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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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"Knock knock."
"I'm not home."


GAF I've been meaning to buy a new mouse. Should I jump on that Best Buy deal when it come? It seem like a good mouse to replace the one I have. This one doesn't have customizable dpi :(
Almost done with Ghostbusters and man, it really makes me miss the days of competent mid tier B games with charm. The closest thing i can think of is Deadly Premonition, but that game is kinda broken whereas ghostbusters is functional, just linear as hell and is just a decent third person shooter with some great ghostbusters fan service.

I guess maybe spec ops: the line?

Marlow Briggs.


Valve's removed the betas for CS:S and TF2 over the years. From the developer's perspective you're not losing anything because as a result of the main app being updated the beta is now completely redundant, which I can understand, but I'd like to keep the +1.

Really hope they remove the fucking l4d2 beta soon..


Is it just me or in VC, the voice in the cutscenes are getting drowned out by the damn music??
Nah, you got it backwards. That's the real Jim Sterling, he just changed his twitter handle to make fun of the Slaughtering Grounds dev (and because Jim F'n Sterling Son is hilarious).

I don't follow him on Twitter, so I didn't know. I'll just go commit sudoku now. (not that I use my Twitter anyway)


That's not Jim Sterling. That's the developer of the Slaughtering Grounds. He made a dummy account to make fun of Sterling.

Nah, you got it backwards. That's the real Jim Sterling, he just changed his twitter handle to make fun of the Slaughtering Grounds dev (and because Jim F'n Sterling Son is hilarious).
here is a good post of what you can try to do for it to crash less


If game crashes just when some cutscene is starting, try this one and then double-click the DPLauncher instead of DP.exe.

Other times - it happened to me when I was supposed to drive to Tomasì house - you may need to launch manually the DP.exe to start in windowed mode.

Already did all those things. :(

Though I'll try to run DP.exe directly, though I don't know why that would change anything lol. I wonder what computer they used to testrun this game on before release :/

Dr Dogg

He's not wrong. It's ridiculous.

Yeah I know. Who in this day and age has time to wait for reviews to come out when there are pre order offers 6 months before the game is out.

Seriously I hope Patrick and the GB crew put their money where their mouths are then and don't accept and copies from pubs that insist on a review embargo. If they have to pay for the copy themselves and deliver a review late then so be it. Frankly I'd prefer a review where the outlet is not shackled by a list of do's and don't from the publisher and couldn't care if it comes a couple of weeks, months even, after release just as long as it's thorough and covers a multitude of answers I have found wanting from the gaming press for nigh on a decade.

But they won't because any website these days needs as much exposure as possible to stay above water and being late to the review party is a big hit so they're damned if they do damned if they don't. That is unless they really want to switch things up and try to turn the games criticism sector on it's head and offer something different and unique from the competition that will get people through the door regardless how late their reviews go up. So yeah not going to happen.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It seems Konami will be demoing Ground Zeroes PC soon:

4 minutes ago
Added this app to a package METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES for Early Access Build for Show


I don't follow him on Twitter, so I didn't know. I'll just go commit sudoku now. (not that I use my Twitter anyway)

An understandable mistake. I've never understood twitter anyway. As far as I'm concerned, the only worthwhile use for twitter is watching Kamiya tell morons to use their brains and go ask their mom in response to all the dumb questions they ask.

This one is wonderful

Good lord, and here I was worried that Unity would be boring. So far it's been a source of tremendous entertainment, and it's only been out a few hours. I doubt the actual game will be this entertaining though.

I guess it's not just women that are hard for Ubisoft to animate though, eh?


In other news Halo 2 is just as good as I remember it.
Gonna dip again if that ever hits PC.

It hit PC a while ago ... and sadly i actually own that version (as well as the Xbox Version).
But I know what you are talking about. Still, i wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft would simply put the Vista Version of that Game on Steam at some point instead of the Anniversary edition :D


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's nice of Ubi to finally take notice of recent issues. You don't usually see floating-eyes-and-teeth representation in games.

- "Well, it's too late for us to incorporate female avatars into the game. What can we do to show that we believe in diversity?"
- "...how about demonic golliwogs?"
- "Brilliant!"
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