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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I liked Risen 1 a lot, Risen 2 was OK. 3 slots in between 1 and 2.

I ended up really enjoying Risen 2 despite it lacking some of the magic design that went into 1. Even with the environment broken down into separate islands they were still pretty fantastically designed and a pleasure to explore. I have 3 sitting in my backlog and I'm looking forward to digging into it soon.


Nah, I give up on Human Resource Machine ._.

I was always terrible at programming at school admittedly, but I loved World of Goo and quite liked Little Inferno too so had hopes for this regardless I guess :(


I'd have to update driver to have access to DSR and gedosato didn't work for some reason when I tried a couple months ago.


Unconfirmed Member
There's a bug right now where if you drop a companion, they're gone forever. Devs know about it and are working on it. So up to that point, you should be fine, unless you're running Windows 7, where a lot of folks are getting stuttering.

I'm really enjoying Wasteland 2, but I've had to stop due to that bug. I'm at a point where a character has shown up at the end of an area and wants to join my party, but it's full. I don't want to lose the companion, so I've had to halt my playthrough for now. The devs have already fixed it internally (they did so at least two days ago), so a publicly available patch should be coming some time soon.


I watched about half of the video. Looks good enough to me. It's an AC game so you know what you're gonna get.

From the thread

Overall looks like typical Assassins Creed. If you have been on the series train this long and still enjoy it you'll like this. If you were thinking this might be a good place to start, or that this would pull in new fans then that's a no go.

Comments are funny :D People have issues with silly hat change but they are ok with pulling RPG from pocket etc. They are looking for every tiny "negative" thing to justify their decision not to purchase game. It is really boring reading same comments since ACR. And ironic thing is that people are complaining how AC is same year after year using same comments year after year :D

I get it you don't like it but if i don;t like something i am not going around ant telling how that game/thing is garbage.
Comments are funny :D People have issues with silly hat change but they are ok with pulling RPG from pocket etc. They are looking for every tiny "negative" thing to justify their decision not to purchase game. It is really boring reading same comments since ACR. And ironic thing is that people are complaining how AC is same year after year using same comments year after year :D

I get it you don't like it but if i don;t like something i am not going around ant telling how that game/thing is garbage.

I like AC games...and I'll probably get Syndicate next month (people are selling the NVIDIA codes so I'll get it that way)


ok I just can't git gud with dark souls 2 gaf

this is probably what it's like for people who thought ds1 was hard when I was confused of hooow

so I've decided I'm just going to blame the game instead!



Funny list. For sure you know like three or four points of this list, but I bet two of them are really...not so common :D

number 10



I'm going to watch some dogs and I'm going to like it

Turfster am cry

oh god that jump from 60fps dark souls to 30fps watchdogs tho...


ok I just can't git gud with dark souls 2 gaf

this is probably what it's like for people who thought ds1 was hard when I was confused of hooow

so I've decided I'm just going to blame the game instead!

Three big things I've learned about DS games:

1) Learn how the (often obtuse and unfair) weapon upgrade system works. Then upgrade your shit.

2) If you get stuck, grind for levels and materials (for upgrading etc.). You can brute force your way through most places.

3) Run if you don't need the souls or items. There's no shame in beelining to the fog gate.


Three big things I've learned about DS games:

1) Learn how the (often obtuse and unfair) weapon upgrade system works. Then upgrade your shit.

2) If you get stuck, grind for levels and materials (for upgrading etc.). You can brute force your way through most places.

3) Run if you don't need the souls or items. There's no shame in beelining to the fog gate.

I don't think grinding really helps in my position, just probably allows me to take 1 or 2 more hits at best, upgrading weapons do help tho because it helps killing enemies a lot quicker, but right now it's not helping because I just seem to suck at actually dealing with enemies where I couldn't learn minor things like an enemy hitting me while I'm attacking it because it's not staggering, my weapons having slow start up time while getting owned by multiple mobs, and other stuff.

edit: I think I'll go back and try another weapon before calling it quits

let me finish murdering all these people first in washdogs


Paint it Back has some really nice large puzzles.
Stuff that wouldn't work on SNES/DS due to screen resolution.
It's just that... 20x20 seems to be sweet spot between challenge and tedium for me, so having to solve 40x40 ones... Well, let's just say spending more than half an hour on one picross puzzle does seem weird to me.

Still a heartily recommendation, best Picross game on Steam hands down.

All paintings are solvable without guessing on Normal and Pro. On Master, some of the paintings are pretty tough and you'll run out of normal logic tricks to solve them. I'm working on a "marking" mode now that'll help with those.
We'll see if there are indeed puzzles that require guesswork, or if the dev's just talking about the need to use advanced prediction techniques.



Funny list. For sure you know like three or four points of this list, but I bet two of them are really...not so common :D
Hideo Kojima Hates Being Called "Kojima-San"
But in the JP ver. of MGS1, the director of Tokimeki series has a voice clip thanking him and he calls him 'Kojima-san'
Either way, your 'directing' has its flaws though :p

Nice trivia though.


But in the JP ver. of MGS1, the director of Tokimeki series has a voice clip thanking him and he calls him 'Kojima-san'
Either way, your 'directing' has its flaws though :p

Nice trivia though.

Just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean people don't call him that anyways. :p


Got my new PC up and running, which is great, but with the games that wouldn't have run well before, now I've got even more games I could be playing, haha.

Lots of long stuff too like The Witcher 3, MGSV, bunch of RPGs etc.. The instant gratification of stuff like Downwell and Broforce doesn't help getting into longer games either.


Paint it Back has some really nice large puzzles.
Stuff that wouldn't work on SNES/DS due to screen resolution.
It's just that... 20x20 seems to be sweet spot between challenge and tedium for me, so having to solve 40x40 ones... Well, let's just say spending more than half an hour on one picross puzzle does seem weird to me.

Still a heartily recommendation, best Picross game on Steam hands down.


We'll see if there are indeed puzzles that require guesswork, or if the dev's just talking about the need to use advanced prediction techniques.

I was doing so great, almost 100 puzzles without any mistakes whasoever, even large and suddenly I made an error three times in the same puzzle (starting over every time). Now I'm wondering... could it be that there is a mistake in that one. If it would be a small one I could track that down, but I'm not sure it's possible in those large ones.

edited: forgot the most important thing, no guessing was needed even once so far.


On Steam, I presume you mean, since Macross games do exist.

oh yeah i haven't paid attention to anime/japanese games since like the psx days, don't actually know of the new games!

Got my new PC up and running, which is great, but with the games that wouldn't have run well before, now I've got even more games I could be playing, haha.

and replaying the old games that will be running/looking even better!


Ok, I managed to steal three nukes from a level 4, security 45 FOB. The dude had another one but I decided to left it here, so I can steal it another time.
Also, I wonder when Konami will fix leaderboards for the game, since a lot of things I did are not here (like, there is no score at all for like half the story missions, no nuclear disposal stats, a lot of Extreme missions are missing...it's just broken).


For you.
Ok, I managed to steal three nukes from a level 4, security 45 FOB. The dude had another one but I decided to left it here, so I can steal it another time.
Also, I wonder when Konami will fix leaderboards for the game, since a lot of things I did are not here (like, there is no score at all for like half the story missions, no nuclear disposal stats, a lot of Extreme missions are missing...it's just broken).

Please pay 20$ for leaderboard insurance.


I don't think grinding really helps in my position, just probably allows me to take 1 or 2 more hits at best, upgrading weapons do help tho because it helps killing enemies a lot quicker, but right now it's not helping because I just seem to suck at actually dealing with enemies where I couldn't learn minor things like an enemy hitting me while I'm attacking it because it's not staggering, my weapons having slow start up time while getting owned by multiple mobs, and other stuff.

edit: I think I'll go back and try another weapon before calling it quits

let me finish murdering all these people first in washdogs

where r u stuck
Ok, I managed to steal three nukes from a level 4, security 45 FOB. The dude had another one but I decided to left it here, so I can steal it another time.
Also, I wonder when Konami will fix leaderboards for the game, since a lot of things I did are not here (like, there is no score at all for like half the story missions, no nuclear disposal stats, a lot of Extreme missions are missing...it's just broken).

I love how people brag about this stuff in this game. Even better when they complain about how the odds are stacked against them — looking forward to online being expanded for PC.
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