For some reason, it seemed like someone should quote this...
Of course you think it's better. You like the opposite of me in everything it seems. :lol
Transistor never really worked as an ARPG for me because of the unlock structure, upgrade structure, and mostly because it was designed around the turn mechanic.
As such, Bastion was automatically better, being a true ARPG with no other way to play it and nothing impinging on the core design.
Furthermore, I enjoyed Bastion's soundtrack much more than Transistor's, though that's not to say Transistor's wasn't solid... just nowhere near as memorable to me. Darren Korb is good, but even the track with Ashley Barrett vocals couldn't compare to the majority of the Bastion soundtrack (especially Setting Sail/Coming Home).
It was in a really cheap Indiegala bundle and you probably missed out if you're deciding you're interested now.