You use mouse to aim in games.What does a mouse have to do with playing video games?! I don't understand!
You use mouse to aim in games.What does a mouse have to do with playing video games?! I don't understand!
Still no patch for the bullshitStyx was patched about half an hour ago (469MB):
Unfortunately due to the change in how the steamLogin cookie is read, you won't get the awesome Enhanced Steam birthday layout.
Unfortunately due to the change in how the steamLogin cookie is read, you won't get the awesome Enhanced Steam birthday layout.
So what are campaigns in CS? I'm assuming they're not like... SP Campaign things that would actually get me to play the game. More like challenges, yeah?
So what are campaigns in CS? I'm assuming they're not like... SP Campaign things that would actually get me to play the game. More like challenges, yeah?
It's pretty easy, but slightly time consuming.
After you buy and activate the operation pass, you'll have a sort of ingame book that keeps track of your operation progress.
Missions consists of dumb stuff, like "Kill 20 (human) people with an AK-47" or "Win 15 competitive matches in Dust II".
You can complete missions just playing normally, or you could go for a specific mission clicking the Play This Mission button placed wherever it shows your available missions.
So, you'll eventually complete a mission during a match. When that match ends, you (and everybody else) will obtain the mission reward, which can be an operation case or a random weapon skin (it says it in the mission description).
Apparently, after some missions completed there's a cooldown. I completed 3 missions and it now says I won't be able to do any more missions for the next 4 days. IIRC, this wasn't the case with the previous operation, but I don't know, as I jumped in really late and maybe at the beginning was like this.
That's it, really.
Just saying, my 3 completed missions dropped 2 Operation Vanguard cases and 1 PP-Bizon skin, all already sold for a whopping 2 and spare (almost half of what I paid for the op pass), which isn't bad considering I played for like 30 minutes.
they region unlocked advanced warfare? wut? well, might as well pick it up then.
Unfortunately due to the change in how the steamLogin cookie is read, you won't get the awesome Enhanced Steam birthday layout.
but but but... I go 10 on nov 16th, along with HL2.... I don't wanna buy real balloons
bah. I suppose I'll just settle for some casual drinking
So, SteamGAF, MASSIVE CHALICE released on Steam Early Access and there's only one curator recommending it as of this post:
Any guess on who it is? If you guessed PC Gamer, please go sit in a corner until this is over. If somehow managed to guess Double Fine, then it turns out you're right! It's none other than Double Fine's own curation! After a quick Google it turns out they're partially quoting a PC Gamer "hands on" of MASSIVE CHALICE.
Now I wonder why Double Fine would think it's ok to recommend their own game using the words of another on their own curation account... As meaningless as the curations are, it still seems more than a little scummy to me, especially after the whole Spacebase DF-9 Early Access disaster. (And yes, I know that DF gave all owners of DF-9 and Hack 'n' Slash the other game - that isn't what the controversy was about.)
I need this in my veins.
No worries - it'll be fixed by then.![]()
what are you insane? he's so adorable when he gets all worked up over small things like this.Don't tell him then.
So when you can't get a russian bear to sell you a copy of AW for $20, your brother goes and buys the PS4 version for $60 instead of the Steam version for like $52 (assuming the same pinciples of key trading that work on ACU work on AW)?
Makes sense to me.
There's not much he could do really.Hey Aquaman, seems like you REALLY want that game huh?
Someone mentioned this feature earlier and I've been working on it for a while but just got it mostly buttoned up:
Basically, you'll be able to hide that huge box on the page. It'll remember your preferences and keep them hidden until you expand it down again (at which point it will remember to show these until you hide them again, rinse and repeat)
It's pretty intuitive and should work pretty well. I'm not sure why this wasn't done this way to begin with, except I'm sure they didn't want people to be able to "opt-out" of providing a review. That section is just too damn big in my opinion.
Ubi unblocked Family Sharing with Unity. Lets hope they do the same with all their future titles.
Someone mentioned this feature earlier and I've been working on it for a while but just got it mostly buttoned up:
Basically, you'll be able to hide that huge box on the page. It'll remember your preferences and keep them hidden until you expand it down again (at which point it will remember to show these until you hide them again, rinse and repeat)
It's pretty intuitive and should work pretty well. I'm not sure why this wasn't done this way to begin with, except I'm sure they didn't want people to be able to "opt-out" of providing a review. That section is just too damn big in my opinion.
Unfortunately due to the change in how the steamLogin cookie is read, you won't get the awesome Enhanced Steam birthday layout.
Early GTAIV (PS4) Stream.![]()
Early GTAIV (PS4) Stream.![]()
Ubi unblocked Family Sharing with Unity. Lets hope they do the same with all their future titles.
well like i always like to hear people that love stuff talk about itif what youve seen of it doesnt speak to you, I dont know why anyone's opinion of it would matter![]()
I played the tutorial part during a free weekend and I think it is very good, if tactical FPS are your cup of tea then I am pretty sure you will enjoy it.
i think it's the right path for them to take, even if this game is gonna be bumpy as fuckAh
Yeah, Assassins Creed pretty much fucked itself hard.
Also lol at these variations of saying that it's set in Paris 1789
I have already reported you for streaming this game early.
Still waiting on my feudal Japan ass creed.
Early GTAIV (PS4) Stream.![]()
That chat section is almost like a youtube convention.
What is this thread?
A thread to find about news on Steam / Updates / Sales* quickly and efficiently.
Uh...... but we have one already?
Yes we do, but that thread goes in community and it's a hassle to go through to find sale information or news.
So how does it work?
You just post the news about the agenda with a link and a brief info, Example: the game that was on sale today.
What are the rules:
- Do not post questions here
- Do not post off topic comments here
- Do not post giveaways
- Do not post on how great a previous post was
- Sales* frrom other stores are allowed to be posted here if it's the steam version.
Assuming it's same as Valiant Hearts, you still need to use Uplay-account, the cd-key was registered with, so it's still very limited.
And past titles too.
It's apparent were not going to get a response from the mods.
Proposed thread for Friday:
Thread will be posted in Gaming, we will see how it does, the STEAM | November thread will run normally with all the things you expect from a monthly thread. If Steam News catches on and works we can start to think about relaxing the rules for the Steam Montlhy thread about trading and posting Steam stats.
Hopefulyl most people will support this new thread as it is a supplement to this thread.and relies on you helping the new thread out to make sure its on-topic and relevant.
Hopefulyl most people will support this new thread as it is a supplement to this thread.and relies on you helping the new thread out to make sure its on-topic and relevant.
It's apparent were not going to get a response from the mods.
Proposed thread for Friday:
Thread will be posted in Gaming, we will see how it does, the STEAM | November thread will run normally with all the things you expect from a monthly thread. If Steam News catches on and works we can start to think about relaxing the rules for the Steam Montlhy thread about trading and posting Steam stats.
Hopefulyl most people will support this new thread as it is a supplement to this thread.and relies on you helping the new thread out to make sure its on-topic and relevant.