Crab Milk Mickey
Master Chief Collection is a great package in theory but it's quite buggy for the time being + a PC release is somewhat likely, Sunset Overdrive looks rather boring (to me) by virtue of it being an Insomniac game combined with magnetized platforming and bland enemies + likely PC release and we haven't seen anything about the other 3. Kamiya has a fantastic track record and all, but last I heard it was moreso a Microsoft team developing the thing with Kamiya overlooking it so who knows how that'll turn out. I'm not expecting much from Phantom Dust with how... plain they made it look with the announcement teaser, and I wouldn't be surprised if it had a messed up F2P scheme. Really hope it won't turn out like that though, the original is one of a kind. Forza Horizon 2 does appear to be a worthwhile highlight, however.Strongly leaning towards the WiiU, but XBO has some cool games now and coming down the pipe. Sunset Overdrive (out of everything, this is the most likely to see a PC release, MCC, Quantum Break, Phantom Dust, Gears, Scalebound, etc.
Bloodborne is awesome, I love FromSoft, but early 2015 is just ludicrously packed with games. Witcher 3, Evolve, Killing Floor 2, Hotline Miami 2, REmake, Below, and I might be forgetting some. Getting a PS4 for that one game might not be realistic, hell I can barely justify getting a WiiU at this point and that is the strongest current gen console by a wide margin.
Wii U has at least 15 great titles currently (+ GOTY Bayonetta 2) and we have a clear idea what their releases for the relative near-future are looking like. Add to that at least another 30+ good to great games if you've never owned a Wii before. Unmatched bang for buck compared to the other two current-gen consoles.
PS4 to me looks to have a more promising library than the X-bone over the next half year. Bloodborne being an obvious one, The Tomorrow Children, Tearaway, Michel Ancel's WILD, the new Housemarque project and various other titles I'm forgetting. Couple of neat lookin' indies like Velocity 2X, Pix the Cat and Galak-Z too, with (sadly) no concrete date for their PC ports yet. Sony's gamescom conference was fairly impressive to me since it showcased much-needed diversity, but the majority of these games likely won't be due for another 6+ months. Still in much better shape than the X-bone though and that's ignoring the technical superiority of the machine itself when putting them both side-by-side.
You can probably justify simply waiting another year for the reasons you listed though, but in my eyes it's Wii U >>> PS4 > X-bone right about now.