mordoor taking forever to drop below 10 bucks
It's easily worth 10.
mordoor taking forever to drop below 10 bucks
I wish tags would work for my local library so I could choose to search by tags like I could online
It's easily worth 10.![]()
Its worth nothing. Such a disappointing game.
To each their own; that's how I feel about the vast majority of VNs. I thought Mordor had plenty of fun and good mechanics to justify spending a few dozen hours with it. Hell, I even 100% it prior to the DLC coming out. Playing around with the Nemesis mechanics was great fun for me. I could certainly see that not being the case for a lot of people.
Cheeky edit. I surrender. Your opinion is now my opinion.
You'd think I was french with how easily I surrendered
I also 100% it, but I thought it felt like they just mixed the mediocrity of the popular AAA games together, put in a excel-sheet nemesis system and called it a day.
It got repetitive quite fast and I think the missions were totally boring.
SF V beta is open right now?
categories work like tags.
so if you tag something like DMC4SE as:
Devil May Cry
Character Action
Stylish Action
You can search your library for any of those and it will show up and show you all categories it's in that match your search term
Saw this in the MGSV steam hub lol
Kojima GOAT
Can someone translate? Is something being stolen here?
i found aisha tyler
I hope they sneak in some classic lines.
Grammar nazi Stannis is best Stannis.Many.
Grammar nazi Stannis is best Stannis.
When The Winds of Winter comes out, we'll know how much more of season 5 was fan fiction.It's a spoiler tag people, don't risk it..Better than Burn my child Stannis
It's a spoiler tag people, don't risk it..Better than Burn my child Stannis
That is not a particularly good looking version of Aisha Tyler.
Edit: Press Q to Horsey Ride
Kind of moot now isn't it, thanks to stupid Briann. Hate her as much as I hate the cult.
Really though, why do you shave with bees, Dakath?We're about to start!
How do you guys categorize your games? It's starting to get ridiculous at 400+ games and need a better way to find something to play.
Sorting by progress just leads to a big list of shit I haven't started and going by genre doesn't show me if I've played/beaten a particular game.
Finished Contradiction in one 6.8 hours sitting (with breaks, I'm not insane yet) and I have to say I rather enjoyed it. The actors are fantastic and so are the characters, the plot is intriguing and the game's really easy to jump in and play. I was surprised to find that, aside from a few uh, lucky findings, the puzzles made sense all the way to the end, and I never felt like I had to do too much guesswork to solve them either. The interface could use some improvements, like there's no reason to show objects that can't be used in interviews in the interview screen. It's not a big issue, but it does become annoying towards the end when you'll have a good number of objects and clues to keep track of.
Contradiction's major problem however is the ending. It's a bit underwhelming and while it provides closure, a bit too much is left unresolved for my taste.
All in all, I wholeheartedly recommend this one even for people who don't like point and click games.
I loved the game and thought the cast was fantastic. But are police investigations in the UK really like this?
oh man i found a new nipples mod for the witcher 3
i've always thought the game needed better nipples, said no one ever
yeah but that would require me to put them into categories manually![]()
I loved the game and thought the cast was fantastic. But are police investigations in the UK really like this? As someone that works in law enforcement I kept cringing every time Inspector Jenks brokepolice protocol, which was surprisingly often.US
Haven't played it yet, but I'm going to go with no![]()
Heh I'm going to go with no. I liked that.Paul calls Jenks out on contaminating evidence
The whole setup might have worked better if Jenks was a private investigator or something.I loved the game and thought the cast was fantastic. But are police investigations in the UK really like this? As someone that works in law enforcement I kept cringing every time Inspector Jenks brokepolice protocol, which was surprisingly often.US
I have about 100 games and won't buy anymore until I at least put a few hours into all of them. I will not get into backlog hell like a lot of you guys with hundreds and even thousands of games you will never play.
Who am I kidding I can't wait for my first real Steam christmas holiday sale.
My shithead's finally done trying to fight with everyone and pee everywhere:yeahh new pic for my steam profile
My shithead's finally done trying to fight with everyone and pee everywhere:
Everytime I got to Zestiria's page it has that pic of that guy with the feathers and I just can't pull the trigger.
I believe you can remove the feathers.
I don't know, do you like having your OS not leaking memory?
It is not the feathers (well they are not helping) it is just the face is so punchable. Like a tangible representation of smarmy.
If it was buy Symphonia and get Zest free I would probably do it but I am holding on principle.
And a sale.
Why are you not helping!?
Screw it!