I have a problem.
So, the other day, I heard some noises from inside my machine. Thought they were my GPU, which is already being RMAed.
Monday, I preloaded ACU. Took all day to load. Woke up at 6 AM for some classwork on Tuesday, told it to unpack. Came back six hours later, it hadn't finished unpacking. Computer performance became abysmal.
Came back later (I have like ~14 hours of classes on Tuesdays; it sucks) and discovered that Origin had crashed. Ran ACU and it was working wonderfully, but was extremely, EXTREMELY slow to load--thought it was the game's bad optimization. Tried running idlemaster. It froze after getting two cards.
Steam locked up. Whenever I open Explorer to view my hard drives, it takes FOREVER to show me my C (SSD) and D (Steam) drives.
Defraggler locked up when I tried defragging the drive.
I'm kinda screwed, aren't I?