Delicious when roasted or fried.
Looking lovely. Ever since Flashback Demo on Amiga500 I fell in love with 2D sci-fi pixel adventures.
you poor soul
you poor soul
In the right sandwich it tastes great, various big restaurants like Fridays, Slider Station, etc. have a few sandwiches that have it among its ingredients.
No, that's fine that would only make things worse. I would prefer just not to come back.Aww LeafWe can ban Halo2/Cuphead for you.
Hardly.Wow, first time happened right? Positive review revocation en masse?
The main char is pretty much anime Jesus
I think Zesty will attract PC gamers from the gameplay side rather than characters and story.
In Xillia I liked it more when it was just the main 3 at the start, really great chemistry between them.
Glad to see folks liking my favorite vegetable. Also good morning, SteamGAF.
No, that's fine that would only make things worse. I would prefer just not to come back.
Barely a spoiler since you got a 25% chance of that always being the case with the MC.
Not sure how people will react to Zesteria. Granted if they even play it. I know there is going to be some people here that still hate JRPGs afterwards and a Tales game plotline will probably drive them away more. Basically, people who already like Tales games will enjoy it and people who don't or are not big fans of JRPGs won't. The combat and side plot stuff will win some over. That's my guess.
more like 75%
Jaw please, it's not that high.
Barely a spoiler since you got a 25% chance of that always being the case with the MC.
Not sure how people will react to Zesteria. Granted if they even play it. I know there is going to be some people here that still hate JRPGs afterwards and a Tales game plotline will probably drive them away more. Basically, people who already like Tales games will enjoy it and people who don't or are not big fans of JRPGs won't. The combat and side plot stuff will win some over. That's my guess.
I mean I hear the combat is good anyway.
Yeah I guess. Better safe than sorry.
Tales games to me are pretty much "generic anime - the game". If you don't already like that kind of stuff I doubt Zestiria will win you over. The combat alone isn't enough to carry the game.
Nah, fried green peppers are the bestest.Speaking of Vegetables, Roasted Tomatoes are the GOAT
Try them with Kebab or Iranian food and its a party in yo mouth X3
Waiting for Owarimonogatari and still ponder about Human Resource Machine and Sniper Elite III.Sure is a slow saturday in here.
Sure is a slow saturday in here.
Everyone is probably playing video games!
Everyone is probably playing video games!
Everyone is probably playing video games!
You know it's true.
I'm watching Baaayyyeeeernnnn. Winning of course, because the Bundesliga is a one team league and Bayern have won the title already.
Not sure how people will react to Zesteria. Granted if they even play it. I know there is going to be some people here that still hate JRPGs afterwards and a Tales game plotline will probably drive them away more. Basically, people who already like Tales games will enjoy it and people who don't or are not big fans of JRPGs won't. The combat and side plot stuff will win some over. That's my guess.
I mean I hear the combat is good anyway.
i don't know how to activate it
restarted my PC made them work againAre you 100% sure those are the latest versions of the extensions?
He just harbours a deep dislike towards me because, from his perspective, I created an "avatar cult" and only do things such as key giveaways and Family Sharing raffles for attention. It's no skin off my nose, though.
It seems DS4 doesn't work with Broforce too, as soon as I start a game, Broforce spawn a second player and controls go to hell.
Hide DS4 controller doesn't work for me.
Everyone is probably playing video games!
I've played most (if not all) mainline Tales of games and I considered myself a huge Tales of games fan. However, I only actually finish like 5 or 6 of them, Phantasia, Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, and Xilia are the ones that I remember clearly. I easily lost my interest in the series. It's not the pinneacle of JRPG, but it's not a bad series as well. I know Zestiria will be mediocre as usual Tales of games, but I keep coming back to the series.
you poor soul
Everyone is probably playing video games!
AC: Syndicate comes out next week? Didnt even know about that. Thought it comes out next month or so.
Creating a .bat file to kill explorer on the fly ended up being a better option for me, since I don't use my controller all the time, and killing explorer makes a third of the system tray icons disappear. Let's you disconnect and reconnect if you want too.There are a lot of games that will give you double inputs.
It's worth it to set up the script to boot on windows login to fix the hide DS4 errors. It's not like it's hard, it takes like 3 minutes.
Open text file > paste script > edit to match your file locations > save as... > [somename].bat > open control panel > create new scheduled task > run batch file 30s after logging in > ???? > profit.
College football kills my Saturday's in the Fall.Only five people on my fried list shows as playing a game.
1 - Messiah
2 - Leafhopper
3 - Se7enSword
4 - Uzzy
5 - Rayge
6 - Deques
7 - Spirited?
8 -
Everyone's welcome to join!
It seems DS4 doesn't work with Broforce too, as soon as I start a game, Broforce spawn a second player and controls go to hell.
Hide DS4 controller doesn't work for me.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Showtime!
1 - Messiah
2 - Leafhopper
3 - Se7enSword
4 - Uzzy
5 - Rayge
6 - Deques
7 - Spirited?
8 - Nabs
Everyone's welcome to join!
Am I the only one who doesn't think Fallout 4 is that graphically impressive? Kinda disappointing tbh.
It does bug out for me sometimes. Have to do it twice. Once with it connected,press any key, then again, I click button, unplug, then reconnect USB, then press any any. Assuming the reconnection doesn't automatically trigger the "any key"1) the people in that thread completely missed the Hide DS4 option (it's an old thread from February). I guess no one bothered to point it out.
2) Hide DS4 has been broken in Windows 10 since launch. If you're using Inputmapper, you need to use one of the workarounds (batch file for instance). If you're using DS4Windows you need to just click that connect button before hand.
They should scale back cyberpunk. Bigger than w3... What are they thinking? Sometimes too much is a bad thing. Make it roughly around w3 give or take.
I'd be down to play if you guys are cool with that. I haven't played SG in about a year.