Nice!Steam keys for Little Big Adventure 1 and 2 have been added to Groupees.
If they didn't refuse to give Steam keys they wouldn't have had a shit storm
Wow, the original version of lba is now included
Nice!Steam keys for Little Big Adventure 1 and 2 have been added to Groupees.
YouTube has ads?
They always have but not if you use an adblocker.
Forever <_<
Not for me. Thanks adblockersuh
Forever <_<
YouTube has ads?
There was no joke.
YouTube Red, Redtube
Potato, potato...
They always have but not if you use an adblocker.
getting every single objective in a stage on a single first try OlliOlli2 run
YouTube has ads?
just updated idle master for the first time since the first one (yes, im THAT lazy), I dig the new version, pretty snazzy shack. also much easier to setup these days
I'm watching iZombie pilot right now.
The lead actress is pretty cute. I like her better with normal brunette hair.
I can see why Zkylon like the show.Olivia is like a cuter, less grumpier, cuter, funnier, cuter, zkylon.
just updated idle master for the first time since the first one (yes, im THAT lazy), I dig the new version, pretty snazzy shack. also much easier to setup these days
Amazing.ur the joke
Don't know about adblocker. Never seen an ad for it.
More seriously, I'd be interested if there was a way to directly reward content creators through YouTube. Guys like Arumba and Maximillion make great content that's relevant to my interests, so I'd happily throw them some cash.
Just generally filling a megacorps coffers to do shit I can already do? No chance.
Right way to lazy =3 minutes to set up the new idlemaster vs. all the time wasted idling 1x1...
Sometimes you have to choose the right way to be lazy, rhaknar-senpai.
That depends on your playstyle. Also, all the fancy jumping and lunging does have more relevance when you face more variety of enemies.
What difficulty are you playing it in?
Damn LiS Episode 2 went dark fast. (yeah i am annoying because i didn't played game with you SteamGAF and i waited all episodes to come out)
Damn LiS Episode 2 went dark fast. (yeah i am annoying because i didn't played game with you SteamGAF and i waited all episodes to come out)
It's the only way.
Now just to wait for a deal.
I'm playing on normal, and now that I think about it, I'm kind of hoping that the lunge ISN'T all that important, since I have yet to figure out how to activate it consistently. The instructions just say to "attack after coming to a stop". Despite a "lunge" attack being "stop then attack" being really, really counterintuitive, I just can't get it to activate every single time. I can do what feels like the same stop -> attack timing 10 times in a row and only get two lunges out of it.
I pre-ordered game XD
ok now that's just crazy
Right way to lazy =
nah like, i preordered it myself, but like, cmon, just play it -__-I preordered too.
Sometimes, you just gotta have faith... and then it'll be rewarded a thousandfold.
i use a dark skin for youtube, forgot the name of the extension, but works really wellI just use Magic Actions For Youtube on Chrome...don't have to deal with ads or anything
plus I can go dark theme there too
how can u not like chloeeHrm, guess I'll give LiS another shot, despite not caring for Chloe at all..
i use a dark skin for youtube, forgot the name of the extension, but works really well
how can u not like chloee
Hrm, guess I'll give LiS another shot, despite not caring for Chloe at all..
In years past we've always counted episodic games by the date of their first episode, not their last. Having one or the other is good because if several episodes of the same game release in different years, it keeps the game from being eligible twice. However, this caused massive confusion last year with The Wolf Among Us.
Tales from the Borderlands got a single vote last year, placing it in 57th place.
If everyone agrees, we might change that rule this year to only allow episodic games whose last episode released that year rather than the first. Thoughts?
You really shouldn't be complaining about the enemies being easy to kill then. Normal doesn't provide much of a challenge against grunts or bosses.
Anyways, are you using a m+kb setup or controller?
Just look at the feet. press the direction you want to move, as soon as the character takes one step in the animation (let it complete), immediately press the attack button and it will perform a lunge attack.