Digital Foundry: Bluepoint has worked directly with the codebases of some of the most talented console developers in the business, from across the globe. How long does it take to acquaint yourself with a project? Are some codebases easier to work with than others?
Marco Thrush: Every project is a unique snowflake. Sometimes things just click into place, you get a code/data drop, you compile it and can run it right away (with a mostly working PC version to boot). Other times it can take months just to get the original version of the game compiling and running again. This is mostly due to the very special build environments that are required for a codebase that just evolves over a long time at a developer. Other times it's due to not having proper archives and you have to figure out where you get that missing information/code from. All the people working here have been in the industry for a long time and had to deal with different code bases all the time, so that definitely helps as well.