i gotta wait til the game release and GMG sending me the code so i can start downloading the 30gig.
i gotta wait til the game release and GMG sending me the code so i can start downloading the 30gig.
i gotta wait til the game release and GMG sending me the code so i can start downloading the 30gig.
hey, that's nice emote
I'm afraid to tell you this but it's slightly more than 30, closer to 50, actually
Looks like FF XIII Asian version doesn't have dual language then. Would like to have the option of the English dub personally but whatever.
it was only matter of time before Lightning invaded VR for more followers.
So it was only dual audio after all.
Just dual audio?
I don't know if it's the right way of saying it when a second audio track requires 30 GB.
Is the audio in FLAC and the videos in DV ? Jeez
I don't mind origin that much.
Its a ton better than Uplay at least.
I'm not even going to bother with the DLC.
None of it was very good and we have the keep now for inquistion choices.
Just dual audio?
I don't know if it's the right way of saying it when a second audio track requires 30 GB.
Is the audio in FLAC and the videos in DV ? Jeez
This is marginally debatable. I actually like the idea of Uplay achievements providing in-game unlocks that provide non-game breaking additions. That seems really cool to me. Non-Steam DRM and a blah-meh-whatever storefront, not so much. I'd love if Steam incorporated this in some way.
The bold part is more than marginally debatable. I played through the base game, felt great about it, but haven't touched the DLC. A fair amount of people have widely praised the additions as being spot on.
The bold-italic-underline is just something that I meant to point out... we're this close to launch for that game and yet the Keep still isn't live!?
For reference, I enjoyed base DA:0 and didn't mind DA2 for what it was. I agree that it was not a proper sequel and any Origin hater should not pick up the .exe up just for that, but it was a decent presentation of a very concise story in a very concise setting. Also for reference, I tend to agree with Jawmuncher on things, but potentially not here.
I liked it for what it was.
I think you could email Steam Support and ask them to take the game off of your account, regift it and send it to me. ;D There, problem solved.
Is the story/characters any good? or is Styx only good for the gameplay?
Origin making good deals lately. Dragon Age for free and other stuff.
Just dual audio?
I don't know if it's the right way of saying it when a second audio track requires 30 GB.
Is the audio in FLAC and the videos in DV ? Jeez
When they did their sale last week, none of the DLC was discounted and you still(?) have to use Bioware spacebucks to get them for the older games, which is ridiculous.
I won't defend those damn Bioware Points.
Wanted to buy all the Mass Effect DLC for my trilogy but fucking going through that mess.
When you start the preload, start it downloading to your main drive. Pause it, then create a folder on your external and copy all the files in your main drives depotcache* folder into the newly created folder. After that, you'll want to make a junction point from the depotcache on your main drive, to your newly created folder.One more question about the FFXIII preload guys
So, I have an external hard drive with more than 100GB free. It is possible to let Steam preload and then uncompress the game there, and once is done, move the files to my main drive?
What's the easiest/safest way to do it?
One more question about the FFXIII preload guys
So, I have an external hard drive with more than 100GB free. It is possible to let Steam preload and then uncompress the game there, and once is done, move the files to my main drive?
What's the easiest/safest way to do it? move the folder over (steamapps/common/Banished) then move over the corresponding .acf file (steamapps/appmanifest_242920.acf)
Origin making good deals lately. Dragon Age for free and other stuff.
so...dual Audio, and Steam VR.
what is happening
I won't defend those damn Bioware Points.
Wanted to buy all the Mass Effect DLC for my trilogy but fucking going through that mess.
40 for garden warfare is not what I call a good deal, and that's literally only modern game on Origin that matters (><)
for garden warfare is not what I call a good deal, and that's literally only modern game on Origin that matters (><)
I finally caved on that this past Christmas. Sometimes you've just gotta bite the bullet, brah.
Origin making good deals lately. Dragon Age for free and other stuff.
Well, you could buy it from Origin Mexico. It's $18.99 there.
You should check out Mexican Origin, it's only $19. Warning: I uploaded this video myself.
When you start the preload, start it downloading to your main drive. Pause it, then create a folder on your external and copy all the files in your main drives depotcache* folder into the newly created folder. After that, you'll want to make a junction point from the depotcache on your main drive, to your newly created folder.
In cmd to create a junction point you'll want to type mklink /J "<Main drive depotcache path*>" <The directory path for the new folder on the external>
As an example mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\depotcache" E:\Depotcache
It should download to your external, and then it'll install to your main drive tomorrow when it releases.
*Most likely it'll be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\depotcache
Edit: Note if you don't want it always downloading to the external when you preload something, you'll need to get rid of the junction point after it's unpacked tomorrow.
This is the answer Grief.exe gave me when I was having issues moving games between drives.
You'll need to look up the appid for the game you are moving to get the right .acf file. There are also 3rd party programs you can download that will automate this process.
Thanks a lot guys! I think will go with Zafir's option as it will unpack and move to my main drive at the same time
Just one thing. How do you get rid of the Junction point once it's done? (sorry if I sound so noob about this).
Just delete the junction point folder in steamapps. It'll create the folder again when ever you preload something.Thanks a lot guys! I think will go with Zafir's option as it will unpack and move to my main folder at the same time
Just one thing. How do you get rid of the Juntion point? (sorry if I sound so noob about this).
Yeah that's probably easier than using CMD if you aren't comfortable with it.Or just use this Symbolic Link Shell Extension
Or just use this Symbolic Link Shell Extension
Just delete the junction point folder in steamapps. It'll create the folder again when ever you preload something.
Just posting that from the FFXIII PC OT. Works, just tried it. Not only that - but in the "Beta" tab is a "SteamVR Beta"???
Anyways, good to see we're indeed getting....
Oh this is great
- SteamVR you say.. assuming that is no mistake, that is fantastic. I thought generally the games supporting or even beta testing VR support, are very well optimised, like Alien: Isolation, so I have high hopes for this one now too.
Also here's my stream of conscious impression of the plot. I would've spoiler tagged the whole list, but apparently you can't do that anymore? I covered most of the stuff I thought was spoilery, but just in case, you were were warned!
Um. I think I broke Styx.
Like, half the humans in this level (the first one) are dead before I even get there, and I haven't done anything the distillery
Yay Preload for Final Fantasy XIII is complete! My body is ready for tomorrow! Haven't gamed on my PC in over a month now haha -___-