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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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i'm not sure why y'all think dark souls 2 is easier

because i've played through half of dark souls 1 at slvl1 naked and I've beaten most of that on my first try

you people are cray cray man

dark souls 2 is annoying, aaaaanonyiiiiing

yes i couldn't git gud


It is a convoluted mess on Steam. Maybe UPlay is better. Steam will show you stuff you have as not bought and shit. Also Freedom Cry can be bought separately as a +1 along with already having it under the base game. Ubi.

What I can say is the Gold Edition is all DLCs minus the "time-savers" bullshit. So Standard Edition + SP will be missing some DLCs which I think were preorder stuff.

EDIT - They are selling Gold for 15 just get that version and it should have all DLC minus the time-savers.

Thanks, I'll get the Gold Edition later today, and Freedom Cry mainly as I like the design of the MC in that :p
Thanks for the impressions.

Rising Tide doesn't sound like enough to make me love BE, unfortunately. The core issue I have with it is the lack of, I don't know, flavour. Even with all these changes, it just feels like a stripped down Civilization 5 that's lacking in variables and interesting stuff to do, probably because it's shackled by being a Civilization game. I'm hoping their (presumed) late-game expansion will make the game shine for me.

Now that I think of it, I own Alpha Centauri. I really oughta fire it up and experience it for real some time.

If there wasn't some redeeming quality to Beyond Earth vanilla for you, I don't think Rising Tide will be enough to win you over. It definitely needs an expansion to fix its late-game. I'm interested to see what they choose to address with Rising Tide when they patch it. The Winter Update made vanilla playable and enjoyable for me. Hoping for something similar with RT.


i'm not sure why y'all think dark souls 2 is easier

because i've played through half of dark souls 1 at slvl1 naked and I've beaten most of that on my first try

you people are cray cray man

dark souls 2 is annoying, aaaaanonyiiiiing

yes i couldn't git gud
probably because everyone had dark souls experience by 2
Dark Souls 2 is much harder than the first one IMO too and I did all the LVL1 shenanigans and such before playing it (on day1 that is). It requires you to totally change your playstyle if your old strategy in DkS1 was rolling rolling rolling.

Brilliant game.

dark souls 2 feels so bad for me it decided to despawn most of the enemies


Good luck trying to grind them for pity XP now :3
dark souls 2 feels so bad for me it decided to despawn most of the enemies



Also, nice edit.


Dark Souls 2 is much harder than the first one IMO too and I did all the LVL1 shenanigans and such before playing it (on day1 that is). It requires you to totally change your playstyle if your old strategy in DkS1 was rolling rolling rolling.

Brilliant game.

yeah I thought I was crazy, strict dodge timing, enemy attack pattern, spawns and a lot of stuff made the game harder, like I must be missing this optimised build that makes this game a cakewalk


yeah I thought I was crazy, strict dodge timing, enemy attack pattern, spawns and a lot of stuff made the game harder, like I must be missing this optimised build that makes this game a cakewalk

Make sure to invest in adaptability (technically agility, but adaptability is the best way to get it) if you are having trouble with dodge timing. The base dodge roll has way too few i-frames, but with a bit of agility you can get up to DS1 levels of i-frames, or even more.


to be fair, neither game is too hard, they definitely have trying sections and some very hard bosses but anyone with the right souls mindset can go through them if you're resilient enough

i've beaten both multiple times and i still find dks1 a lot harder. bosses take more hits to kill, there's a lot of platforming areas like crystal caves and anor londo and sen's fortress and lack of warping from the start means backtracking for grinding or upgrades or whatever is more annoying.

dks2 is pretty easy outside of obnoxious ranged enemy filled places like iron keep and shrine of amana
The dodge timing is only harder because of ADP. Get ADP up to 20 and dodging is as useful as in DS. The more ADP (and in turn Agility) you have, the more invincibility frames you have when dodging. It's a dumb mechanic.

DS2 is not a hard game.
The dodge timing is only harder because of ADP. Get ADP up to 20 and dodging is as useful as in DS. The more ADP (and in turn Agility) you have, the more invincibility frames you have when dodging. It's a dumb mechanic.

DS2 is not a hard game.

Yeah, I know. I would argue it's a dumb mechanic too, but it does make the game much harder by comparison if you just try to DkS1 your way through.

If DkS2 is "not a hard game", then DkS1 isn't either. One can then ask him/herself "what is an hard game"


Yeah, I know. I would argue it's a dumb mechanic too, but it does make the game much harder by comparison if you just try to DkS1 your way through.

If DkS2 is "not a hard game", then DkS1 isn't either. One can then ask him/herself "what is an hard game"

they're both challenging and demanding games

but I think DS2 demands a lot more, from what I've played it seems like they're going all "itagaki" with all the design choices


Yeah, I know. I would argue it's a dumb mechanic too, but it does make the game much harder by comparison if you just try to DkS1 your way through.

If DkS2 is "not a hard game", then DkS1 isn't either. One can then ask him/herself "what is an hard game"

Just saying :p


Yeah, I know. I would argue it's a dumb mechanic too, but it does make the game much harder by comparison if you just try to DkS1 your way through.

If DkS2 is "not a hard game", then DkS1 isn't either. One can then ask him/herself "what is an hard game"
it's just not that demanding of a game, only thing it asks of you is that you don't lose it and rage after dying like 20 times

if you pay attention you should be able to win with very little mechanical skill, it's like a puzzle, kinda. what's awesome is that it also rewards mechanical skill and deep knowledge of the game's mechanics

but yeah it's not bayonetta or one of those crazy schmups or fighting games
or mobas
that actually take a lot of complicated mechanical skill/decisionmaking


contra hard corps

now that was a hard game

lol Bayonetta is not hard at all. nor is Bayonetta 2

should have said Ninja Gaiden Black
was just a random game i find difficult myself. maybe i'm wrong, haven't played it in years. last time i tried i quickly realized 15 fps is not a fun way to play videogames. maybe vanquish instead?

i didn't say ninja gaiden because ninja gaiden is garbage


lol Bayonetta is not hard at all. nor is Bayonetta 2

should have said Ninja Gaiden Black

yeah NG is closer to dark souls game (a shit ton slower) than all of the Clover/Capcom/PG games, latter is all about reflexes, if you could press dodge when you see/hear an enemie attack you're good to go

Just saying :p

Bfft, call me when bullet hell shooters get actual hitboxes instead of those 1px ones ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I really should play Ikaruga though. I have wanted to play it since it came out on DC, then on GC and now I do own it on PC.


There are also good and bad kinds of hard.

For example, if, after you fail, you have to restart and go for something like an hour repeating stuff that is no longer challenging only to have one more attempt at hard again, it's bad. The game might be a winner on "hard" for all I care, but I am not likely to do much with it. And that's just one example.

Why is that important? Because whether a particular kind of hard is "good" or "bad" - and I get that it's half-subjective - likely matters more than the degree of hard.
Yeah, I know. I would argue it's a dumb mechanic too, but it does make the game much harder by comparison if you just try to DkS1 your way through.

If DkS2 is "not a hard game", then DkS1 isn't either. One can then ask him/herself "what is an hard game"

Yeah I should have said "DS2 is not harder than DS", except for maybe a few bullshit encounters.

Some mechanics are different from DS, but in general the same approach works for both games in my experience.


i think the main thing to look for in difficulty is transparency and reliability.

is the game making apparent why you're dying/losing and is it teaching you how not to? and is the game following the rules it's set up for you?

this is why anime avatars get no respect

now Ninja Gaiden Sigma? yea that's garbage
i played the ps3 one


no zky

bad zky!
the baddest >:3

i wanna play that game

but fucking konami

i should probably get it on my ps3 before they remove it from the store...
www.xxfree1001emuromsxx.com.ru is ur friend

the morally unjust thing is to deny hard corps the play it so desperately wants

Contra: Hard Corps, not Hard Corps: Uprising.


you missed one of my favorite games of all times

just look at the insanity of this first level: https://youtu.be/8aI_EE_eA-I?t=45

there's been some amazing first levels in the history of videogames, from final fantasy 7 to bioshock to metal gear to planescape torment (and probably some way better choices that i can't come up with at 5 am)

but i have to say, that might be my favorite


I didn't own a genesis

maybe you guys shouldn't bring up games that were made 2 decades ago when we're talking about modern games you weirdos


Anyone know why Witcher 3 controls seem to bugout, I'm using the controller but the game kind of switches between M/K and Controller so the interface chances back and fort constantly but I control the game with the controller just fine.o_O


i think snes > genesis is right in like amount of good games or whatever, but contra hard corps is like the best game on the console so srsly play that thing

you can play with a werewolf guy with sunglasses and like a machinegun arm

there's so many ridiculous bossfights with transforming robots and messed up shit

it has like 6 different endings and branching paths with different bosses and levels

there's so many fucking explosions

just look at this fucking insane boss, it's like a labcoat guy that has a machine that like merges the dna of two regular game enemies and creates mutated versions of them

it's fucking amazing


both consoles were pretty great, my family only had a genesis cos snes were super rare here and argieland had mostly pirated genesis cartridges made in brazil or something

for most of my life i had no clue that you could even pirate genesis cartridges, but i guess that explains why most kids i knew had a genesis

i still got to play a shit ton of snes thanks to emulation during my teen years and ofc i have super fond memories of the games in that console: super mario world and rpg, zelda whatever, ff6, front mission, shadowrun, tactics ogre (or ogre tactics, i can't ever remember the name of that shitty game), etc. i'm sure there's more but yea, 5 am

genesis was weirder, i remember lots of wacky games like earthworm jim and vectorman and cool spot and comix zone, they all looked great, but i don't think i actually liked any of those all that much. so the two games i absolutely adored on that console were sonic and contra hard corps. sonic, i dunno, i never was any good at it and i don't remember it fondly, but contra, omg i fucking adore that game

I'm not even a big fan for nintendo franchises but man super metroid aged well

so did link to the past
i actually played through most of the metroid series (basically every game released from super metroid to metroid prime 1) and yeah, super metroid aged wonderfully
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