The kickstarter money wouldn't have lasted very long if they had to pay salaries to the entire studio with it.
Making the money dry quicker? Yeah, that really would help.
No wait guys. I love Schafer and DF as much as anybody who grew up playing Lucas p&c games, but let's try to look at these things without the nostalgia shades.
Videogame studios aren't all that different from any other production companies (from the tiny copy shop to the huge movie production company): they plan a project, they seek investors, they resize their project to stay inside the investment boundaries and then they deliver their project more or less at the date they promised to their investors.
If a copy shop delivers your copies 2 days late, you'll be annoyed.
If JJ Abrams will fail to put his Star Wars in theaters in December 2015, the entire known world will collapse into itself.
Now, just think if you ask to your copy shop to justify their delay and they tell you that they had to do copies for other people meanwhile, or they would have gone bankrupt.
Or Abrams saying that Star Wars it's late, but hey, he had to write another shitty season of Lost to finally explain it was the dog's dream all along.
Now instead, if Schafer misses all its deadlines, admitting it was because they failed to upscale their game for the 10 times the money they initially planned, and meanwhile he delivers half-finished games to cash in and survive his failures, we should be supportive and all that.
Yeah well, I'm sorry, but in the real world if a company fucks up, it rightfully suffers consequences, so I don't know why in the videogame industry they shouldn't...
source: i was an entrepreneur, i fucked up, now i have more money in my Steam Wallet than my bank account