Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Why can't Isaac be out now?
He should have done the DAY ZERO EARLY ACCESS for lols.
Why can't Isaac be out now?
magix pc check & tuning 2015 is 5 cents in indonesia :v
What the fug, the Season Pass for AW costs as much as the base game?
I'd guess they are waiting to do it at a time when they have enough new stuff to show to developers
magix pc check & tuning 2015 is 5 cents in indonesia :v
Shouldn't they try to hold it as close to the original though? If this is going to be annual, but with very varying dates, that sounds like a mess.
Only time I use SAM to unlock achievements is when they're broken and don't unlock otherwise, because fuck the devs I worked hard for those achievements!
magix pc check & tuning 2015 is 5 cents in indonesia :v
Those kind of tools are useless anyway
Why can't Isaac be out now?
Only achievements I need.
Only achievements I need.
That sounds like Valve
SAM, hexeditors, trainers, cheatcodes, pre-order DLC, FAQs and/or guides.
You have the tools available, up to you to use them.
Is that Fuck University?
I'd be a "tag master" or something.
magix pc check & tuning 2015 is 5 cents in indonesia :v
Logged on GAF to see if I won that Isaac giveaway, no orange little mail, infinite sadness.
Logged on GAF to see if I won that Isaac giveaway, no orange little mail, infinite sadness.
It could be worse, you could have an orange little mail from Milamber.
More like Elementary School. A Elementary School were everyone is adult.Is that Fuck University?
Would be rad. Then again, you can brag with your HV-level.Sure.
This needs achievements too...
I'd be a "tag master" or something.
Aww, I'm a harmless little deviant, you know that.
Next time there's an Isaac giveaway I'll be sure to write you a PM. Then you'll know true infinite sadness. Maybe even some mellon collie.
anyone notice COD AW does not show up on the profile yet?
I made like $12 selling those alien tf2 items. I wanna thank valve and sega for allowing me to get cheap game in the future at the expense of showy tf2 players
Happy birthday Ozium!
Oh, Ozium aged?
HAPPY Birthday, Ozium!
Ozium, you're one year older!
Oziuma birthday.
His least favorite day of the year.
I... I'm so depressed now.not my least favorite, I just get depressed at hte thought of getting older and the remembrance of acquaintance and memories past... that and the sky is dark and cold blows the wind... and brings up some memories of when I was a kid and had shitty birthdays..... :/ but that is in the past gots to live for tomorrow but sometimes i am too introspective for my own good...
This just reminded me to log in and sell mine, thanks!
Edit: Oh they're still not marketable. Will have to find someone on TF2 outpost or something that wants them.
They're marketable and have been for a few days now.
If you obtained the items before they became marketable: Run TF2 again, either directly or via SAM/the app id trick, and this will flip the switch.
If the above either doesn't apply or doesn't work: You need to upgrade to a premium account. Buy this 10c item from the Mann Co. Store.
Many Thanks!
not my least favorite, I just get depressed at hte thought of getting older and the remembrance of acquaintance and memories past... that and the sky is dark and cold blows the wind... and brings up some memories of when I was a kid and had shitty birthdays..... :/ but that is in the past gots to live for tomorrow but sometimes i am too introspective for my own good...
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
I made like $12 selling those alien tf2 items. I wanna thank valve and sega for allowing me to get cheap game in the future at the expense of showy tf2 players
thanks, and do you now?Happy Birthday Ozium, now I understand your current avatar.
Happy Birthday Ozium!!!!!
Happy Birthday Ozium! Enjoying your posts here from time to time!![]()
I... I'm so depressed now.
Happy birthday man!
Sometimes I'm glad I have a pretty bad memory. Not much for me to cling to or reminisce since I can barely remember it. Regardless happy birthday even with all the bad it's still a good thing.
Also Kiru said you're only a good poster half of the time.
Ozium's quote is actually correct, while Punished's one is translated to modern Italian.
(also happy birthday ozium even though your tastes in the Max Payne series are bullshit)
How many keys is transistor going for right now? 3?
I'll never understand his fascination with Hebrew.
Ozium - Happy Birthday man!! Soon you'll be too old and slow to play CS with us![]()
If you hunt around you should be able to find a copy for 2.5.
What would half a key entail? Metal?