I need a good fps. What's good on steam that I may not have played?
- not metro series or fallout or cod or moh
- not alien, i'll get that eventually
I'm half finished that
I need a good fps. What's good on steam that I may not have played?
- not metro series or fallout or cod or moh
- not alien, i'll get that eventually
He is completely wrong. Also kind of a shitty person to paint everyone who disagrees with him in such a light.
I need a good fps. What's good on steam that I may not have played?
- not metro series or fallout or cod or moh
- not alien, i'll get that eventually
I need a good fps. What's good on steam that I may not have played?
- not metro series or fallout or cod or moh
- not alien, i'll get that eventually
Don't you Nathan Fillion me![/IMG]
Seconded, though there aren't that many great FPS out there beside from the one he listed. Maybe try Bioshock Infinite?wolfenstein
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic.
...What? It's first-person and you can shoot! It fulfills all the requirements...
I'm half finished that
no cryostasis either
also no bulletstorm, i beat that and hated it
I need a good fps. What's good on steam that I may not have played?
- not metro series or fallout or cod or moh
- not alien, i'll get that eventually
Maybe try Bioshock Infinite?
He did say good FPS. While I will admit that Infinite has great atmosphere in the beginning and a jaw-dropping ending, the actual gameplay is quite mediocre.
He did say good FPS. While I will admit that Infinite has great atmosphere in the beginning and a jaw-dropping ending, the actual gameplay is quite mediocre.
He did say good FPS. While I will admit that Infinite has great atmosphere in the beginning and a jaw-dropping ending, the actual gameplay is quite mediocre.
The GAF honeymoon period was pretty telling for that particular title. It's best to wait till after that before listening to recs.
ricochetguro is currently being chased by/dying to a spider lady thing in the Evil Within if you want to watch
Go for easier difficulties to avoid bullet sponges.He did say good FPS. While I will admit that Infinite has great atmosphere in the beginning and a jaw-dropping ending, the actual gameplay is quite mediocre.
I loved it. And Skyrim since Im going for broke
It's a really unfortunate phobia to have.disappointing :/
What's wrong with that? I loved Oblivion, and will be getting into Skyrim soon.
TEW is pretty bad so far
I'm half finished that
no cryostasis either
also no bulletstorm, i beat that and hated it
Stalker, Wolfenstein, Shadow Warrior, Bulletstorm, CoJ:G, FEAR, Jedi Knight, Riddick, Hard Reset.
He did say good FPS. While I will admit that Infinite has great atmosphere in the beginning and a jaw-dropping ending, the actual gameplay is quite mediocre.
TEW is pretty bad so far. Wish Shadowplay would work with it so I could show you its bugs.
Just an update, have completed chapter 3 of The Evil Within. Game is great so far, chapter 1 is a bit slow but improves quick in chapter 2, then chapter 3. Load times on PC are great (2-4 seconds), no problems with 60 fps I hear.
There's a good eight (maybe ten) reasons why it's bad. Fortunately it can be summed up rather easily... Be warned though, this is a legimate spoiler:What's wrong with that? I loved Oblivion, and will be getting into Skyrim soon.
What's wrong with that? I loved Oblivion, and will be getting into Skyrim soon.
There's a good eight (maybe ten) reasons why it's bad. Fortunately it can be summed up rather easily... Be warned though, this is a legimate spoiler:There are non-optional giant spider battles, complete with webbing, webbed victims, and spider-eggsacks.
Now that I think of it, I shouldn't have recommended Dark Messiah for this same reason...
Who should I believe??
Who should I believe??
ehh, it's more like videogames are an unfortunate choice for a passionIt's a really unfortunate phobia to have.
as my thing says every spoilered thing can be modded out thoThere's a good eight (maybe ten) reasons why it's bad. Fortunately it can be summed up rather easily... Be warned though, this is a legimate spoiler:There are non-optional giant spider battles, complete with webbing, webbed victims, and spider-eggsacks.
Now that I think of it, I shouldn't have recommended Dark Messiah for this same reason...
or make gameplay for shitBethesda can't write quests for shit.
Bethesda can't write quests for shit.
Also I dont remember those in Skyrim at all, I should replay that one of these days, especially since I didnt play any of the dlc
Bethesda can't write quests for shit.
With all of the talk about SC Blacklist I figured I'd go ahead and install it. I bought it while it was on sale from the Humble Store. Yeah...I finally have it working right as far as I know but man...Uplay is a pain in the ass with how they handle updates. Is there a way to make it download all the updates at once or does it need to do each one individually? I've done all the updates for Blacklist now but just trying to find out for future reference.
Nope. It does them one at a time.
Zky is the arachnophobe. Also I dont remember those in Skyrim at all, I should replay that one of these days, especially since I didnt play any of the dlc
finish it, is my suggestion
F.E.A.R. The best shotgun in existence.
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic.
...What? It's first-person and you can shoot! It fulfills all the requirements...
did you just call Alien (assuming its Isolation) a FPS? or Fallout for that matter![]()
What about Return to Castle Wolfensein, the older game? Aside from a badly designed stealth mission, it's really good. Which is basically how I feel about Wolfenstein 2014, too.
There's also The Darkness 2, which is a real hidden gem.
Stalker, Wolfenstein, Shadow Warrior, Bulletstorm, CoJ:G, FEAR, Jedi Knight, Riddick, Hard Reset.
He did say good FPS. While I will admit that Infinite has great atmosphere in the beginning and a jaw-dropping ending, the actual gameplay is quite mediocre.
All this spider talk reminds of one of my old threads: I like spiders. There are cute spider pictures and gifs in that thread, I warned you.
LOLHoly fuck, I'm sorry OP but you're sick ;-;
But did you enjoy "The Lusty Argonian Maid"?
Seriously, I enjoy running around their worlds. Nice vistas, kill some goblins, read a book by the fireplace. I don't expect much after the high of The Dark Brotherhood.