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STEAM | October 2014 - Proper PC gamers buy a Wii U and Bayonetta 2

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If you want a reason not to buy Don't Starve, make it the fact that it's really boring after a few hours.
It was boring for me after 10 minutes.

And this is why achievements would help the game, at least a little bit. It's a really boring game. It has a neat art style, but other than that, it's not very good.

the game has controller support on pc.

When did this happen? I haven't touched the game in ages, so that's good to hear. Is it full support? With proper prompts and all?


their own designers have said multiple times that the game is about exploration and "not finding shiny little trinkets to brag about" they are clearly being antagonist towards people who like achievements.
And here's your problem. You have turned "we don't want to add achievements" into a personal insult.
the kicker is if this were EA or Activision it would probably be different, but how dare anyone slander the sacred cow that is an indie dev team

... nah, it would still be pretty stupid.

Have you even looked at the trophy list for the playstation versions? What exactly are you having trouble tracking from that list? It is all just "unlock character x", the character menu tells you this information and it is still completely consistent with what they stated about their design aims.


You need to be clear. Was it the devs themselves or other fans who verbally attacked you?

At the end of the day, it's a minor point. If I'm going to rail at a developer for not giving me achievements, it's probably a safe bet that I wasn't interested in their game in the first place. The joy of playing the game (whatever that entails) should be the goal, not just achievements.

their fans and their moderation team (approved by klei and thus representing them on their official website)

the actual devs comments, as seen on livestreams or other places, is very condescending in tone to people who like achievements.

I was interested in the game and was just curious about the achievements since I knew it was on PS4.. the way I was treated made me not want to support them... but of course if you (and every other klei fanboy) says I didn't want to play it in the first place and/or I only play games for achievements then you must be right. after all you know me better than I do, apparently.


And here's your problem. You have turned "we don't want to add achievements" into a personal insult.

And here's your problem. Interpreting my disdain at being talked down to and told I only play games "for shiny little trinkets" into "this guy is mad they don't want to add achievements."

2nd grade reading comprehension strikes again
their fans and their moderation team (approved by klei and thus representing them on their official website)

the actual devs comments, as seen on livestreams or other places, is very condescending in tone to people who like achievements.

I was interested in the game and was just curious about the achievements since I knew it was on PS4.. the way I was treated made me not want to support them... but of course if you (and every other klei fanboy) says I didn't want to play it in the first place and/or I only play games for achievements then you must be right. after all you know me better than I do, apparently.


My suggestion (such as it is) would be to take a step back, take a deep breath, and let it go. If there's one thing I've learned in the past year, it's not to get too attached to something that's going to screw you over in the end. I'm not a fanboy (or even a fan of their work), but there are times when we have to stand back and reflect on the situation.

It's not worth getting upset over achievements. If I let anyone I ever spoke with on a message board influence me, I'd be one dour son of a bitch.


so because their in-game objective system wasn't deemed as fun, this extends to achievements? completely illogical, as achievements don't need to be rote objectives and/or easily seen. Clearly if they are so logicaly bankrupt that they equate telling a player "hey go love a pig" to the entirety of achievements, then I want nothing to do with their games

I don't support devs with cognitive dissonance...

the kicker is if this were EA or Activision it would probably be different, but how dare anyone slander the sacred cow that is an indie dev team

I don't know if that's directly cognitive dissonance. The achievements on their own can fall into two classes: directive or 'fun'. The problem lies in that a user unfamiliar with the game may not be able to determine the difference between the two. So if you made 'fun' style achievements, they could be misinterpreted as directive, giving improper goal feedback.

Hidden achievements for directive achievements also have the problem that they specify/imply that the user is actually playing the game "as intended". The problem may be that the intended thematic resonance of Don't Starve is intended to be free wheeling and mysterious. Ambiguous goals (including records of success) imply designer's intent...and if the very nature of achievements belies the principle behind that goal, I can see them being annexed.

Even as something as ostensibly ambiguous as "survive for 25 days" implies that it is both possible, desirable, and is a bare minimum to successful play. Don't Starve basically has no end game aside from total subsistence. I guess they could pop them for getting new characters, but aside from that....I don't really see it as cognitive dissonance if the above ideas are true.


And here's your problem. You have turned "we don't want to add achievements" into a personal insult.

how is this his problem? They game already has achievements, he just want them added to the version of game he plays. It certainly isn't his problem or vendetta, it's reasonable request.


Hey guys have anyone got Divinity OS to run at a stable 60fps? It was so weird. I just boot it up and it was running on max at 30fps, then i messed around with the in-game settings. Put it on low and it jumped to 60fps. Then put it back up to max and it went down to 20fps and stayed there. Now it's back to 60fps but idk..

Is this game well optimized? or is there a mod or patch I'm missing?


... nah, it would still be pretty stupid.

Have you even looked at the trophy list for the playstation versions? What exactly are you having trouble tracking from that list? It is all just "unlock character x", the character menu tells you this information and it is still completely consistent with what they stated about their design aims.

all this tells me is that they are not very creative at designing challenges/tasks/achievements.

other devs are, however.

other devs are able to have a game that's fun on its own AND has interesting achievements.. imagine that.


My suggestion (such as it is) would be to take a step back, take a deep breath, and let it go. If there's one thing I've learned in the past year, it's not to get too attached to something that's going to screw you over in the end. I'm not a fanboy (or even a fan of their work), but there are times when we have to stand back and reflect on the situation.

It's not worth getting upset over achievements. If I let anyone I ever spoke with on a message board influence me, I'd be one dour son of a bitch.

I'm not upset over achievements.. the level of me being "upset over achievements" is "I don't support Klei entertainment."
I'm getting upset at being told that I'm a piece of shit for wanting them, that I only play games for them, etc. none of this is true.
Maybe the people who are so upset that I won't support Klei for my own reasonings need to take a step back.


Hey guys have anyone got Divinity OS to run at a stable 60fps? It was so weird. I just boot it up and it was running on max at 30fps, then i messed around with the in-game settings. Put it on low and it jumped to 60fps. Then put it back up to max and it went down to 20fps and stayed there. Now it's back to 60fps but idk..

Is this game well optimized? or is there a mod or patch I'm missing?

have you tried disabling v-sync?


Hey guys have anyone got Divinity OS to run at a stable 60fps? It was so weird. I just boot it up and it was running on max at 30fps, then i messed around with the in-game settings. Put it on low and it jumped to 60fps. Then put it back up to max and it went down to 20fps and stayed there. Now it's back to 60fps but idk..

Is this game well optimized? or is there a mod or patch I'm missing?

In speaking of Divinity OS. Someone wanna exchange with me for my Early Access gift version of D:OS for a regular version and some extras? It feels wasted if I redeem it since I already have the bonus games :(
Beat Evil Within at 15 hours, 49 minutes. Left it paused for at least an hour so I'm not sure how accurate it is. 77 deaths but a at least 20 of those were in one section of the game where I kept dying on purpose because it was hilarious, another ten for an achievement challenge. There were definitely spurts where those deaths were far more common because of traps. Will post more detailed impressions at a later point, but I really enjoyed it and it's my favorite game of the year so far. Combat feels great, tons of diversity in the environments, and it manages to conjure up the same tension that made me love Resident Evil 4 so much while very much being its own game. Final boss was some real 3rd Birthday shit though. I mean I love that game unlike some, but it felt somewhat out of place.


And here's your problem. Interpreting my disdain at being talked down to and told I only play games "for shiny little trinkets" into "this guy is mad they don't want to add achievements."

2nd grade reading comprehension strikes again
look at what you just wrote

you think you're being "talked down to" and being told "you only like games for achievements"

how is this his problem? They game already has achievements, he just want them added to the version of game he plays. It certainly isn't his problem or vendetta, it's reasonable request.

the request is not unreasonable

acting like they are antagonistic towards players because they don't like achievements is unreasonable
all this tells me is that they are not very creative at designing challenges/tasks/achievements.

other devs are, however.

other devs are able to have a game that's fun on its own AND has interesting achievements.. imagine that.

I'm not upset over achievements.. the level of me being "upset over achievements" is "I don't support Klei entertainment."
I'm getting upset at being told that I'm a piece of shit for wanting them, that I only play games for them, etc. none of this is true.
Maybe the people who are so upset that I won't support Klei for my own reasonings need to take a step back.

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is a lot of fun and has some fun achievements too! I unlocked one the other day that surprised me. I must admit though, I do not really pay all that much attention to them. But I think with a game like Mordor I could see myself booting it up after I had beaten it just to muck about with the achievements.
I'm not upset over achievements.. the level of me being "upset over achievements" is "I don't support Klei entertainment."
I'm getting upset at being told that I'm a piece of shit for wanting them, that I only play games for them, etc. none of this is true.
Maybe the people who are so upset that I won't support Klei for my own reasonings need to take a step back.

As is your right. I'm just saying there are better things to get worked up over than whether game X has achievements or not. They said that they didn't want them because it didn't fit the game. You can disagree with them, and people may even insult you for it, but it's not worth endlessly reiterating it.

Besides, that's typical fanboyism. I used to run into the same thing back in my StarTrek.com forum days - I had people who got up to debate me at 6 a.m. every day for weeks on end, use to trash me because they couldn't understand logic, etc. It doesn't influence my love of the source material, my fondness for the company that created it or my experiences on that message board.
Here are some of my older posts about the game:


My experience was just frustrating and random, especially do to the glitches and the shittiest checkpoint system ever invented. Most of the puzzles could be solved by luck or by randomness and sort time after that I figured out that the best way is just to run and hope you make to the next checkpoint before the alarm gets rung -> reset -> no alarms.
Hmm, can't say I ever experienced anything like that.
I actually found the checkpoint system to be incredibly forgiving and can't remember it ever messing up.

Oh well, sucks that you encountered so many bugs, I can definitely see why you'd dislike the game because of that.


In speaking of Divinity OS. Someone wanna exchange with me for my Early Access gift version of D:OS for a regular version and some extras? It feels wasted if I redeem it since I already have the bonus games :(

I would totally do it if I didnt have the game already :( I want that extra stuff.


look at what you just wrote

you think you're being "talked down to" and being told "you only like games for achievements"

the request is not unreasonable

acting like they are antagonistic towards players because they don't like achievements is unreasonable

yeah because saying "this game is about exploring and surviving, not getting shiny little trinkets" isn't condescending AT ALL.


I thought you're supposed to keep v-sync on because you don't want screen tearing and it help give you a constant 60fps? (if your PC can perform it)

At least thats what I always thought?

Yeah, v-sync will get rid of the tearing but I think it also locks the framerate to 30 if you're going under 60fps unless you have triple buffering enabled or something.


I can't really understand the fascination with achievements. Never could.

Achievements aren't really a part of the game itself. They're a tacked-on metagame. The developer hands you a list of arbitrary things to do in their game, and if you manage to do them, your reward is... a sign saying, "I did this arbitrary thing." Hell, if that's what people need to feel satisfied, I'll make up a list of things to do in a game and email it to them, or they can just do that themselves. It was a different story when developers used to attach tangible in-game rewards to pulling off various feats, like unlocking characters, skins or game modes - then there was an actual in-game point. But killing 3000 orcs to earn an icon saying I killed 3000 orcs just isn't much motivation to bother.


Maybe the people who are so upset that I won't support Klei for my own reasonings need to take a step back.

Nobody gives a shit whether or not you support Klei or choose to play their games. That's your own business.

If, however, you feel the need to do drive by character assassinations every damn time someone brings up them or one of their games, people are going to call you out on the fact that your entire complaint against them boils down to the fact that you wanted achievements and they chose not to include them.

I'm sorry that you didn't like the explanation that they gave you for that decision, but no matter how you try to spin it, that explanation was not a personal insult directed towards you, and quite frankly they didn't have to provide any explanation at all. The game is their creation, and they can pretty much do with it as they please.


This may be a dumb question but ever since the redesign I don't see the publisher or w/e sales anymore.

Usually every monday there would be a week long sale with dozens of games on sale from usually one publisher/developer. Now all I see are daily deals, midweek madness and weekend deals.

Anyone know where they disappeared to?



Nobody gives a shit whether or not you support Klei or choose to play their games. That's your own business.

If, however, you feel the need to do drive by character assassinations every damn time someone brings up them or one of their games, people are going to call you out on the fact that your entire complaint against them boils down to the fact that you wanted achievements and they chose not to include them.

I'm sorry that you didn't like the explanation that they gave you for that decision, but no matter how you try to spin it, that explanation was not a personal insult directed towards you, and quite frankly they didn't have to provide any explanation at all. The game is their creation, and they can pretty much do with it as they please.

well, you seem to give a shit, apparently...

y u mad tho?

edit: also please show me evidence that 'every time klei is mentioned i driveby insult' I've done it a grand total of two times, once as a direct response to other posters (and that was literally just stating facts) and the instance just now, in which I posted my reasoning for my opinion and is not exactly a 'driveby insult'..


Are there any hardware savvies around here at the moment?

There's a question I have since I installed my first and only powerful GPU ever and I never asked it because it really sound stupid, but still.

I have an Asus GTX 780 DirectCU II OC (3GB) and I'm happy with it, it runs my games fast and pretty and it never ever made the slightest noise.

And this is what makes me think there's something weird about it. :D

I mean, it works, it definitely works. I can max out games, and its fans spin (so, yeah, there's some noise, but it's barely noticeable).

My point is: when I play some games I actually CAN'T both max out and keep at 60fps stable (like recently, Max Payne 3, which in several parts dropped to somewhat stable, and perfectly playable, 45-50fps), my PD doesn't seem to behave any different.

I don't know, I've been using a MacBook Pro for years, and I'm used to hear the fans spinning like a chainsaw and the chassis raising to hellish temperatures, so I actually don't know what a proper PC is supposed to do when dealing with stuff too powerful for it.
And like this, it always seems that my PC is constantly high on weed while it could totally perform better. :D

stealth side question: if anyone has some tips and tricks I'm supposed to do to tweak my GPU performances, because really, I just wedged it in the correct motherboard slot and downloaded the proper drivers and GeForce Experience. :D


I can't really understand the fascination with achievements. Never could.

Achievements aren't really a part of the game itself. They're a tacked-on metagame. The developer hands you a list of arbitrary things to do in their game, and if you manage to do them, your reward is... a sign saying, "I did this arbitrary thing." Hell, if that's what people need to feel satisfied, I'll make up a list of things to do in a game and email it to them, or they can just do that themselves. It was a different story when developers used to attach tangible in-game rewards to pulling off various feats, like unlocking characters, skins or game modes - then there was an actual in-game point. But killing 3000 orcs to earn an icon saying I killed 3000 orcs just isn't much motivation to bother.
How is it any more "tacked-on" than a quest within the game itself? Because some NPC tells you a sobstory to go along with the quest? Would achievements suddenly be valid if they had 3 paragraphs of story as their description? I mean, be aware that what you're talking about is the worst kind of achievement and pretty much everyone agrees that "do X for Y hours" is the laziest type. Good achievements are much more interesting.

Furthermore, we're talking about videogames. Arguing what's "pointless" or not is honestly kind of stupid, isn't it? It's all pointless! We shoot enemies that don't exist so we can see the ending to a story that never happened.



I don't know about you guys, but I really wasn't waiting for Direct2Drive to make a comeback. >.>


How is it any more "tacked-on" than a quest within the game itself? Because some NPC tells you a sobstory to go along with the quest? Would achievements suddenly be valid if they had 3 paragraphs of story as their description? I mean, be aware that what you're talking about is the worst kind of achievement and pretty much everyone agrees that "do X for Y hours" is the laziest type. Good achievements are much more interesting.

Furthermore, we're talking about videogames. Arguing what's "pointless" or not is honestly kind of stupid, isn't it? It's all pointless! We shoot enemies that don't exist so we can see the ending to a story that never happened.
Plus, it's pretty easy to ignore them if one don't like them. It's not like they're required for anything but e-penis, yes.
Although maybe some people getting girls and boys with it. "Hey babe, wanna see my huge gamerscore?"


I can't really understand the fascination with achievements. Never could.

Achievements aren't really a part of the game itself. They're a tacked-on metagame. The developer hands you a list of arbitrary things to do in their game, and if you manage to do them, your reward is... a sign saying, "I did this arbitrary thing." Hell, if that's what people need to feel satisfied, I'll make up a list of things to do in a game and email it to them, or they can just do that themselves. It was a different story when developers used to attach tangible in-game rewards to pulling off various feats, like unlocking characters, skins or game modes - then there was an actual in-game point. But killing 3000 orcs to earn an icon saying I killed 3000 orcs just isn't much motivation to bother.
I used to think like you, but I changed my mind, because I noticed I'm more inclined to stick with doing stupidly unnecessary things in a game if there are achievements for that.
I have a bit of hate-love relationship with achievements now, if I have for example one or two achievements left for a game (those are usually ones that are really boring, takes long and I don't what to do them) I still somehow can't consider a game finished because of that and it weighs on my mind for the longest time. Sad state of affairs, for sure (><)
Then again gamers do all kind of stupid stuff: challenge runs, speed runs, care about leaderboards, collecting shit, you name it. You are right about one thing, though, gaming is metagame of sorts.

I don't know about you guys, but I really wasn't waiting for Direct2Drive to make a comeback. >.>

when I read words "dramatically improved service", I always imagine it in GitS way for some reason. Like in "keep your mind safe from hacker attacks, viruses and ghosts!" (><)


Plus, it's pretty easy to ignore them if one don't like them. It's not like they're required for anything but e-penis, yes.
Although maybe some people getting girls and boys with it. "Hey babe, wanna see my huge gamerscore?"

yeah, let's totally ignore what others reasons people are giving for liking them and continue using this straw man..


yeah, let's totally ignore what others reasons people are giving for liking them and continue using this straw man..
The second line was completely a joke. My point is that gamerscore is not essential for the game itself and can easily be ignored if one don't like it. E-penis may be dismissive, but achievement are there to show what one has - well - archived.


The second line was completely a joke. My point is that gamerscore is not essential for the game itself and can easily be ignored if one don't like it.

ahh.. I can't tell what's real or parody any more lol

I was talking to someone on Steam about Alien Isolation and checked their achievements to see where they were so I wouldn't spoil anything for them, but in reality I was seeing if my dick was bigger /s


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Are there any hardware savvies around here at the moment?

There's a question I have since I installed my first and only powerful GPU ever and I never asked it because it really sound stupid, but still.

You can try checking your power settings and see if your GPU is set for power management or balance rather than performance.

You can use nVidia Inspector to manually set your fan to max RPMs just to hear what it sounds like; it might in fact be really quiet.

You can also download some ridiculous bench marks and really strain your card to see what happens.


I liked GameFly a lot. D2D I wasn't a fan of :(

I guess they just felt that any brand recognition might be better than none, even if people's memories of D2D probably aren't all that great.

This is an entirely different company running it now, and frankly the business has changed a lot since then. Basically everyone is just selling Steam keys now, so most of the complaints people had about the original D2D probably aren't even relevant. 90% of their users are just going to be looking for the lowest price, other than that the only real differences between stores is situational stuff like how quickly they can get keys out for preloads.

Dr Dogg

People in the stickied topic are pushing for this thread to be put in community

out of spite, basically

The way some are going in that thread it sounds like they want the Gaming side to just be soulless news. Anything that encourages discussion about our hobby should be banished to community!

I know on the surface this might appear to be the Super Steam Friends Secret Clubhouse but there is a constant stream of information in here. There are deals on Steam daily, there are deal of outside retailers with Steam keys daily, there are bundle sites offering Steam keys daily, there are foreign language sites with deals on daily, there are updates to Steam games daily, there are new games added to Steam daily, there are features like trading cares and achievements added to Steam daily, there are patches to the some of 4,000+ games added daily. And that's just the tip of the iceberg and completely ignoring all the questions help and advice about the service as a whole which in itself is flipping massive. But all of this is somewhat relevant to a wide range of people and it's easier to post in here and some if stripped out into their own thread that would create 100's of threads a day and get lost from visibility within seconds. Not to mention I can read through the last 50-60 pages (filtering out the guff of course) and get an overview on This Week in Steaming.

Lets look at it this way, after every patch for Watch_Dogs dropped I posted in here to give a brief run down of what's changed and how the performance is. Now I could have continued to post that in the PC Performance thread but that didn't have much activity for a couple of months and sunk without a trace plus bumping an old thread is frowned upon unless it's quite substantial which was debatable over the first couple of updates. I could have created a new thread for analysis but would be a bit threadbare and really I'd think a look back at the progress over a series of patches in a more deeper analysis would encourage discussion instead of a string of drive by posts about how they don't like the game or comment on Ubisoft's handling of ports without reading the OP. I could have posted them in the OT but that vanished into Community and had about 10 people viewing it judging by the posting activity. Or I could have posted it in here as a brief snippet of info for those to see who were still interested. Every time I did it caught someones eye in here and they went and tried it out again so I see that as relaying info to relevant people and keeping down on forum clutter. Maybe when I've finished off the T-Bone DLC I might go back and look at the base game properly and give an overview of the issues at launch and the state of the game now but I guess most have either moved on or will still cuss it down regardless of the effort put in to fix it up.

So DSR is Nvidia's take on downsampling? Cool. Does it work also when a game does not natively support +1080p resolutions? That'd be ace.
Or does Durante has to do everything :p

Pretty much yeah. Beforehand you could set a custom resolution in Nvidia's control panel but that not only relied on having the GPU power to run that resolution but your monitor also had to be able to handle the signal. Most of my 1920x1080 monitors will go to 3200x1800 not problems at 60hz but only 2 will got to 3840x2160 though due to DVI limitations and the bandwidth you get from the copper in the cable it's a bit unreliable and a lower refresh is usually requiered to get it stable, sometikems as low as 30hz. Only one will go above that to 4800x2700 but that again is 30hz but hey that's the beauty of a 120hz there's a big range to play with. But the 2 2560x1440 monitors wont go a pixel over that. GeDoSaTo is a great in that case as it doesn't rely on the hardware limitations just need the power to run that resolution (well on DX9 games for the time being).

What Dynamic Super Resolution does is like the downsampling aspect in Durante's GeDoSaTo (without as much control or option) it takes your monitors hardware capability out of the equation. You can downsample to a factor of 4 of you monitors (or I'm guessing maybe desktop) resolution on any game that supports user defined resolutions (some will need some ini fiddling but should work). This has a slight advantage of GeDoSaTo as it works with DX10, DX11 and OpenGL games (though Durante plans to have GeDoSaTo working with everything but lets be fair Nvidia have much more man power).

The way I see it is that it's another tool in the box for getting a game looking how you want.


How is it any more "tacked-on" than a quest within the game itself? Because some NPC tells you a sobstory to go along with the quest? Would achievements suddenly be valid if they had 3 paragraphs of story as their description? I mean, be aware that what you're talking about is the worst kind of achievement and pretty much everyone agrees that "do X for Y hours" is the laziest type. Good achievements are much more interesting.

Furthermore, we're talking about videogames. Arguing what's "pointless" or not is honestly kind of stupid, isn't it? It's all pointless! We shoot enemies that don't exist so we can see the ending to a story that never happened.

It's "tacked on" because it's not fundamentally part of the game itself. If an NPC gives you a quest to kill 10 rats, you kill them, and you turn in that quest for some xp and gold or an item or whatever, that accomplishment has meaning within the context of the game.

With achievements, you're being handed a laundry list of arbitrary things to do in a game that someone came up with after the fact. Those tasks aren't handed out in-universe, and there's no in-game reward attached to achieving them. You can strip them away and the actual game is completely unchanged. They're the equivalent of telling your buddy, "Hey, Bob, let me see you do 10 barrel rolls in a row!" and handing him a slip of paper saying "You did 10 barrel rolls in a row!" if he can do it. That's why I feel they're pointless - the "reward" is just a confirmation of something you already know you did, and you can just as easily make up some arbitrary goals to challenge yourself if someone else didn't. *shrug*


The second line was completely a joke. My point is that gamerscore is not essential for the game itself and can easily be ignored if one don't like it. E-penis may be dismissive, but achievement are there to show what one has - well - archived.

It's funny when you put it this way. You know that most people find gaming itself pointless, not essential, waste of time and proof of immaturity, don't you?
How are you being any different now?
Let people like what they like and care about what they want to care, would you?

Lemme summarise what steamgaf tried to teach me:
1. levels, badges, card collecting is idiotic because it's pointless and metagame, unless it's for making some money to buy more games.
2. achievements are stupid and not necessary because it's for show and not essential for a game
3. playing games is unnecessary, collecting them is.

am I forgetting something? (><)
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