Is there a free Borderlands 2 somewhere?
Just saw a lot of giveaways on Steamgift.
There's only three giveaways, all of them by the game guy. If there was a free Borderlands 2 somewhere it would be like 100 giveaways
Is there a free Borderlands 2 somewhere?
Just saw a lot of giveaways on Steamgift.
Its finally time time for two brand spakin new levels of Octodad: Dadliest Catch; the Shorts! After the great response Octodad received from yall, we wanted to give back a little in thanks for your support. Everyone who currently owns Octodad: Dadliest Catch as well as anyone who grabs a copy in the future will get these levels FREE through the new v1.2.x patch. The patch will download its way onto Steam on Octodad 14th.
In addition to the new levels, there will be an assortment of bug fixes and smaller features, such as multiple mouse support for co-op, persistent checkpoint on last played freeplay/shorts level, and a global story timer. A more detailed list of notes will be available when the patch is released.
Best Original game? "Watch_Dogs" *click*
Har har.
New Octodad patch is out:
Stop hating on poor W_D, it wasn't that bad.
Downloading again, thanks.
I... have a feeling that my laptop will be branded a pheasant if that's true.
Best Original game? "Watch_Dogs" *click*
Har har.
Yeah. The Golden Joysticks.
Is there a Razzies version of videogames? That'd be my pick.
So Greenman sent out the XCOM codes, but here's the interesting thing: 80% off the Enemy Within expansion through playfire rewards if you play for an hour or do the tutorial mission.
I think that might be the cheapest it's ever been, isthereanydeal history leads me to believe the previous low was ten dollars.
Wouldn't it be funny if a playfire coupon wasn't redeemable with playfire credit? I'm assuming that's the scenario here.
Take away the early performance issues and as long as you're in the mindset it's more Splinter Cell than AssCrud then it's one of my favorite games of the year.
Sounds like you'll be spending a few more years in England, I would recommend you to buy a desktop, just remember to get a small case, and you can always sell it if you can't bring it back with you. The thing about gaming laptop is, they get outdated very fast, especially when you only have 500 GBP to spare, you can hardly get anything worth while with that budget.
The real Golden Joysticks where the ones given away as prizes on GamesMaster.
Is it just me or are coupons not working at the moment?
Tried to buy something I have a coupon for and it just won't apply. Also tested it with some other games/coupons, doesn't work...
... what?
Did you play another game with the same name or something? The one I saw my friend play was a really shitty ubergeneric GTA clone with hilariously bad systems and boring "hacking" (read: even lamer "find the hidden object" than the shittiest hidden object game) minigames. There was nothing Splinter Cell about it, like, at all.
I forgot: how the game runs without 4 GB Vram?
What's the title supposed to mean?
I have a Wii U, but, Wasteland 2 comes first
I listed a non-waifu foil about a week ago for $9.98 ($8.69) and of course it struggled to sell, but I noticed just before that a particularly impatient user put up a $3 buy offer, so I managed to make $2.61. I'll call that a win given the regular cards recently plummeted to ~15c.
I listed a non-waifu foil about a week ago for $9.98 ($8.69) and of course it struggled to sell, but I noticed just before that a particularly impatient user put up a $3 buy offer, so I managed to make $2.61. I'll call that a win given the regular cards recently plummeted to ~15c.
Sounds good to me. I'll gladly take $2.50 for a foil. No one's paying these ridiculous 35 prices anyway.I listed a non-waifu foil about a week ago for $9.98 ($8.69) and of course it struggled to sell, but I noticed just before that a particularly impatient user put up a $3 buy offer, so I managed to make $2.61. I'll call that a win given the regular cards recently plummeted to ~15c.
I wanted to get some games out of the way before I go back to TEW and loaded up BioShock Infinite, Burial at Sea Part 2, in particular and I can barely bring myself to finish it. After I'm done with this, I will have had enough of BioInf for any reality there might exist.
I don't know what you watched, but Dr. Dogg's impressions and gameplay experience very much align with my own. In fact other than the convoy missions, I probably did significantly more stealth kills/takedowns than I did actual shootouts.... what?
Did you play another game with the same name or something? The one I saw my friend play was a really shitty ubergeneric GTA clone with hilariously bad systems and boring "hacking" (read: even lamer "find the hidden object" than the shittiest hidden object game) minigames. There was nothing Splinter Cell about it, like, at all.
so basically Valve is Nintendo now and if I was true to my convictions, I should leave steam right now and never look back (><)
... what?
Did you play another game with the same name or something? The one I saw my friend play was a really shitty ubergeneric GTA clone with hilariously bad systems and boring "hacking" (read: even lamer "find the hidden object" than the shittiest hidden object game) minigames. There was nothing Splinter Cell about it, like, at all.
This thread is all you need, buying all the parts yourself is the cheapest way. Get a M-ATX motherboard, and pick a case M-ATX case in the OP if you don't know what to get.Guess I can try that, but I've never had or built a desktop, so where do I start? Should I looking for a cheap case/motherboard combo and then buy the graphics card/ram separately?
coponalypse is finally upon us.
just tested, works fine
Does this mean that unless developers specifically allow it we won't be getting cheap Russian games anymore? Would be a big hit to the trading scene if so.
Well, at least in the case of Steam publishers have the option of removing it.![]()
Don't bother with the Drake Sword, it's a noob trap. Plenty of early weapons available to you that can be stronger than it once upgraded to some extent, without the hassle of having to find rare as fuck ores.Started my first ever play through of Dark Souls yesterday. All I gotta say is fuck the Capra Demon. Gonna try and get the drake sword today, maybe even try for Havel's armor and to boost my estus flasks before I go at him for like the 15th time.
I like the new JaseC avy.
why would they do that? I mean that's ridiculous notion even to consider!
I like the new JaseC avy.
Speaking of avy's, this marketing video of Susie Wolff was posted today.
I'm a sucker for accents.
Am I gonna buy it, but my hand is rather full right now with many releasesIt means the Wii U and Bayo 2 need all the help they can get.![]()
From the comment, you can still unlocked it right? So I can still bought a physical copy of Beyond Earth without getting screwed?
That's a bingo.
I don't know what you watched, but Dr. Dogg's impressions and gameplay experience very much align with my own. In fact other than the convoy missions, I probably did significantly more stealth kills/takedowns than I did actual shootouts.
Another Tuesday, another Humble Bundle coming up.![]()
When it's out?