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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Fallout 4
Bloodborne GOTY-Edition
Always sometimes Monsters
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Tales of Zestiria
Pillars of Eternity DLC's.

I also want to (re-)play:
Prison Architect Singeplayer campaign
Divinity: OS Enhanced Edition
Wasteland 2: Enhanced Edition

How am i supposed to do all that? I once successfully fought my backlog, but now he came back and crushed me.

Have you considered cloning?

Anyway I'm not going back to Wasteland 2:DC until they restore/fix the camera angle. Holy crap it's terrible.


Tales aren't really games to play if you are already disgusted by the thought of playing JRPG, so ya, don't enter. You could still play The Last Remnant tho, for example, if you have 100 hours to spare and are willing to learn some new things.


But Last Remnant is indeed one I can see myself playing eventually.

I never thought I would hear myself saying this but the score for Silent Hill 2 is pretty brilliant.

Why not? And yes. Too bad we'll never get a proper PC remaster.

Dr Dogg

It's more of Witcher 3, Witcher 3 is great.

But I'm still in Skellige and Act 1. That would be like binging on desert before finishing off the main course. Guess I better pull my finger out. Good job my copy of Transformers isn't turning up until 25th November and AssCreed is back to a 2nd class PC citizen.

More possible sex scenes?

Because nothing gets me more titillated than wonky 3d models bumping and clipping into one another.
Morning everyone!

Decided to start right from the beginning with Wasteland 2 so right now I'm downloading the Director's Cut version and I plan to start fresh again.

The game is a good time sink even if I didn't play for more than 20 hours last time, I hope things will be different by now. It's such a nice game to play in those lazy Sundays after a long week, can't wait. :)

Good to see you back here Monk!

Dr Dogg

uh. Arkham Knight is a lot darker that previous Arkham games tone wise isn't it? I don't recall characters dying much in earlier games.

Remember the big bad is Scarecrow after all. I've got many issues with Arkham Knight but story beats worked quite well, especially playing it in isolation due to no internet at the time. Surprised you've not caught any spoilers yet.



Another item added to the (wish)list.

I'd argue that the only possible entry point for Asano's works is Solanin.
Everything else is batshit insane and should be approached with extra care and it's better to get accustomed a bit with his (her?) nonsense before going all in.


Cool video, I never checked out the film adaptation, but I guess I should!

Anyway, IIRC I started with some collection of short stories and then Solanin in a point in my life when I was a depressed "freeter" myself (driving a scooter, even!), so you can just imagine how hard it could hit me.

(and I still have to finish Punpun, because when it was published in Italy, I missed the second to last issue that got quickly out of print, and only got to complete it recently)

Given who published it, I'm not surprised.
Punpun has some crazy things, like other Asano's works, but it's also ground in reality so much that it hits hard and it hurts. Go finish it!


Where can I sign up for cloning?
I really need it nowadays. So many games, so little time. Every gamer's first world problem. -_-

It's kinda pointless, as you can't share you steam library anyway, not while you are using it, but having like 3 or 4 (gog, consoles, etc) of me linked in one supergamer surely would help.
OK, I'll sign for it too, although, I should be signed for cloned AIs now when I think about it.
Remember the big bad is Scarecrow after all. I've got many issues with Arkham Knight but story beats worked quite well, especially playing it in isolation due to no internet at the time. Surprised you've not caught any spoilers yet.

Unless your post is a spoiler.

I usually am able to avoid most things being spoiled. Except when some shit head came into a thread and ruined the twists in The Dark Knight Rises.



Remember the big bad is Scarecrow after all. I've got many issues with Arkham Knight but story beats worked quite well, especially playing it in isolation due to no internet at the time. Surprised you've not caught any spoilers yet.

The Arkham Knight is Chico.

Have you considered cloning?

Would a game played by a clone of mine deliver the same experience to me? Or would it be like watching a LP? Would that clone be really me in the first place? Or just a mountain of flesh? Would the memorys of my clone really be his memorys? Would it be incest to have sex with your clone?

Question over Question, Snake must've had a hard life.

It's time again. What disappointments could the next Humble Bundle be?

Humble Yearly Bundle, pay 100$ a year and receive one bundle of an undisclosed quantity and quality.


Would a game played by a clone of mine deliver the same experience to me? Or would it be like watching a LP? Would that clone be really me in the first place? Or just a mountain of flesh? Would the memorys of my clone really be his memorys? Would it be incest to have sex with your clone?

Question over Question, Snake must've had a hard life.

Play SOMA to get some answers. Not for the sex thing though.

Dr Dogg

Unless your post is a spoiler.

I usually am able to avoid most things being spoiled. Except when some shit head came into a thread and ruined the twists in The Dark Knight Rises.


But if I said it was a spoiler wouldn't that in fact be spoiling things anyway? You know like folks who can't help themselves going 'wow that was a great twist at the end' when they've gone and watched a film that's just come out. Then all I'm thinking about is 'oh great so now I get that there's a twist' and build it up to be a whole lot of nothing because I end up overanalysing the film instead of letting it play out organically. And then there will always be someone 'well it's not the ending/spoiler that matters but the journey' but nah that's rubbish because all the set up, the misdirection or various threads and mcguffin's are just laid to waste.

Imagine watching The Usual Suspect if you already knew the ending? The Sixth Sense? Be a bit bloody pointless as everything about them leads up to that very end moment. Christ even Se7en would pretty much be ruined if you saw one particular member of the cast at the intro credits about a quarter of the way through as you'd be thinking 'I bet it's him' and you'd be fucking right.


Given who published it, I'm not surprised.
Punpun has some crazy things, like other Asano's works, but it's also ground in reality so much that it hits hard and it hurts. Go finish it!

Yeah, based Planet Manga!
also, fuck them! I believe I'm the only idiot who never got to cash in with their first editions, especially since my gf favorite pastime is telling me how she got rich selling her first edition Naruto #1 complete with stickers and whatnot :'(

Anyway, Punpun it has just been indefinitely posponed because I decided to re-read Infinite Jest in English, so I guess by the time I'll finish it, Asano'll have changed sex back and forth at least another three or four times. :(
It's kinda pointless, as you can't share you steam library anyway, not while you are using it, but having like 3 or 4 (gog, consoles, etc) of me linked in one supergamer surely would help.
OK, I'll sign for it too, although, I should be signed for cloned AIs now when I think about it.

I'll create another steam account then and play via family sharing. So that would be 2 of me. Another one will be playing an mmo all day. Every night, all of the gaming experience will be absorbed into my main mind, and I'll wake up with a big smile every morning.

I guess it's the sign that I had enough internet for today.


I miss out the good old times. What's the best bundle that Humble put in those time?

it probably is a tie between HIB9, THQ old one and SE first.
fake edit: almost forgot WB bundle, so probably I'm forgetting more good

real edit: yeah I do, Star Wars bundle was the best, unfortunately it came after I bought all games on steam, that's why I forgot it.

I'll create another steam account then and play via family sharing. So that would be 2 of me. Another one will be playing an mmo all day. Every night, all of the gaming experience will be absorbed into my main mind, and I'll wake up with a big smile every morning.

damn, I totally forgot about MMOs! There is no end of clones we would need MMOs included.

locked in 3 2 1


I actually wanted to do that last WE, but i ended up playing Until Dawn. I gotta admit, mistakes were made.

Not good? Even ignoring the unhealthy amount of GAF hype based on it being a PS4 exclusive I got the impression it's a pretty solid game.


The next four weeks see the launch of three Telltale episodes, as Minecraft: Story Mode's season overlaps with the finales for the developer's Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands series. Telltale also has its upcoming The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series ready to launch just after Christmas

Interesting tidbit from Eurogamer review for Minecraft


I thought Deques already proved that it will be or Origin or Uplay bundle, you only should be guessing which one, but it's likely an Origin one.

that's every bundle

I believe that Origin bundle occurs once in a year. So it's unlikely that it will be one. UPlay bundle I don't know. It's been two this year and one last year

Dr Dogg


I guess it's the sign that I had enough internet for today.

You know I get that gaming as a hobby is in a tricky transitional spot for some people with established models slowly fading away the past decade with more and more movement toward service products than boxed products from the big boys, retailer exclusive preorders for any title, microtransactions planed as part of the game's design, online only titles in single player experiences etc, etc but to say crowdfunding is a bad thing let alone the worst is just fucking crackers. I'd love an example as to why.


I believe that Origin bundle occurs once in a year. So it's unlikely that it will be one. UPlay bundle I don't know. It's been two this year and one last year

I was just kidding because of our HIB talk the other week
although it being really one of those wouldn't surprise me tbh

Is there any publisher who normally done a bundle who hasn't yet?

glad you asked, as I'm keep repeating we still need to get that Capcpom


With all bulshit we gotta deal in this hobby, that dude chose method that at very least free us some space from tired AAA circlejerk as worst thing at gaming.

Great opinion right there.
there used to be nuance to gaf's discussions. it feels like something is either garbage or the greatest thing ever these days.

I miss when gaf was a smaller community and drive-by shitty posters with poorly thought out opinions got shat on. but maybe gaf was never that way and im just being an old crank
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