We've just sobered up from sales by now. Our backlogs have grown over the years, thanks to unlimited key generation there are great deals to be found on sites like GMG, Nuuvem or Qmwzon all over the year, we've experienced the blessings of RU trading and last but not least there's a new bundle coming out every other day. Without those alternatives and a vastly smaller catalog of games the first sales had everyone go crazy, bagging everything just because it was 75% off. Now it's just a routine and titles you don't want to play immediately can simply wait until the next deal.
I'm sure anyone new to digital distribution on PC would enjoy the current sales just as much as we did in the early days.
Very true. In fact, throughout the entire year, I've used GMG more than Steam. The sales so far have been fantastic on Steam and outside of it. Indeed, they hold a lessened impact since we one the majority of the titles on sale. There is no doubt in my mind that new folks will be just as enthralled as I was way back when. Having said that, there are still decent deals to be found even for me, but often GMG is doing some clever undercutting, which I love