace of discussion in both of them dies down compared to what we currently have, which in itself is slower than before the move, I'd even welcome it. I've never had more than 30 posts on a Steam thread, but some months ago I stopped posting at all a couple of times because I really couldn't handle so many posts
and I always get a bit mad when I write something semi-lengthy and doesn't get a single reply /narcissism
. If one of the thread fails, they can be merged again. We would definitely lose some members if that happened, but any change always takes its toll.

TL;DR: I'm personally pro-impressions/saorise Steam-GAF, but I don't really see any disadvantage to do the split to see if it works.

EDIT: If you let me say something corny, even if I post way too little and don't really bring much to the thread besides the rare mini-review/impression, I really feel a part of SteamGAF and I love reading most of the regulars' posts. GAF wouldn't be the same without you guys <3


Anyone knows if the previous three Arkham games are 30 or 60 fps on consoles? (Legitimate question, not trying to stir shit.)

60 FPS console game would be a surprise at this point. Finding a game that conforms to the higher standard is outside the norm at this point.


If there are people that want to split, why doesn't someone just make the split? If enough people want it, it'll work, if they don't, it won't.


WHOHOO! Just got a mail that they shipped my AC Unity collectors edition.:D Seems I will get it on Friday. Hopefully UPS actually isn't late so it goes to monday.:/

So, having a game on Steam thats a "non-steam" game counts right? Right?

On that Steam-note, I have a goal to get over 1000 on my Steam account this year. Alot of bundles to be bought since I have 183 games to go.


Does the game interest you? Yes? Then just buy it and don't worry about the so-called politics, or however they're framing gamergate.
I should, but I can't. I feel bad when buying things from people with who support certain agendas. Extremely hypocritical, since I don't actively research everything I buy from and just jump on things I hear of. But I can't help it. Or at least I have trouble.

Hmmm... the intro to that video is the same intro that an entire series of pro-GamerGate videos uses, and I always turn off the video after the first two lines because I know nothing but bullshit is following (Seriously, the first line is "Sex for favors" when it has long ago been established that was entirely bullshit).

I just looked up their twitter, and the tweet immediately before they posted the video is:


Yeeeeaaaaahhh... you might have something to be concerned about.

Edit: I should mention that twitter account is NSFW
Urgh :(

Man Puncher is now a public media figure yay


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
This split-or-not thingy is too complicated. We need team hashtags and polls, how are we supposed to know what does the majority want otherwise? /s

I prefer the community side of the thread (specially game impressions, although I enjoy non-Steam banter from some posters too), even if I mostly lurk I like catching up with whatever you guys have been discussing, which I'd miss if all the banter moved to a Steam group chat or IRC.

With that being said, I wouldn't be opposed to a split. I would only check the news thread from time to time, as I expect that the community one would cover the most interesting new releases/bundles/price mistakes, but it's totally worth trying to see if both threads can thrive.

What's the worst case scenario, really? If the pace of discussion in both of them dies down compared to what we currently have, which in itself is slower than before the move, I'd even welcome it. I've never had more than 30 posts on a Steam thread, but some months ago I stopped posting at all a couple of times because I really couldn't handle so many posts
and I always get a bit mad when I write something semi-lengthy and doesn't get a single reply /narcissism
. If one of the thread fails, they can be merged again. We would definitely lose some members if that happened, but any change always takes its toll.

TL;DR: I'm personally pro-impressions/saorise Steam-GAF, but I don't really see any disadvantage to do the split to see if it works.

I think there are two things to consider here as well:

1) The thread is already on the verge of losing posters. We've already lost a lot of people. Some of this is just due to the nature of a message board and some of it is due to the nature of this specific thread.

2) If we opened up this community thread for the PC community at large, we'll get a nice influx of people previously left out in the cold. There are plenty of PC gamers that prefer older, drm-free, games that don't feel comfortable posting in here because this is labeled the Steam thread (despite the fact that GOG and other platforms are discussed here often).

I think your assessment is correct: there is ultimately no harm is attempting this experiment. We may lose some posters, but I think we might end up losing them anyway. It's better that we attempt to make the threads match their content than trying to force people to change their posting habits.

If there are people that want to split, why doesn't someone just make the split? If enough people want it, it'll work, if they don't, it won't.

Deference to the Moderation, mostly. We don't want to make a thread and have it locked because it's assumed we're just salty over the community move, or something.
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