Wish there were a way to remove a badge, ugh. Feels out of place.
They still haven't announced the EU PS+ games
Contact Steam Support and tell them you find it offensive on your page.
I can't leave Ezio alone. Gotta join my bro. Sorry guys, I made the jump.
You should watch the 2nd one. It's even worst.Human Centipede was totally random. but gah. too more gore for me tonight.
Excellent! we should make a GAF team. You, Mayhem, me and whoever else have the game.Got it hours ago.
I know that this is probably a long shot, but does anyone have any copies of evolve left over from the pricing error thing the other day? Unfortunately I missed out on it due to work.
I just watched Human Centipede, Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 with my parents on the new TV.
and watched some clips of Alien Isolation
I feel sick...
BoI is one of them though.
I'll assume you're being facetious![]()
God, I don't even like other CoDs, but everyone talking about it, the fact it's a bit futuristic and Kevin Spacey's involvement is making me reconsider. :I
Is the nuuvem key even the day zero edition?
is anyone using their PC with their TV?
tempted to try some games with really nice art
lol @ the thought of watching Human Centipede with my mom.
I watched the first episode of Game of Thrones with my mum. If anyone ever seen the first episode, you know why it was awkward.
Jase, rejoice! Outrun will be releasing in Australia!On the 3DS
Haha, there was a thread on Outrun's 3DS re-release way back in March.
So anyone making a Binding of Issac: Rebirth OT?
Wow Call of Duty really looks fucking terrific. I love the lighting.
I bought it 20 mins ago and it's still the Day Zero edition. So go go go!
also I'm laughing at the "Is anyone else getting sick of Troy Baker?"
How can you?
Odd I searched for issac in that thread, got nothing.
It's mysterious!I finished The Room, took me 2 hours. The ending was quite WTF, I am still kinda baffled here. What the hell was that.
Yeah still is day zero, cheers. I hate myself. I managed to stay CoD free for this long (outside of playing the MW SP campaign of a friends copy).
As for being sick of Troy Baker. I've been sick of Troy Baker for years now. Sometime after he did Snow in FFXIII. From then on he's been in everything. I didn't mind him too much in Last of Us mind you, because he actually did a different voice, instead of his generic one.
troy baker's snow voices is the worst because you can easily tell that's him, just like norlan north's nathan drake's voice, the dude is cool though, i love his performance in arkham oranges
I finished The Room, took me 2 hours. The ending was quite WTF, I am still kinda baffled here. What the hell was that.
Here's a non-spoiler version of the ending:
Or something. Yeah the puzzles were pretty good and I liked the atmosphere and looks but what the christ. I thought the game was supposed to have an Epilogue but it turned out that the last chapter was the epilogue. I guess the iOS players must have been even more confused than I am.
The environments in CoD: AW looks like super last-gen.
Wait did I miss a cheap Advanced Warfare?
Well, yeah, that's your problem. It's Isaac, not Issac![]()
Well shitI think it's the nuuvem one.
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Daily Hatoful boyfriend 50% off
This game is pretty coo
This game is pretty coo